How To Get Out Of a Negative Spiral
How To Get Out Of a Negative Spiral And Lift Up Your Mood As an Intuitive Sensitive.
When we don’t do the things we are meant to do we are left with a void that’s unfulfilled. We become dissatisfied with ourselves and seek distractions to cover up or suppress this void.
Before we know it we can spiral down because of our negative thinking and can even fall into apathy or even depression.
So what do you do to get out of a negative spiral and reverse the influence you have at building your desired reality.
During a long weekend break, I took my partner to the East Coast of England to a region called Norfolk. It’s a beautiful part of the country that is unique and different from everything else you can find in the UK.
In my next video, I like to share some insights with you on how to get out of a negative spiral as an intuitive sensitive and get back on track.
How Our Creative Blocks Can Cause A Lot Of Overthinking, Negative Thoughts And Eventually A Spiral Down Into Feeling Drained & Apathic.
In my last post about how to be more creative and ground your creativity as an intuitive sensitive, I briefly spoke about some important elements.
Elements that can build a very strong foundation in creating a life you do no longer want to escape from. A life that is going to make you feel more fulfilled each and every day.
Don’t ever allow yourself to stay stuck in a place you don’t belong.
If right now you feel very stuck for example in a relationship or work environment that really sucks the life out of you then one of the first acts of self-love and self-care is to grab the courage and take a leap of faith.
I am not saying sacrifice everything right now and run away from all your responsibilities if that scares the crap out of you. What I am saying is to dare to do something different.
In my case, I did indeed left a job in order to re-connect with my own creativity. And yes I can still have a lot of moments of overthinking and some anxieties on what to do next that give me everything I need.
But when we are able to tune into that state of mind where we can move beyond our own needs, wants, and desires and see if we can come from a place of “wanting to create, serve and help” we can do extraordinary things.
Of course, we might need to look into some more practical matters in order to ground all of our creative ideas, get them out into the world and build an infrastructure that is going to support us financially.
Why we need to build an infrastructure as intuitive, creative entrepreneurs.
Like I said in the video, for many years I have been exploring my creativity and forms of self-expressing through video. However, I wasn’t really pushing through with the levels of consistency and persistence required to allow myself to live a lifestyle of freedom and independence.
Mainly that had to do with a previous online business failure that was making me 5 figures a month but eventually collapses. It took me 2.5 years to get to that level and I lost my influence, trust, and credibility almost overnight.
I was looking up against the mountains of hard work that is required to get ahead in life and I just couldn’t get into the right state of mind. Hence, my levels of avoidance. (Which I will talk more about in my next video).
If however, you are new to your creative and/or entrepreneurial endeavors but something else is holding you back then please let me know in the comments below. But if it’s more of a strategic business thing, technology, or monetization strategy then rest assure as there are absolutely endless solutions to that matter.
One of these solutions is for example our private content syndication network. Here you will learn everything about content marketing, syndication, and curation while participating in a shared economy. You can learn more about that right here.
So How Do You Really Get Out Of A Rut Or A Negative Spiral?
There are lots of things you can DO. With an emphasis on doing something because an action is sometimes the cure for feeling more satisfied at the end of the day.
Yes, we must give ourselves some time to reflect but you can only reflect on something when you have done something. Don’t you agree?
We can go around in circles and circles analyzing all our thoughts, feelings, and emotions but that doesn’t really get you anywhere. Or endless strategizing on our creative ideas to see what works could work should work or can fail. But that again could create analyses paralyzes. Which again will slip you only further down this negative spiral.
Sometimes we must commit ourselves to a process of increasing our vibrational frequency. Meaning do more of what feels good. Doing more of that can create momentum. Once we build and build on top of that momentum we become more joyful, connected, and at peace with ourselves. That is in the end our purpose. Pretty simple eh?
Now of course we might need to do some homework here and then. Follow some coaching, listening to some inspirational speakers, do some more personal development here and there. But in the end also that we need to integrate it into our daily existence.
For example, the Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass offers a huge library of many online personal development courses that you can follow from the comfort of your home or on the go.
Now of course I am curious what you are planning to do to get out of that rut. Any idea you would like to share but not sure if it can work? Perhaps some doubts you like to overcome? Please let me know by leaving a comment below.