Energy healing goes beyond matter and time as that is a reality of third-dimensional consciousness. By tapping into the esoteric field of existence we can connect with timelines, parallel realities, guides, and ancestors that can influence our current perception of reality. Both in a beneficial way or in a way that serves us in a way that can be judged as less beneficial. Yet, lessons can be experienced and learned by facing our shadow aspect.

Lightwork or working with our lightbody is actually shadow work. Let’s say 98% of our current perception of reality is based on ego. Our identity of what we beLIEve reality is all about. Our relationship with ourselves, others, nature, spirituality, and position in the world. Career, money, relationships, status, etc is all part of that. We can experience all these third-dimensional things as a way to remember or reconnect with our Spiritual Self. If we all live in the field of non-duality (singularity) we cannot experience ourselves in the way we currently experience ourselves.

Let’s say the other 2% is the doorway to our spiritual essence. As Rumi once said; Your Light Enters Where It Hurt The Most. Your traumatic experiences formed your whole identity (concept of lower-self). You have been walking your whole life on a path based on decisions that you projected in the present from your past experiences with the expectation it become your future as well.

The art of navigating this third-dimensional Earth plane is to give yourself some time to reflect before you make a decision based on re-action (same action over and over). Instead, take a step back; relax, and reflect so you can grow in self-awareness and consciousness. Make more conscious decisions that are more aligned with your Higher Self and your Spiritual Essence. Listen closely to your own intuitive guidance.

However, because we live in such a dense energetic plane of existence that also seems to be manipulated and controlled by dark forces it is very difficult to “see beyond the veil”. Blinded by our past trauma, triggered by current life and world events. Our past is like a splinter in our energy field vibrating its negativity attracting the same old B.S. (belief systems).

Energy Healing is like clearing yourself from these “old splinters.” Soul retrieval is healing the fragmented part of your soul that has been shattered by past trauma. Could be from this life or a past/parallel life.

Ancestral healing is breaking the spells and curses that could been passed over by your direct or indirect ancestors. For example:

I walked on my life path based on decisions that simply made the most logical sense to me. Like a calling that this is something I should do. The desire to join the Dutch Marine Corps (which was established in the 17th century during the 80-year trade war) for example when I was 17 years old. I felt the calling to travel and somewhat go through an initiation into masculinity by physical challenge. Unfortunately, I had to make the decision from my parents to go the college. I did another thing that made sense and joined a college regarding Shipping and Logistics Management. Something the Dutch are so familiar with.

Meanwhile, another thing that just made sense and felt good was to work for myself and start a car cleaning business. Work with premium brands and customers. Make my own money!

Working for a Dutch Shipping company also made a lot of sense to me. Yet, at the same time, I felt suppressed and spiritually out of alignment while doing so. Reading books like Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki gave me a major aha moment and a wake-up call. Becoming the CEO over my own life, business, and money became my obsession, and must do whatever it takes to move from the Employee quadrant to the B & I quadrant. Without bringing much consciousness into my ventures I started to struggle with major feelings of shame and guilt.

Exploring and aligning myself with a psychic medium, past life regression, and shamanic healing sessions such as ancestral healing gave me insight into my direct ancestral lineage. The connection with a wealthy merchant trader and director (Samuel Blommaert) of the WIC (West Indian Company) which was a corporation during the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century. Responsible for displacing and shipping millions of African slaves to South and Central America. Invading and interrupting the trade with many Native Americans around the Hudson and Delaware regions of the USA.

Yet at the same time, I could also see the knowledge, skills, and wisdom from having these types of ancestors. But also see the karmic debt I must clear and reverse. Bring back the animistic knowledge and wisdom we as Europeans have fought against because we believed our “civilized way” of life was the way forward. Mix these ancient belief systems into a more decentralized way of trading, business, entrepreneurship, and investing without shame and guilt. To reclaim our freedom, independence, and sovereignty.

In the following video, I share how I set up my sacred altar for distant healing sessions. For protection but also a portal to connect with spirit guides such as spirit animals connected to the elements of air, water, fire, and earth. Angelic, star guides and dragon guides are connected to each element.

Distant Healing Sessions:

The distant Reiki Healing session is a quick 20-30 minute chakra healing cleanse for feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. When the healing takes place you can receive the light codes while lying in bed in a meditative state. Just like you would normally receive a hands-on session.

The distant Soul Retrieval / Ancestral Healing session can take up to 2 hours and will take place through an online video call so we can instantly interact with each other to dig up any trauma, spells, or curses. A recording will be made so you can watch it for future reference.

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