What Is The True Self
3 Things You Need To Remember About Your True Self And Learn What Is The True Self All About.

Just to be yourself or just do your own thing and you will be happy. This is something we hear so often from others but what exactly does that mean? What could be your own thing, or how does that look like or feel like? Why so many times we feel lost in a ocean of expectations. Thoughts, ideas and limited believes on how we should be, what we should be doing or having in order to be happy.
Or perhaps what does it even take to conquer our inner voices that creates internal conflict and keeps us away from feeling connected to our joy and inner peace.
These are the things that I am also dealing with and are developing for myself. I am on the same journey as you are so let me share some of my findings.
Discover What The True Self Is All About And What It Wants For You.
Why is it suddenly we are seeking for that special kind of feeling. A new kind of perception on how we want to see ourselves, others and the world around us. Do we feel that something is missing from our lives? Maybe we have a nice career with all the comforts that comes with it but we feel disconnected from a deeper part of ourselves. Or maybe we have a very active social life with plenty of friendships and relationships but we can’t seems to attract that special intimate relationship with someone. Why? What the heck is going on?
Of course we are on the million mile journey of letting go all the limited believes we once thought were helpful but not any longer. We are traveling from the mind into the heart. We want to experience life with much more meaning and connection.
But anyway. What is the True Self exactly?
We think it has to do with our personality, our self image or identity. This is part true but only if that is alignment with who TRULY are and want to be. If it’s not then who you think you are is more connected with your False Self. An overstimulated ego that is still way to busy with keeping you in fear, isolation, separation and survival. Why we have to experience that sometimes is what I will explain in any moment.
The real True Self is pure Unconditional Love. A soul of light. This Source or Essence wants to feel, give, share and serve in a unconditional way. Free from any conditions or expectations. It wants to play, enjoy and love life. It wants to experience and express itself through creation. This is the real you. The Truth with capital T.
We then enter our dream world. A world that has been created by our previous generations. These generations had various believes on how this world should be. Passed on by their previous generations. All these individuals had ideas and believes that became collective ideas which we now call society.
A part of us want to be part of something, we want to belong. Thus we learn to adapt in order to survive and thrive in the world around us. But what if these ideas are out of alignment with our True Self, our Truth?
As young children we were much more in touch with our True Self. That’s why we rebelled against our parents or teachers if their ideas were out of alignment with our True Self. We got punished for our misbehave and felt a sense of abandonment. Eventually we learned to do what we were told to do so we could get their attention, recognition and rewards. This became a act of our own betrayal because we suppressed a part of our own True Self.
In our adulthood we continued this behavior until we start to wake up to the fact that something is missing. Hence your seeking for spiritual answers. However as adults it also become more challenging to change our patterns because of our attachments to our believes, comforts etc. But it’s not impossible.
How to get more in touch with your True Self?
So the first thing you just realized about your True Self is that your essence is pure light, love consciousness. We all want to find our way back home to that Truth. So here is what you need to remember.
Our entire existence is basically one giant mirror. Everybody and everything you create, attract and experience is just to remember of who you want to be in that moment. Are you going to react with the blueprint that has formed you until today? (Probably you will). Or are you going to respond in a very wise way. The way of non-attachment and see it as it is without any judgement. This is one the most challenging things to realize and requires lots of discipline. Discipline your thoughts, emotions, feelings and believes.
The way to discipline yourself in this process is to always ask yourself the following. That what I currently perceive or experience as reality. The people and events I create and attract. Why or how did I created this? What was I thinking earlier on that activated my actions and behaviors?
This will help you with the self awareness that is required to dig up your believes that are not longer serving you anymore. How more you do this how more you will align yourself with your True Self. Your soul or essence will help you with this guidance.
The 3 things you need to remember about your True Self.
So to quickly sum it all up for you.
You are a source of unconditional love and light. Yet you got lost in this dream world that forgot this Truth.
Every event or every person is like a mirror. It’s there to remind you something of who you want to be. Not how you were in the past that shaped you in the way you think you must be right now in this moment. But how do you want to feel in the next moment? Who do you want to become? Continue living in fear or align yourself more with the Truth of conditional love?
Respond instead of react. Become detachment from what we think is reality and always take a step back in order to step up. See your current manifestations as a result of your previous behaviors, actions, thoughts, feelings and emotions. Change your thoughts, feelings and emotions to empower new behaviors and actions. Actions that brings you closer to who you want to be.
Make sense?
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To dive any further into overcoming your limited believes and step in your abundance I suggest you check out this free online masterclass by Hypnotherapist Marisa Peer.