Is Your “Extrinsic Motivation” Draining You? Here Are 5 Tips To Get In Touch With Your “Intrinsic Motivation” And Get Motivated Again!

extrinsic motivationDo you struggle with your motivation and wonder how to get motivated again? Perhaps you are feeling stressed, anxious and even a bit burn-outed and simply can’t get the juices of inspiration and motivation flowing again!? Well in that case you might be just chasing down your “Extrinsic Motivation” and you are NOT acting from your Intrinsic Motivations! In this blog post plus video you learn the difference between Inspiration versus Motivation. The difference between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations and 5 tips to get in touch with your motivation again that last!

Extrinsic Motivation Draining You? 5 Tips On Getting Clear On Your Intrinsic Motivation!

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The Difference Between Motivation Versus Inspiration.

What is Inspiration? In the way I look at inspiration I see it as something that “flow through you” and expressed by you. Like you are on fire. A energetic force that is infinite and that comes in the form of new ideas, insights and guidance. To Be Inspired means to “Be In Spirit.” Motivation on the other hand is something much more concrete and almost tangible. It’s your Motives to go and actually do something! Goals & Intentions!

How Do You Get Inspired?

Inspiration can come from the most unexpected corners and moments in life. Maybe while taking a shower in the morning, listening to a nice piece of music, reading a book, walking on the street or in nature, working out, creating art, driving or traveling in a train, have conversations with people, attending workshops, seminars and training’s you name it! We have all received inspiration in one way or another but most of the time we don’t pay attention to it. Our mind will easily find a way to judge it because your minds primary job is to make sure to keep you safe and secure. Doing something new can feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar and that is something your mind will resist in all ways as possible. Therefore we start to block our inspirations by not paying attention to it and by NOT acting upon it. And that’s why you feel a lack of motivation right now!

Are You Focusing On The “Wrong Kind of Motivation?”

First of all let’s not judge anything with Good or Right, but from the stand point of what works best for you, shall we? Because for some people Extrinsic Motivation can work very well. For example my girlfriend who is a Taurus loves to make money and buying things, she loves coming home and spend time counting her money and savings. As a Pisces myself it’s all about “The Feeling” for me. Does it Feel Right? So Intrinsic Motivation are much more important for me! Eventually it all comes down at “Know Thyself!”

So What Are Extrinsic Motivation Exactly?

Things that you can get in your external world such as approval, recognition, money, success, social media likes, comments, shares, subscribers etc. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and can definitely a great sign of accomplishments, work-ethic, service to others etc but if your only intention is to get these external things in order to be happy about yourself you could be missing the point. You could potentially be on a path of feeling restless, stress, anxious, empty, unfilled, dissatisfied to eventually a complete burn-out.

First Getting In Touch With Your Intrinsic Motivation And Let All The Extrinsic Things Simply Unfold?

Intrinsic Motivation is the focus on what it is that you REALLY WANT TO DO RIGHT NOW! What is it that makes you feel better? How do you want to feel? Do you want to feel productive, creative, powerful, confidence, consistent, persistent, connected, satisfied and fulfilled? If you can shift your focus and your activities based on how you want to feel and let go of the expectations of “trying to get something” you could experience much more inspiration and motivation that last and is sustainable!

Tip #1; Getting clear on your Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations!

Make a list of the things you are doing right now or not doing right now that you actually should be doing. Make a column of your Extrinsic Motivations & Intrinsic Motivations. For example making Sales Calls. Do you have to make sales calls because YOU HAVE to Make Money but Making Money doesn’t really satisfied you any longer? Then write down this experience in the column of Extrinsic Motivations. Do you WANT to make Sales Calls because you want to feel productive, give your customers a great service and experience because of the solutions you provide? Then write down this way of looking at things in the column of Intrinsic Motivations.

Same for your fitness. Do you workout because you someday you want to have “a perfect body” but it seems to take forever? Write down this perception under the column of Extrinsic Motivations. Do you WANT to work out because you want to feel the discipline, persistent and consistency? Also you want to experience the feeling of accomplishment? Then write this down in the column of Intrinsic Motivations. I think you now get the point, right?

Tip #2; Ask Yourself How You Can Become A Better Giver?

YouTube is now full with videos on how to get likes, views, subscribers, money, beautiful and sexy looks etc. Again nothing wrong with that but if you want to connect more with your Intrinsic Motivations then start your day by asking yourself how you can become a better “Giver” or Service Provider.

Tip #3; Get In Touch With Your Why, Get In Touch With Your Purpose.

Start With WHY, Then How And Finally The What. For example the “What” could be a product or a service, the “How” could be the delivery or the creation of the product. The WHY is the mission behind it. It’s not only how it make you feel about yourself but how you can communicate that feeling to others. Your Purpose is doing that what you Love & Enjoy doing most!

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Tip #4; You Own It To Yourself.

Don’t do anything because you want to please others, don’t do it because you seek for approval or recognition, do it because it makes you feel better! It makes you feel productive, consistent, persistent, creative, satisfied and fulfilled. Let these feelings be your compass and let everything else simply unfold by trusting yourself, others and your manifestation process. In matter of fact doing things because how it makes you feel will also help you to trust yourself even more. And that’s how your motivation and inspiration can flow even more!

Tip #5; Now Go And Freaking Do It!

You don’t get motivated by waiting for motivation to knock on your door. You generate motivation by getting into some sort of action! What else can I say? Just Go Do It!

So what is it that you would like to do right now? Let me know by leaving your comments below!

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