Discover My Best Manifestation Techniques That Really Work While Evolving Into Unity Consciousness.

We all want to know the secret manifestation techniques for getting what we want. Seeking for the holy grail for mastering The Law of Attraction. However what most of us miss is something that I will reveal in my next video. This secret is very interconnected with The Law of Attraction. Once you have mastered this manifestation technique you never have to worry again about manifesting what you want because it always will be within your experience.

My Best Manifestation Techniques That Really Works Mastering This One Thing;

In the Spiritual New Age Community we are getting bombarded with terms like Unity Consciousness and Raising Your Vibrational Frequency. But what exactly does that all mean? How can we integrate these nice fancy words and concepts into your experience of reality?

If we can use words we use thoughts, thoughts can become feelings and feelings can be a doorstep to Higher Consciousness or Unity Consciousness.

How did I came across this knowledge about mastering these powerful manifestation techniques?

First of all I would like you to understand that I consider myself more of a student of this ancient knowledge. I am still far away from being a Enlightened Guru as I am learning, exploring and resisting this concept as well. However I am a very strong believer in Learning, Practice, & Sharing The Integrated Experience.

What exactly is Unity Consciousness and why is this important to study?

Unity Consciousness refer to the experience of Oneness. You can experience Oneness in Unconditional (Self) Love. Unconditional Love has a very powerful vibrational frequency that can give you a instant experience of connection, abundance, joy, presence, healing, peace and much more!

This type of experience overcomes all sensations of lack, isolation, the illusion of separation, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress! Raising your vibrational frequency to Love or Above is not something you do it’s more about remembering your True Self! Unconditional love is your original blueprint as a soul. We have just lost touch with this part!

The reason we not connected with this part is because we are living behind a mask, a facade! We want to match up with certain type of conditions and expectations that society project on us. We live in a society that sometimes can feel a bit narcissistic because of the so called perfect image we want to create for ourselves. Success, status and materialism. We are always working on some sort of a goal or a outcome that is yet to happen. Therefore we are very future orientated. There is nothing wrong with having dreams, goals and desires to improve yourself personally and professionally.

What become a challenge though is these conditions and expectations can disconnect us from the present moment. Being so future orientated can cause stress, worry and anxiety. All of this can create more the illusion that we are separated from ourselves, each-other,  the world around us, nature, and from the things we want to experience.

So how can Unity Consciousness help us to create the life we want to experience?

As you saw in my video I scratched a bit the surface of quantum physics. I spoke about the cells in your body. Diving deeper into these cells make you realize that the smallest particle is the Light Particle or The Photon. Scientific research reveals that when you split up a light particle and “separate” them several miles they are still connected!

That means that we are actually Lightbodies in a physical body or vehicle. Through this Lightbody we can move beyond the limitation of Space-Time and access various states of consciousness, dimensions or so called densities.

Moving up through this awareness makes you realize that we are NOT separated from the reality we want to experience. Making it real for ourselves creates the illusion that we are separated from whatever we want to experience.

So How Can You Apply Unity Consciousness Into This Powerful Manifestation Technique?

In Buddhism they the root cause of human suffering is to desire. Because when you desire something you create the feeling that you lack something. Therefore you stay separated from that you want to experience.

To attract or create the reality you want to experience you have to feel the feeling that you already have it or that is already part of you. You BE-Come ONE with it. You have to BE it in order to experience it. That’s how you fine-tune your vibrational frequency.

How Do You Practice This Powerful Manifestation Technique?

Feel the Joy, Love & Excitement for that you want to experience. If you can’t feel that then this might actually not be your purpose but maybe a idea that someone else labeled as “happiness.” Feel your own feelings is and will be your guidance towards your purpose. Experience the things you don’t want before you can experience the clarity for what you do want.

Become very aware and mindful over your thoughts, feelings and emotions while you are in this process. Feel what feels contracted and feel the glimpses of joy and excitement in order to navigate your way back home.

A great reminder is; if a specific kind of activity feels joyful, creative, inspired, it makes you feel present and you love to share it without any expectations or conditions then this might actually be your calling. Why? Because you LOVE the JOY of Creating, you create for the joy of creating!

The Good News and the NOT so Good News…

The Good News is that you are already a being of Unconditional Love that can find his satisfaction in giving and sharing. Love is the Essence of your soul, this is just who you are!

The NOT so good news is is that the light of our soul has dimmed down because of the conditions from our society and personal upbringing. All these various experiences made us feel fearful, anxious, doubtful, ashamed, guilty, angry you name it! Lower consciousness is what makes you feel stuck in the mud dragging a anchor on your back.

Your real life purpose is to let go of the anchor, shake of the mud or dirt from your soul and shine your let. I call this process; “ReMembering.” Remember who you truly are before this world told you who you had to be. And Re-Member or Re-Unite the vibrational frequency of Love, Joy and Light. You can do this through Mindfulness, Meditation and Self Healing.

One of the best ways to do this is through a Heart Awakening Meditation. There is a Guided Meditation that I can highly recommend which you can follow through this page. Also through this page you can learn more about raising your vibrational frequency.

I am very curious, what is it that you got out of this post? What kind of reality you want to create for yourself and what is it that is currently holding you back to start experiencing that?

Please leave a comment below and let me know!

Thank for reading this post and watching my videos. See ya next time!

Jean-Paul Blommaert

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