The 3 Stages Of Spiritual Healing, Awakening, And Development – Where Are You At?

When it comes to spiritual awakening, healing, and development we tend to think about a trendy name for identifying our personal struggles in life. Perhaps a qualified psychiatrist would never ever use “spiritual awakening” phrases to label our mental and emotional “dis-eases.” But a spiritual healer might say that “mainstream science” doesn’t look deep enough or at the right place. So what’s going on and what’s the truth?

Right now there is a lot of confusion in the world and in our personal lives. And yes we as humans are very complex creatures that we still barely understand. Maybe that’s the whole purpose of life anyway; to experience the complexity of life itself. What do you think?

Anyway, to stay on topic I would like to share my thoughts on the 3 stages of spiritual awakening, healing and spiritual development.

When does “spiritual awakening” happen and why do we go through that anyway?

Chances are that many mental health care professionals have a different explanation. I just like to explore the corner around spirituality.

In my point of view, I look at this as a way of “waking up.” We are waking up from a “lie” or an illusion we have been living in for a very long time.

Perhaps we have been forming a personal identity that was meant to cope with the struggles of life. It was meant to keep us safe and secure. Dealing with a certain type of stress and fears around a situation or upbringing.

The “Awakening” period could express itself in a sudden realization that there is a completely different path ahead of us. This state of enlightenment could be temporary though. Because when we come back to our current “reality” we feel that “the old way of doing” things does no longer serve us anymore.

This could mean a period of depression, burnout, or having to leave a relationship, working, or living environment. That also means is that we can also go through a moment of discomfort. Remember that being comfortable for a long time can also make us sick. Sick from the lack of joy, excitement, and fulfillment.

Going through a phase of depression could also mean is that your body, mind, and spirit need to rest from the person you do no longer want to be. You are taking a step back for upgrading another self-image or personal identity required to move forward in life.

The second stage of spiritual awakening.

During our first wake-up call, we have experienced quite some highs and lows. Now, these peaks seem to ease out a bit. Maybe we find an “okay job” a new relationship or another living environment. Slowly we become comfortable again. Remember what I said about being comfortable?

Yes I know I am a bit ADD who seems to thrive on constantly seeking new impulses in order to “feel alive.” And most people are okay with being comfortable. But are you fulfilled?

During this stage, we can still feel feelings of disconnect with our emotions. Perhaps we still feel very numb, a lack of purpose, passion, drive, connection with others and the world around us. It’s like looking at life from the outside in.

Maybe we become emotional or financially dependant on a partner and we develop habits that don’t really empower us. Soon we see that we lack discipline with our self-care practice or seeking for addictive distractions.

When we are in that stage it’s just a matter of time before the universe throws us off a cliff again back in discomfort in order to learn new experiences.

The Third Stage of Spiritual Development. Reclaim our Personal Power.

After we have healed many of our wounds we can now share our story from our scars. Our stories of where we have been and how we had to learn our lessons in life. These stories can work as a tool to inspire and guide others. This is the moment we become a beacon of life for others.

In the world of marketing, we also like to say that “Facts Tell, Stories Sell.” Meaning what you have been through can now express itself through the service, product, or solution you want to offer the world.

The people you want to serve to have to relate to where you have been. These “relating” aspects create relationship, trust, influence, and authority.

From there you can have linear conversations that create real empathic understanding in the journey of remembering your purpose and passions in life. Passion also means is walking the path of sacrifices in order to find your own light. And your light enters where it has hurt the most.

So and what of these three stages of spiritual development are you currently at? Can you relate to any of these? Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Oh, and if you are at stage three at you looking for a vehicle to help people transform their lives then feel free to subscribe to my mailing so you can schedule a call with me.


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