Here Are 5 Ways To Remember Your Souls Purpose As a Lightworker/Spiritual Entrepreneur.

So often we can feel that a hidden gift or talent lies deep within our soul. That we made a spiritual contract or vow before we came to earth. The only problem is, is that we can’t seem to remember that special soul’s purpose. That’s why I am creating this place to re-member. Remember what has been forgotten and re-member or re-unite with our true authentic self or essence.

So go ahead and what’s the video to explore your hidden gifts that could reveal your soul’s purpose.

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The 5 Ways To Remember Your Soul’s Purpose:

Number 1; Know Your Past.

To know thyself is to know your past. Both this lifetime, previous or parallel lifetimes. What kind of upbringing has formed your personal identity, self-image, personality traits, character, beliefs, and habits?

What if you can’t remember anything? Might there be a reason for it? Like you want to forget or disassociate yourself from your memories? Something happened that shouldn’t have happened or something didn’t happen but should have happened?

Also, think about your heritage. Where do you feel most at home? Well, of course, many feel like we don’t belong to any country or culture as our entire human culture feels a bit alien to us. Or you feel planet Earth is simply your home and not your country. But think about the environment you grew up in. Did it or still does it give you energy and nourishment or not?

Number 2; Where did you come from?

where did you come from in both your personal, and professional life experiences but once again also your environment? To what kind of history or culture are you connected with and how does that resonate with you or not?

Who were your heroes, influencers, and the people you looked up to you? Do you still look up to them? How did you influence you and why? Do you want what they have or become who they are? Like do they have certain personality traits that you also want to develop?

Number 3; What is currently attractive to you?

What is it that you want to know more about and why? What is it that interest you about a certain topic? Is it about a certain time period in our history, culture, or civilization? Is it about a certain art form or creative expression? Or perhaps mastering a specific business or investing practice so you can teach others to do the same?

Number 4; Discover your spiritual task or goal through meditation.

You can receive a glimpse of what your spiritual task or goal might be through deep meditation works. As I always say meditation doesn’t always have to be in a lotus position on a cushion or something. Because I am hyperactive myself I go on long walks in order to clear my mind and gain a new perspective. This is my form of meditation. But also high-intensity workouts or strength training such as CrossFit or calisthenics.

Through mundane activities, we can gain clarity on our tasks or spiritual goals. Receive reminders of who we choose to be or become. Also, when it comes to our creative work in the world we can also constantly receive reminders on what works for us or what doesn’t.

Number 5; What is important to you right now?

As a spiritual warrior, what do you feel must change in our world? Where do you see injustice and for what kind of cause do you want to fight?

For example; you see a lot of injustice in our current financial system that is centralized, controlled, and manipulated by the major corporations and central banks of the world. Do you want to fight to bring new financial technologies into the world in the field of WEB3.0, Blockchain, DeFi, and crypto trading?

You strongly believe that this new kind of technology should and could give us both personal and financial freedom to do the things that are most important to us? If that is the case you can check out WI-Crypto to learn more about the projects I am involved in.

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