What Is Holding Me Back From Success?
What Is It That Is Holding Me Back From Success? 8 Signs You Are Still Resisting Your Abundance…

When you have a desire to be successful with something you will always come across roadblocks, obstacles and challenges on your road to success. What is it that could hold you back from success? Do you have limited believes, fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of change or maybe you feel that your parents are holding you back?
In my next video I share 8 signs that were actually holding me back from stepping into my greatness and allow abundance and success to come into my life. What that is is what you will discover in my video.
The 8 Signs of what could hold you back from success;
So why could you have one of these 8 signs? Is it because you are struggling with procrastination, lack of motivation to do anything or do you believe perhaps that you are unworthy of success and abundance? Let’s find out by having a closer look at these 8 signs, shall we?
Sign NR 1; Feelings of Apathy.
Maybe you have achieved some sort of financial success before in one of your career areas and you have figured that this wasn’t really what you were looking for. But now you are just dabbling around wondering what it is that you are looking for. You just don’t really know anymore.
In your mind you still have a voice that tells you to do the things that makes you money but another part of you tells to seek for connection, joy, fulfillment and authenticity. God knows what that should look like…
Anyway you feel a deeper sense of separation and isolation that sometimes makes you feel a bit desperate. In that case there might be something going on at a much deeper level. You can learn more about this in my video about How to Overcome Loneliness and Depression.
Sign NR 2; The Fear of Responsibility.
Uhh?? Fear of responsibility? How is that even possible?
You see your little survival mind is so used to play the poor little me victim personality that it’s way to addicting to reacting to that what is. Re-acting is like doing the same old things over and over again in a very unconscious way.
For example; you are in a pattern of being in a soul-sucking job that you absolutely hate. But you do it because you believe that can give you safety, security, status and significant. Every time you start the job you feel excited about learning something new and meeting new people. But then you got bored of the never ending routine and you start to feel stuck in a rat. You become bored, drained, exhausted and you start hide from your duties and responsibilities. You then got fired and repeat the whole same process over and over again. Looking for the next shiny opportunity.
You feel powerless about the whole thing and this is what I mean with re-acting to that what is. Responding to that what is is bringing more awareness and acceptance to your circumstances. You are able to take a few steps back in order to step up. You are aware that you are the creator of your circumstances based on what you think, feel and behave. You are aware that you can change everything you want.
Now this is what scares the sh*t out of people because that means is that they need to look within. It’s much “easier” to play the poor little me victim and blame your circumstances.
Another way people fear responsibilities is that once they get the ball rolling of their own business for example they need to keep it rolling. And respond to what ever is going on over and over again. Not once in a while but each and every day! Also see my other video about the fear of responsibility.
Sign NR 3; The Lack of Accountability.
Moving out of your head and into the real world takes a lot of courage. Specially in the beginning where your ideas, visions and effort get barely seen, recognized and rewarded you have to keep on pushing to make things happen.
It’s much easier to keep on holding onto your limited believes of “you see; nobody cares about me, what I do is not good enough, I am not good enough etc.” It’s much easier to slip back in your comfortable but painful zone of isolation where nobody can judge you. However staying there is actually much more painful then going through the temporary discomfort and “growing pains” to become successful.
When you lack accountability you struggle with self discipline to keep on going. You rely on other peoples approval, support and feedback in order to approve yourself. The short term rewards are the feelings of satisfaction of getting things done and doing the things you don’t feel like doing but you do it anyway.
Sign NR 4; Self Doubt & Unworthiness.
This one is huge and we all have to deal with this in one of our life areas soon or later. The reason we follow into self doubt is because we don’t follow through with sign nr 2 & 4. We carefully toe-dip the water to see if the temperature is right instead of diving all in. Carefully we take tiny little steps ahead and fall 3 steps back (at least that’s what our mind wants to believe because we judge our outcomes as failures). We over think way to much instead of taking massive action.
Sometimes all it takes it to do the things you hate doing the most first can help you to grow in personal empowerment & self confidence. This is something I have learned in Uncompromised Life by the way ;-).
Sign NR 5; The Fear of Stress.
We all like our comfort and serenity. In matter of fact as empaths/high sensitives/introverts we are sometimes a bit to addicted to our solitude. When we think about the idea that we need to hustle, work hard, slave our asses, force ourselves to do things or dealing with difficult people we could create already stress even before we have done anything yet.
Another reason we create stress for ourselves is because of all our expectations, conditions, goals and desires. Wanting or Needing something can create the feeling that something is currently missing from your life. You will then create the intention of coming from a place of lack. Another kind of desire that is much more inspiring is something I spoke about in my video about How Be Happy Alone In Life & The Benefits of Practicing Solitude.
Sign NR 6; Poor Time Management.
When you have a full-time job working 40+ hours a week plus commute and other family/social/entertainment stuff it’s much easier to say that you lack time instead of monitoring all your daily activities and optimize the things that are important to you.
Or when you do have time to work on the things you want but found it difficult to manage your time and energy levels. For example if you work from home you can have the entire day to do the things you want/have to do. This can create “flexibility” to waste time when you have a moment when you “don’t feel like it.” Watch a quick YouTube video or going for walks that are much longer then they should be.
Don’t get me wrong. I have constantly walks in nature to quickly restore my energy levels but they can become a bit addictive sometimes and a 20 min walk can become a whole hour.
There are endless books and courses on Time Management but what’s important is to figure out what works for you and what’s not. For me what works is to constantly shift between various activities and focus on only one activity at a time.
Sign NR 7; Feelings of Guilt.
When I was in my early twentieth and still single I had all the time and freedom to do whatever I wanna to do. But then I started to have the desire to share my life with someone. Eventually I met the women I still share my life with. And when you are in a relationship you sometimes wish to be single again because you feel responsible/emphatic for the other person.
You could have a desire to build a business that involves a lot of travel. But you also have a feeling or fear that you can disappoint your partner by leaving him/her behind. In fact many business people do so and they do sometimes neglect their loved ones with the idea that they are providing for their financial/material needs. Just need so much the emotional needs.
Sign NR 8; The Lack of Purpose.
This one is huge because so many of are trying to become financially successful with mental willpower but without the heart. A purpose is something that pulls you towards something. A force that is much bigger then yourself, your needs, wants and desires. A joy, excitement, passion or a feeling of unconditional love for what you do and what you want to share with the world.
You can’t think yourself into your life-purpose. You have to FEEL it! In case you want to dive deeper into finding your purpose then feel free to check out my video on How To Find Your Purpose In Life.
24 More Abundance Blocks…
You think I missed any other limited believes you might have that is holding you back from your success? If so then I would be very curious what that might be. Just leave a comment below!
Another way to find out what else could be holding you back is to follow the free masterclass from Christie Marie Sheldon called Unlimited Abundance.