Spiritual Meaning Of Pheasant Crossing Your Path

Discover What The Spiritual Meaning Of A Pheasant Crossing Your Path Could Be (Real Life Encounter)

Sometimes we just need to let go of any kind of agenda, goal, purpose, or expectation while exploring our spirituality. For me that sometimes means to let go of any kind of “creative endeavor” while going out in nature.

I hear this all the time. Create a script, do your research and let go of wanting to create “from the flow.” But that’s kind of how I like to roll and that’s how unexpected events can come into existence. Perhaps even through synchronicities.

In this video, this is exactly what happened. So yeah once again this is yet another video where I share a personal experience that perhaps is only relevant for me. But I also like to share the spiritual meaning of meeting a pheasant that is crossing your path. If of course, that happened to you as well.

See here the live example of the pheasant that was crossing my path. Kept following and circling around me.

Why Spirit Animals or other hidden messages can come across our path?

We can often receive messages from Spirit when we are either “off track” or working towards our Soul Purpose but have yet some obstacles to overcome.

These messages can come in any form or shape and should never be ignored or judged by the ego.

Since I started to practice Reiki healing and Shamanism in 2018 I had all these amazing experiences and visions. Yet, I also started to judge these visions. Like maybe I am making it all up or I am hallucinating.

Resisting my path as a healer is kind of part of the process. But if we continue to resist our path or soul journey we continue to suffer and sacrifice. Even when your soul journey has nothing to do with becoming a healer or any sort.

When we can receive these messages or insights from Spirit or Spirit Animals?

Certainly, we can journal and ask our higher self questions like “how to experience … or what does it take for me to …” Then leave these questions in the oven and let the Universe do its thing. Let it come back to you through synchronicity.

Let go of how the answer should be presented by you. It will never be presented in the way you expected or hoped for.

Sometimes it’s not really in the way you would like to see or have a specific experience but it’s exactly what your soul needs.

And yes that sometimes includes a sacrifice by leaving and expanding your comfort zone. Could be to leave a financially rewarding career that unfortunately is damaging your mental health or spiritual growth. A relationship or distance yourself from close family members in order to find your own voice.

When we receive a vision of a spirit animal in our dreams or even have a physical encounter with an animal that behaves in an unusual way we could see this as a message. What that message could mean really has to do with how it means to you. At which level does it resonate with you.

Remember; there is no right or wrong. So if you can free yourself from judgment you can stay in touch with the feeling it represents. And how does it refer to your current stage in life?

How my meeting with this pheasant unfolded.

As usual, I was on another hike. This one was about 20 KM long and took me over 6 hours to complete. Mainly because sometimes I really like to slow down and really connect with my surroundings. Take some pictures and shoot some footage.

While I was doing this an elderly lady came back to me and asked if I was looking for anything specific. Like a bird or something. Because she saw my DSLR camera and tripod. I said I wasn’t really looking for anything specific but it seems there was a bird looking for me :).

A few kilometers further and I came on a major concrete path towards a farm. From nowhere there was this major bird coming out of the bush towards me. I slowed down and decide to observe. Giving the bird a bit of space to see if he just wants to pass.

Instead, this pheasant with its very bright colors just stood there. So I decided to take some footage as it was totally comfortable with my presence.

But now it kept moving around me. Even when I continued to walk it kept walking with me and in front of me. Like he didn’t allow me to pass.

What Could Be The Spiritual Meaning Of A Pheasant Crossing Your Path?

A encounter with a pheasant can lead to a sense of openess in your life. A reminder to finally trust your abilities and overcome your insecurities. Reach for a higher level of confidence, dominance and independence. Perhaps it could even mean to let go of people, events and circumstances that has served in the past but it’s finally time to move on. Embrace new beginnings. Meet new people.

Going after a new environment where you can spread your wings. Open space, nature where you can both connect with the earth and air element. The air element is for greater awareness, enlighted vision, & clairvoyance.

The spiritual meaning of a pheasant also include a new level of vitality and increased libido.

You can also start to kick the Law of Attraction in overdrive. Manifest the life you desired for a long time. Wether it’s financial abundance and/or a new love life.

So now tell me. Did you had a similair encounter with a pheasant in real life or in your dream state? Please let me know by leaving a comment below.


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