Aligned Is The New Hustle
Discover Why Being Aligned Is The New Hustle For Intuitive & Spiritual Entrepreneurs…

Okay so you are a intuitive empath or highly sensitive person who wants to build a business in the spiritual development niche, right? Or perhaps you are intuitive sensitive who wanna use some powerful manifestation methods to manifest your desires.
Perhaps you have heard about Spiritual Alignment or many other Manifestation Techniques but are a bit confused. They all sound like that your desired outcomes suddenly all comes falling out of the sky. Therefore they don’t resonate with you or make any sense.
In my next video I will share my vision on why being aligned is the new hustle as a intuitive sensitive/empath.
So What’s The Whole Purpose of Getting Into Alignment With Yourself, God or The Universe?
When we hear about the word “hustle” we think about working hard to make money. Grinding, marketing, sales, networking, etc etc. This is very action orientated. Getting out in the world which is indeed a masculine energy. Which is all great and definitely a very important step of the manifestation process!
Getting into a spiritual alignment has much more to do with getting your thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and personal identity in one direction together with your ACTIONS!
The reason this is so important is because our thoughts and feelings contains a very powerful vibrational frequency. This of course will influence the universal law of vibration. The Law of Vibration influence The Law of Attraction. So Seeing yourself worthy of your achievement, like you already have it. While of course FEELING AMAZING about it is the whole key here.
Change your state of being for raising your vibrational frequency.
So now you know that changing your self image, thoughts and feelings is the whole key for bringing your desired outcomes into reality. With of course Inspired Action!
If it all sounds so simple then why is it that many of us can’t feel really that inspired to take massive action? Or perhaps some hustles take constant massive actions but are starting to feel uninspired, stressed and burned-out?
The answers are of course hidden in “your state of being.” We are very complicated spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. We all often try to adapt to a culture that wants us to believe what it is that we should be doing or having. It’s primary focus is again much more on DOING and HAVING. Not on BEING. There has to be a alignment, balance and harmony between Be – Do – Have.

We hold many beliefs about ourselves that are sometimes in conflict with our actions. Taking a few steps back to reflect on these beliefs, thoughts and feelings is the “hustle” of getting into alignment.
Because the work of self reflection can also be a “grind” that sometimes is required to bring balance and harmony between “Be – Do Have.”
This “grind” has to be taken a bit more serious for some then for others. For example if you have been through a very emotional abusive relationship as a intuitive empath and you constantly feel depressed, anxious, stressed-out and emotional depleted. Then someone who naturally feels positive and excited about life.
Why And How Have We Fallen Out Of Spiritual Alignment?
We lose touch with our spiritual being when we are only focused on the How & What to DO in order to GET. When there is no STRONG WHY, Purpose or clear intentions that actually wants to solve something. Make a difference, inspire, uplift, guide or support others.
When you don’t come from a place of peace, love, joy, abundance or WANTING TO SERVE you come from a place of LACK. When you feel disconnected and separated from the things you think you want. Or should have in order to be happy, validated or socially approved.
Coming from this place of lack or that something is missing creates suffering. Or least this is what Buddhism believes. All suffering comes from a place of desire or lacking something. This is indeed where all stress, anxiety, resistance or any other kind of dis-ease may come from.
We have disconnected ourselves from the present moment and from accepting “What Is.” When you can ACCEPT WHAT IS currently going on in your life you can experience more peace. When this is the case your actions are much more inspired and based on WANTING TO SERVE OR GIVE.
The Hustle of Alignment Is The Process Of Remembering or Re-Uniting With Who You Truly ARE.
So many of us are so poorly conditioned with many beliefs of survival, poverty and scarcity consciousness that we feel very isolated from our True Self.
The True Self is our True Nature of Unconditional love. Unconditional Love only wants to BE, Give & Serve. Create simply for the joy of it. Like a little drop of water that wants to feel connected to his ocean. Working on something that is beyond our primary needs of survival. This is what our Soul truly wants for us.
What is in the way is our mind. Ego or Personal Identity that is much more concerned about your survival, needs wants and desires.
The Hustle of Alignment is the work of reflecting on all those limited beliefs that are preventing you from BEING Authentic. Have all your thoughts, feelings, actions and manifestations on one line!
Being Aligned which can often feel so much as a hustle itself includes the process of becoming AWARE. Simply BE-coming AWARE of everything you were, currently are and what you choose to be-come. Once you have become aware you can simply accept what IS, embrace it and choose to let it go if you feel it doesn’t not longer serve you anymore!
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