How To Let Go Of Control And Trust Life
Letting Go of Control And Trust Life Is Easier Said Then Done, Here Is How It Works…

Letting go of control and go with the flow of life is a process of trust. Trust in yourself, the Universe and life overall. It’s a very common desire most intuitive sensitives want to experience so that’s why this video.
Once you can start to master the process of letting go of control you can then enjoy this very powerful manifestation technique. Manifest without even trying to manifest. It just comes to you. You create just for your own joy and satisfaction which will attract many people and opportunities. You become like a beacon of light of unconditional love.
However before you can be in that state of being we do have to do our home work. Our inner work of creating peace with all are different aspects, talents and diversities. Here is how:
The reason we want to control things is because we are uncertain about various parts within ourselves. There is a spot of unknown which can make us feel afraid sometimes. Therefore the survival mind (our ego) will kick in and will take charge.
For example. I am from February 19, 1986. This makes me first day in Pisces. And as you might know Pisces are the most sensitives of all the zodiacs and is also the last sign. Pisces are meant to be daydreamers, visionairs, writer, artists, healers, humanitarians and teachers. They are the old souls seeking for spiritual knowledge in order to ascend. In numerology I do have the Life path number 9. Which again has everything to do with spiritual development.
However because I am first day Pisces I also have a lot from the Aquarius sign. They are more the strategic intellectual thinkers, driven and emotional kind of leaders. Therefore in numerology I have a number 8 as my expression number which has everything to do with success.
With a number 9 as my Life Path number you would expect that I would fully commit to spiritual development and leave all my material / financial success driven activities behind. But this will change with a expression number 8 which has everything to do with success, motivation, leadership and entrepreneurship. Sounds confusing and counter-intuitive, right?
Well I am sure you will have similar aspects or “personality sides” that sometimes can be in conflict with each-other. Perhaps in different areas of your life. You can learn more about that in this Numerology Review post.
The real challenge remain is to recognize them, embrace, accept them, balance and unit them so you become a the whole being you are meant to be. This is where true inner peace can be experienced. And from here you will start to live your true life-purpose.
What do you truly desire?
I believe there are two kind of desires. One desire is the feeling of “wanting or needing” something because you feel that something is missing. This feeling must be fulfilled. However feelings can be transformed in any given moment and doesn’t need anything from our external world. This creates these never ending rats of going absolutely nowhere.
The other kind of desire is the feeling of completion. A fully integrated being that is 100% certain about his/her believes and must share this with others in order to uplift them. The desire of giving and being of service. A true experience of Oneness & Unity.
Which one do you currently experience and do you want to experience?
How do you step into the experience of Oneness & Unity within yourself?
The experience of Oneness can make you feel totally connected with the present moment. No more mind games that are going on in you that is causing a lot of chaos, distractions, stress, anxieties, avoidance etc. You are in align with your True Self and you simply create for your own Joy & Satisfaction. Because of that you do not longer have to seek for external validations, recognitions or rewards. The feeling of love for who you are, what you do, have, joy and satisfaction makes you feel complete.
How more you connect with that feeling how more flow you create for yourself. How more inspiration you will create and that’s where you become the Lighthouse for others.