Stop Being Needy and Insecure
Discover How To Stop Being Needy and Insecure So The Law of Attraction Can Really Start To Work For You…

So maybe you have been studying The Law of Attraction for a while and now you just want to know how it can really start to work for you, right?
But you have come to realize it doesn’t work for you because you often feel needy and insecure. Maybe you feel needy and insecure about your job, business, money, friendships or relationships.
So what can you do in order to let go of your neediness and feelings of insecurity?
Watch my video to find out!
So How Can The Law of Attraction Really Work For You By Finally Letting Go Of Your Neediness & Insecurity?
We all live in this illusion of (feeling) separation. Like we are all just running around as individual egos taking care of themselves. All concerned about their primary need for survival. Yet this also just a small part of our human experience.
The good news is is that we can also tune into a much higher state of being or consciousness. The illusion of separation comes from the idea that we first of all live on a linear timeline. Or linear space-time. This is one aspect of consciousness. The second thing is that we thought that all matter is separated from each-other. Yet the smallest particles seems to contain it’s own universe. Or his own hierarchy. But it all seems to be connected with non-perceivable energy. Or at least we cannot perceive it by our 5 basic senses.
Nice to know you must say. But what has this to do with your feelings of neediness and insecurities?
The thing is if you keep worrying about the future you disconnect yourself from the present moment. Within the present moment you can align yourself with the multidimensional aspects of yourself. Your True Self!
Within this state of being you can bring awareness to all the layers of your “false identity.” This image kept you safe during moments you needed but right now this is not longer serving you anymore. Hence your “negative feelings” of stress, anxiety, insecurities and neediness.
How more you practice this… Letting go of that you are NOT, how more you start to Remember who you really ARE. Or choose to BE-come. Which is of course a being of Light and Unconditional Love. When you connect with this higher aspect of your being all the fears and insecurities will simply disappear.
From there you can also start to align yourself with the activities you truly love and enjoy doing. You are cleansing your own “glass of water” or your spirit. Which eventually can start to flow over to the world around you. Your vibrational frequency can start to influence others in a positive way which will create attraction and synchronicity.
Create for your own joy of creating and give without any conditions or expectations.
From that state of being you have overcome your feelings of neediness and insecurity.
So How To Stop Being Needy and Insecure Right Now Today?
By reading and listening to my metaphysical and philosophical approach to Earthly and human challenges you probably still don’t know what to “do”, right?
So here is my ‘simple formula’ for letting go of being needy and insecurity:
Being needy and insecure is having a worry or expectation that is YET to happen. It didn’t happen yet, so why worry about it? Having this worry is asking for disappointments. Make a simple decision to not to worry.
You are living in the future because of your past disappointments that you are projecting in the present moment. Yet you have disconnected yourself from the present moment.
- Become aware of all your thoughts, feelings and emotions you currently experience. Practice Mindfulness Meditation.
- Practice awareness by asking yourself this: “What was I thinking that created my current circumstances.” Your thoughts leaded you into certain type of actions and behaviors.
- Journal. You are half way there once you become aware of your subconscious thoughts. Now you can make a “simple” decision to embrace them, accept them and let them go. This is how you can forgive yourself and others.
It may sound simple but I can ensure you that it’s not going to be easy. This is the life-work of many empaths, high sensitives who practice Mindfulness and Spiritual Development.
But how more you do this how more you are letting go of the layers that made up your identity or self image that kept you safe and secure in the past. Now you can start to align yourself more and more with who you choose to be-come!
If you really want to commit to this work then I can suggest you to do 2 things. Well actually 3 things.
Nr 1; Learn how to create a personal development plan for the next 12 months. This is create if you want to stay committed to your own personal growth on a daily basis.
Nr 2; Discover what your own unique gifts are and how to share them with the world as a Empath or High Sensitive. This is for people who have been on this spiritual path for a while and want to create a profession/business around it but struggle with some limited believes. See The Purpose of a Lightworker for more info.
Nr 3; Make sure to subscribe to my mailing for stay in touch ;-). I will keep you up the date with my latest insights. Just fill in your details in the form below.