Do You Use Your Spiritual Practice As A Way To Escape From Your Reality Or To “Fuel Your Vehicle”?

When you have experienced a couple of let’s say “Spiritual Awakening” stages in your life then it can become quite trendy to develop your whole identity and lifestyle around it. Of course, there is nothing wrong with a lifestyle that feels right for you. But what if you use that image to escape from reality you actually do not really want to be part of?

What if you want to show others how “spiritual” your life is, but deep down you feel miserable? You hate your job or career. You are still in an abusive relationship or you feel lonely, isolated, and depressed. Yet you are very active on social media showing others “how spiritual” your life really is so they can envy you. How spiritual is that really?

Or you talk about how blessed you are, how the Universe got your back, and all that stuff but all that you do is sugarcoat your crappy financial situation.

For many years I have exactly been doing that. Make “peaceful” videos out in nature sharing my own insights about spirituality. And yes it has been an amazing journey so far. But deep down I still felt something was missing. What that feeling is exactly is what I will share with you in my next video:

From Refilling Your Cup To Sharing.

Yes, there are times in our life when we really need to take a few steps back. Step back from the false identity and life we have been living. Give ourselves some time to reflect on remembering our purpose. Which is to get back to the essence, experience, and express it. We can explore various spiritual healing methods to get back to our own essence so we can move away from all the noise and distractions that only got us further away.

But once you know what “activity” brings you joy and satisfaction from just doing that thing. Then the next question or stage could be is like how you can use spiritual practice to keep you inspired and energized.

The Purpose of Your Spiritual Practice.

Personally, I think that many of us need a “reason” or a “purpose” to do a certain type of thing, don’t you think? Yes, I speak a lot about doing things that ground you in a present moment and give you the joy and satisfaction of just doing it.

However, I also strongly believe that there needs to be a balance. I mean what’s the point of spending hours working on “raising your vibrational frequency” when the next day you go back to a wage slavery j.o.b. that drains the life force out of you. Doesn’t make any sense, right?

Your Spiritual Practice As Your Fuel Station.

Let’s say you use your ‘vehicle’ (your business/career) that can get you where you want to be in life by making the contributions you want to make. Now, in order to drive that vehicle, you need the fuel of course. Which is of course your emotional state of being, or your vibrational frequency. Your glass needs to be full first before you can give. You need to feel inspired in order to take consistent daily action.

Now, what is it that makes you feel inspired, energized, and come alive? Is it meditation, yoga, reading, journaling, walks in nature, or long-distance hiking? Or perhaps you need some more high-intensity workouts. Or even some thrill-seeking activities.

Remember, Live and Fund Your Business As a Spiritual Entrepreneur.

Eventually, it all comes down to remembering “that thing” that you love and enjoy doing. That’s your purpose. Your gift is to share “that thing” with the world. And to make the picture complete you have to find a way to deliver “that thing” so others can benefit from it as well. And of course, are willing to pay for it.

When it comes to the large step; “find a way to deliver, package and sell your gift” there are of course numerous ways to do so. You can, however, also find a great passion for so-called “existing” systems and programs that can ignite your passion.

If that is something you would like to learn more about then feel free to subscribe and schedule a discovery call with me.


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