In This Unlimited Abundance Review You Discover a Few Things You Need To Be Aware Of Before Purchasing This Product…

When you are looking for a proper Unlimited Abundance Review you came to the right place. In this review we dive deep into what Unlimited Abundance is all about. We expose some of the modules that you find in the course. We answer some questions such as for who is this online course, will this solve all your problems regarding to Wealth & Abundance, price value ratio and much more! So with no further ado let’s have a look at this digital course regarding overcoming your Abundance Blocks, shall we?

My Unlimited Abundance Review. Did Christie Marie Sheldon nailed it again?

If you prefer watching and listening to this review about Unlimited Abundance instead of reading then feel free to watch the video below:

Christie Marie Sheldon (intuitive life coach, energy healer, creator of Love or Above & Unlimited Abundance) is all about raising your vibrational frequency. Doing so can help you to attract and create much faster abundance and with less effort. And to be honest I resonate with that idea. This is also something that I deeply discuss in my Love or Above Review. In that review I explain the basics of raising your vibrational frequency and why is that so important. In this Unlimited Abundance Review we take it a bit further to the next level (at least that is the intention from Christie Marie Sheldon).

For who is this course?

The creators and the publisher behind the course don’t judge or separate anyone. This course can basically work for anyone! However this course is positioned in the Personal Development / Holistic Health Industry and will probably resonate more with people who have a interest in this. Open minded, curious, sensitive, emphatic, self aware, and health conscious are just a few keywords I would like to use. It’s also for people who have figured that hustling and grinding is not always the answer they are looking for. They are looking for something more meaningful that feels more satisfying, joyful and fulfilling.

Be – Do – Have is probably the right answer to look for. For example we want a new car or house because we think that could make us happier. We then ask ourselves what we need to do in order to achieve that. We get into a massive action mode to get our desired results to only figure out that this type of happiness isn’t very sustainable. Unlimited Abundance focus much more on creating Wealth & Abundance by FIRST feeling happy about yourself. Doing things that makes you feel satisfied and fulfilled. So the outcomes you eventually start to manifest is like a extra cherry on the cake.

What is Unlimited Abundance?

In case it wasn’t clear yet Unlimited Abundance is a online course that can be accessed online after a successful payment. There are 24 Modules that covers 24 Abundance Blocks. These Abundance Blocks are like various limited believes we might have around creating abundance. Each module contains a audio version from 45 to 90 minutes. Most of them are between the 45 to 60 minutes. These audio sessions are recordings that still contains the same value (energy) as when they were live. The recordings are guided meditations that takes you deep into the subconscious mind for reprogramming your believes. Believes around money, wealth and abundance. And when it comes to abundance we talk about more then just money.

Another very cool thing you need to know is that the entire content can be downloaded straight to your hard drive. You can then transfer everything straight unto your mobile device and follow these sessions on the go. In the video you saw how that looks like.

What are the 24 Abundance Blocks?

A proper Review about Unlimited Abundance ain’t one when we actually dive deep into the content itself, right? Why not watch a quick video from Christie Marie Sheldon…

In my Unlimited Abundance Review video you saw how the dashboard actually looks like but below you see some screenshots of what to expect.

Mindvalley recently made some changes. They made 5 main sections.

  • Section 1: Clearing FEAR Based Abundance Blocks. Containing the modules of Clearing Resistance, Clearing Doubt & Fear, Clearing Fear of Change, Clearing Fear of Rejection, Clearing Fear of Numbers and Clearing Fear of Scarcity.
  • Section 2: Clearing Abundance Blocks That Makes You Feel Stuck; Containing the modules of Money Zapping Decisions, Clearing Fear of Growth, Clearing Fear of Success & Clearing Feeling Stuck.
  • Section 3: Clearing Abundance Blocks That Cloud Your Clarity; Containing the modules of Clearing Indecision, Clearing Disempowering Values, Clearing Your Future Vision, Clearing Clutter & Clearing Blocks To Welcoming Abundance.
  • Section 4: Clearing Abundance Blocks That Weaken Your Sense of Personal Truth & Ownership; Containing Clearing Family Blocks, Clearing Blame, Clearing Access To Your Greater Self, Clearing The Path To Your Future Self & Clearing Lack of Self Worth.
  • Section 5; Clearing Money & Career Abundance Blocks; Containing Clearing Profit Blocks, Clearing Self Sabotage, Clearing Your Financial Mess & Clearing Financial Illusions.

Section 1: Clearing FEAR Based Abundance Blocks

Session number 1; Clearing Resistance.

What we resist persist is probably what you heard before. This is one of the longer modules because most of us have so much of resistance against living in Abundance. The reason why we might struggle with resistance is something that I cover in this video & blog post about overcoming your resistance to change.

