The 6 Divine Energies
Which of These 6 Divine Energies Could Reveal Your Soul’s Purpose And Create More Balance and Harmony Within Yourself?

Your soul knows exactly what it came here to do, how to grow, evolve and experience more light, love and joy. “The Dream” or The Maya we are living in made you forget who you truly are at a soul’s level. So that’s why my passion is to give people Reminders of who they truly are.
In my next video I like to share some Divine Energies that can be found both in the Divine Masculine Energy and the Divine Feminine Energy. In matter of fact why are we still separating all these different things and just don’t see them as one?
Anyway these 6 Divine Energies I am about to share with you can actually explain a lot about you, your behaviors, gifts, and talents. But also the things that make you feel drained or unpleasant. You could force yourself to become something that you are actually not or learn to work with others who can help you out!
So with no further ado let’s dive into these 6 divine energies and let’s see which one resonates most with you…
Let’s see what these 6 Divine Energies are all about.
Divine Energy number 1; The Visionary.
The visionary is the big thinker who loves to dream and think to levels the majority cannot comprehend. They think about ideas that are not done before. They push humanity to whole new levels of existence.
However visionaries might struggle with getting their ideas to the real world. Because they are such big thinkers and innovators the majority will probably make jokes about them. What they need are people who believe in their ideas and wanna make it happen for them.
Visionaries can only succeed if they team up with specialist and professionals they can delegate to. And are of course inspired by the visionary. Visionaries need to learn to trust others and to delegate the mundane and detailed day to day tasks.
Divine Energy number 2; Self Expression.
Divine Self Expression is the type of energy that is mostly found in creative, artistic and expressive people. Think about artists, writers, poets, philosophers, film makers, public speakers etc.
What’s very important for them is to align with their ideas, insights and inspirations and let it flow through them so it can be expressed by them. Their number one desire in life is to be authentic. They have to need their own voice and they must put their own label on things. Doing things that doesn’t feel like their own creation feels inauthentic and can trigger boredom or even depression and anxiety.
They will struggle with the idea of “working for money” in the sense of promoting someone else his ideas. Their main challenge in life will be to find their own voice. Accept, align and embraced their gifts and see them as meaningful. Keep practicing what they love and enjoy doing without the concern what other people might think/or don’t think/care about their ideas (as they are quite sensitive to that as well).
Divine Self Expression just want to create for the joy of creating without any conditions or expectations. This is where they will find their freedom and bliss.
Divine Energy number 3; The Healers.
Natural born healers are the old souls that came from a place of unconditional love. Then they incarnated at planet earth and realize we are still very far away from that Truth. Like we are still wondering around in a “dream” full with illusions, false & limited believes.
Healers are all about giving in a unconditional and loving way. They are very compassionate and really want to help people to see and wake up to the Truth they are.
One of the main challenges for the healers has to do with personal relationships. Changes are they will probably attract people in their life that are emotional broken. The healer want to help and guide them to the Truth of unconditional love. They will give, give and give until they run out of their own juice because the broken bird is unwilling to give back. Give back unconditional love of course.
A healer need to learn to create boundaries for themselves in order to stay balanced and live in harmony. Learn to see when you can give and from who you can receive back.
Divine Energy number 4; The Builders and Creators.
Very related to the visionaries but the Divine Builder and Creators build and create businesses, wealth and abundance. A very divine masculine energy that is very focused to get things out there. Operate from logic and rationality.
Their gift is to see a supply and demand so they can offer solutions against a monetary incentive.
This is the type of energy we get exposed to the most as they are all about marketing. Their energy has shaped our modern world.
The challenge for builders and creators will be to balance their energy with one of the other divine energies if they want to last. Some of them might actually deplete their own inner self or start to lose compassion for others if their interest becomes very self centered. It’s like a warriors energy that can also destroys a lot or run over others.
In the book “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover” you can learn more about balancing the Divine Masculine Energy. I have made a very in-depth book review as it changed a lot for me.
Divine Energy number 5; Order.
Divine Order is all about organisation. A very analytical kind of energy. Thinks most about creating systems and automating things. They can work best with and for Divine Builders and Visionaries. They will thrive best in a corporate environment where they can constantly improve business procedures.
Also they might function very well in finances, online advertising or creating sales funnels.
People with OCD (Obsessive Cleaning Disorder) or autism can actually have a very strong Divine Order kind of energy. Their challenge will be to balance it with compassion for others for example.
Divine Energy number 6; Blueprinters.
Divine Blueprinters are very holistic people looking at overall “systems.” For example the human blueprint of genetics. They are very passionate about the research of our DNA origin. Was Darwin right or maybe not? Did God put us here on Earth or is our DNA evolved from a Hybrid? If we have evolved from a Hybrid, what kind of Hybrid?
Extra-Terrestrial perhaps?
They wanna look at what is, why that is, and they want to improve and optimize that what is not longer working. Or least it has to work in a better way.
Blueprinters can also have very strong links to the Divine Healers Energy. They can work very well as a Energy Healers for example. Or even do planetary healing work. Optimizing the Earth energetic grid fields for example.
Blueprinters might also be very strong visionaries that might be struggling with primitive thoughts and collective ideas from our current society. They are not here to fit in but to create a new and better world. They actually might be very advanced spiritual souls which they recognize at a much deeper level but disapprove by their own way of thinking. Thinking that was learned by our primitive society.
Which of these 6 divine energies resonated most with you? Or which one would you like to have more of? Please let me know by leaving a comment below.
Hi – thanks for all your videos. They are really helping me. I was wondering if you were going to do another video as to what we can do to change our divine energy because I am totally divine energy number 3 & it’s finally become A real big problem in my life right now. I realize how emptied out I am from going so long being codependent.
Thanks again for the videos.
Thanks Jennifer for your lovely comment. Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and to my mailing to stay up to date with all my future videos and posts.