Session number 2; Clearing Doubt & Fear.

Doubt & Fear is a huge Abundance Block which can prevent us from taking any sorts of action. Or we try something and it’s not giving us results quick enough. We then wonder if it’s really the right thing to do. I do have created a more in-depth video about How to Stop Doubting Yourself.

Session number 3; Clearing Fear of Change.

Our mind likes to stay in his comfort zone and wants to avoid changes at all cost. Why? Because we could fail, lose out and what not. At least these are some of our limited believes. Our heart however loves change and can find her true satisfaction & fulfillment in creating positive change. Overcoming Fear of Change can be very helpful for you in order to tune more into your own Abundant Flow of Life.

Session number 4; Clearing Fear of Rejection.

In the video from Christie about the 24 Abundance blocks you noticed she has a bit of a different order. This is because they (Mindvalley) have changed the order of the different sessions. The next one is the Fear of Rejection. Sometimes we are afraid what people might think of us when we take a certain type of action. What is very important is to know exactly who you are and what you stand for. Self Acceptance is key in creating a life of Abundance for yourself. In this session you will learn to overcome the fear of rejection.

Session number 5; Clearing Fear of Numbers.

Sometimes we say to ourselves that we hate numbers. Or we such at managing numbers or calculations (including myself). But maybe this has to do with having a look at our financial mess and starting clearing it up. We might be impulsive with money because at a deeper emotional level we feel that we lack something. That’s why we keep trying to fill ourselves up with all sorts of products or services that promise to make us happier. Going through this clearing will help you to have a look at your numbers again so you can enjoy start managing it!

Session number 6; Clearing Fear of Scarcity.

Scarcity Consciousness is a huge issue at this planet. Why? Because most of us feel in some way separated from themselves, others, their goals, dreams & desires, own happiness or even Source itself. All of that cause this Fear of Scarcity. I also made another video about the Scarcity Mindset vs Abundance Mindset.

Section 2: Clearing Abundance Blocks That Makes You Feel Stuck;

Session number 7; Clearing Money Zapping Decision.

Personally I found this a bit of a weird expression but what she means with that is that we can make weird decisions around money. For example the decision to “pay of credit card debt.” This focus more on the lack or negative. What would be better is to focus on More Money. It’s also about learning to be more responsible instead of being responsive. In this video I explain what I mean with the Fear of Responsibility.

Session number 8; Clearing Fear of Growth.

When it comes to growth some of us believes that we need to do energy draining or harmful activities. Or it comes with more responsibilities or carry more weight on our shoulders. This is again a limited believe we might have about creating abundance. During this session you can exactly explore what it takes to do things that you enjoy more so everything starts to flow better for you!

Session number 9; Clearing Fear of Success.

Quite similar to the Fear of Growth but another limited believe we can have is that once we created success we can lose it all again. This lack believe is holding us back to get ahead and make things happen. But this only would make sense when you have eliminated your lack believes and have a strong fundamental mindset.

Session number 10; Clearing Feeling Stuck.

When we disempower or victimize ourselves we feel we don’t have any power or control over our lives. When we do so we can create the feeling of feeling stuck. In this clearing session you can experience what’s like to feel unstuck again.

Section 3: Clearing Abundance Blocks That Cloud Your Clarity.

Session number 11; Clearing Indecision.

Indecisiveness is a very annoying state to be in. We could have various interest, skills or talents but just don’t know what to focus on right now. In this video that was inspired by this session I also share some insights on how to overcome indecisiveness.

Session number 12; Clearing Disempowering Values.

Know your values so you know exactly what kind of values you can share with the world. When others can also see the value in your values they might even return a value (money). Unfortunately some of us are not very clear yet on our own values (or self worth) therefore struggle to share these with the world. And of course in such a manner that others want to return a value.

Session number 13; Clearing Your Future Vision.

Every successful business has a Vision and a Mission Statement so should you! It’s having a very clear image for yourself on how your ideal life has to look like. In this session you can create a crystal clear vision for yourself of your future self.

Session number 14; Clearing Clutter.

Life can be full with options or messy thoughts produced by messy environments. If you want full clarity over your future self and vision it’s crucial to eliminate all clutter in your life. In this session you discover some very powerful de-cluttering techniques.

Session number 15; Clearing Blocks To Welcoming Abundance.

This session is all about discovering existing or new gifts or talents that you can further develop or bringing to the world. Gifts, talents or skills that can benefit the lives of others, is going to give you more joy, happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction but also financial abundance.

Section 4: Clearing Abundance Blocks That Weaken Your Sense of Personal Truth & Ownership

Make sure to do the test first before you continue which you can find in the section overview page. Doing so will help you to clarify where to focus on first.

Session number 16; Clearing Family Blocks.

Very obvious right? Yet so many of us don’t really pay attention to the fact that many of our believes or thought patterns are passed on from generation to generation. During this session you will have a look at everything that was passed on to you so you can heal and let go of them.

Session number 17; Clearing Blame.

How many times have you tried to blame someone or something else for your lack of results? This is very disempowering because it makes you feel you are not in control or responsible over your own life. During this session you will experience a way to clear blaming others or something else and take full ownership over yourself.

Session number 18; Clearing Access To Your Greatest Self.

Growing into the greatest version of yourself. Learn how to master picturing yourself in the greatest version and how to use various techniques. It’s like opening the channels to your Higher Self for allowing more inspiration to flow into your life.

Session number 19; Clearing The Path To Your Future Self.

Now you have done a lot of work regarding personal truth & ownership now it’s the time to clear the path to your future self. Everything else that was remaining will be cleared during this session.

Session number 20; Clearing Lack of Self Worth.

This one in huge and may actually one of the major fundamental lack believes we have about ourselves. During this session Christie will take you on a deep journey to explore if you have any levels left of unworthiness.

Section 6; Clearing Money & Career Abundance Blocks

Again make sure to do the test first in the overview page of this section so you know exactly where to focus on.

Session number 21; Clearing Profit Blocks.

So many of us we make impulsive decision regarding to money. Decision based on emotions not rationality. Therefore we prefer to avoid to have a look at our financial statements because we already know its a mess. During this session you can overcome these impulsive decision and become more rational regarding your financial statements.

Session number 22; Clearing Self Sabotage.

We all tell ourselves a story. And sometimes these stories included various illusions and lies. Like LIE from beLIEve. These BeLIEves can cause some serious self sabotaging behaviors. In this session you will clear any forms of self sabotage.

Session number 23; Clearing Your Financial Mess.

Very relevant to previous sessions but this one will focus much more on the “messed up” energy. Like maybe you feel you constantly mess up or make a mess.

Session number 24; Clearing Financial Illusions.

When we haven’t really found our place in this world we also may want to hide from our financial situation or the entire monetary system. Which is quite difficult because it’s everywhere. In this session you will fall in love with your life and money much more!

What you really need to be aware of before investing in Unlimited Abundance.

In this Unlimited Abundance Review we have covered a lot of the course content so far. But there is something else you need to be aware of. This will make you fall in love with the course you will will absolutely hate it!

The creator of the course Christie Marie Sheldon is a very esoteric lady that constantly want you to connect to the light. It’s a visualization/meditation technique where you can envision or imagine a white light energy coming down from your crown filling up your entire body. This white light energy should cleanse your entire energy system from these believes, thought forms and emotional imprints. It supposedly should cleanse your chakra system and light body or Aura.

For some of us that might actually feels very real, nice and relaxation. For some very rational folks out there this might sound like absolutely nonsense and a waste of money and time. This is up to you to decide. If you are not sure if this is something for you then you can always try her free masterclass.

My personal experience about Unlimited Abundance.

I bought Unlimited Abundance a few years ago straight after Love or Above. I had done already quite a few workshops regarding to spirituality so “connecting to the light” was not new to me. I was in the middle of a burn-out. A internet business of mine collapsed and I was dealing with very high levels of stress and anxiety. I was working as a taxi driver in and around London. Every time I had a moment while I was waiting around I followed one of her sessions.

What you need to know is that from where I have been or where I was (emotionally, spiritually and financially) Unlimited Abundance didn’t solve all my issues straight after these 24 sessions. But again I was VERY rock bottom. However with that being said this was and still works as a very important stepping stone and that’s why I am sharing this with you.

Can I recommend Unlimited Abundance to a personal friend or family member?

Absolutely yes! But again it all depend where you are currently at in your life whether this will work for you or not. Let’s say you have been in a very destructive relationship for over 15 years then a course of 24 weeks will probably not heal all your wounds. It can definitely heal some of your wounds or make you more aware of them. It’s all a process and Unlimited Abundance can definitely play a little or even a great part of that. For some Unlimited Abundance was a last drop of water that made the bucket flow over. My wish for you is that Unlimited Abundance can make that bucket flow over for you as well.

Wrapping up my Unlimited Abundance Review plus score.

If I have to give this online course a score I would give it a 8.5/10. The reason for that is because as good as it may be, such as presentation, delivery, access, customer service and the actual content is remains a digital course. To succeed with a digital course you have to take the time to actually go through it yourself. Nobody is going to hold your hand and do it all for you. For some of us this might work just fine while for other it don’t. It’s a self study!

For true healing I recommend to combine it with some one to one sessions, group healing sessions, workshops, seminars and so on. That might even be a bit more expensive but can be much more effective.

In case you have any questions, thoughts or feelings you want to share then feel free to leave a comment below.

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