The Empathic Highly Sensitive Person And His Creative work
The Empathic Highly Sensitive Person And His Creative work | How To Stay In The Flow Or In The Zone.
When we talk about empaths or the highly sensitive person at work we think about people who are less productive than non-sensitive people. “The normal” working grind demands very long hours with no work-life balance and very short breaks to restore.
Also, when we think about a “normal” office environment where you get bombarded with constant attention from phones buzzing in your ears, e-mails, customer complaints, and annoying co-workers. It is obvious that this is an energy drainer for the highly sensitive empath.
The highly sensitive and empathic person feels very deeply what is unhealthy and inefficient. Non-sensitive people do recognize it as well but seem to be able to cope with it a lot better. Does that mean the highly sensitive empath is lazy because of the downtime to restore he or she needs?
One of the few challenges an empath must face is to set proper boundaries. Because an empath is really good at trying to make everybody else happy except himself. Or even worse, people-pleasing. People-pleasing is like giving away your personal power.
Trying to please others is constantly giving something away without receiving anything back. This is a painful recipe for burnout. You simply shut down many of your so-called chakras especially your lower chakras such as the root, sacral and solar plexus. Also, your throat chakra of speaking out your truth gets damaged a lot.
It’s a unique challenge an empath must face in order to stay true to his/her unique gifts and talents.
If you ever got in a relationship where you lost a part of yourself it becomes a journey to reunite with your true authentic self. That’s why I call my creative work; “Creating a Place To Re-Member.”
One of the better career paths a highly sensitive empath could focus on is working as a creative. Of course, there are many other career paths as well but creativity is a great practice of self-expression and grounding in the present moment. Therefore, creativity is for me like a Mindfulness Practice.
In my next video, I like to share some more insights regarding this Mindfulness Practice. A wonderful practice we crave so much like highly sensitive empaths.
Your Creative Work As Your Mindfulness Practice…
Creating videos and writing is also a bit like archiving your inner world. Your inner world can be a library of infinite files. All these files contain thoughts, emotions, and memories. If your mind is chaotic and has little clarity then perhaps you want to bring some order by cleaning up this library. Here is how;
When you create for the joy of creating you actually build a very solid Self Care Practice. Because connecting with your joy will of course raise your vibration.
To make creative work work for the highly sensitive person we must lead by example when it comes to our self-care. Many people seem to neglect or sacrifice this aspect until they received a wake-up call in the form of any kind of health challenge. After this wake-up call, they now want to commit to more self-care.
Self-care is Self Knowledge.
When you care about yourself you dedicate your time to know yourself. When you don’t know yourself you end up in either abusive relationships or energy-draining j.o.b.s that simply doesn’t serve anyone. You don’t recognize your unique gifts and talents that the world needs to know about.
There are many different personal development solutions out there that can help you on this journey. One of these studies is for example numerology.
Numerology can reveal your unique life path, challenges, and unique ways of self-expression. For example, I know that my life path is a number 9. In my previous post, I shared some insights about this.
If you want to learn more about your own unique life path number, soul urge, and expression number you can do so on this website.
The Empath As A Giver…
One of the many wonderful traits of the empath is the desire and willingness to give, serve and help. However, when we think about giving and helping others we can also create a misconception around this topic. Not all empaths are “extraverted customer service advisors.” And giving does not always mean you always have to be there for others. Giving “something away” from yourself that makes you feel depleted, instead of energizing.
Your unique gift to the world might also be more around leadership. Leading by example is what I mean by this kind of leadership. You can show others how to really “optimize” a specific kind of area in their life.
Give While Allowing To Receive.
Your gift is what you enjoy doing the most. Optimizing that area you love and enjoying the most is what you came here to do. Passion is the journey of sacrifice. When you had to sacrifice many things on your path to get more in touch with what you love and enjoying doing the most you now have your answer on what it is you came here to give.
When you give something without the feeling you lost something you now came to the point of giving unconditionally. This is living and working from your True Authentic Self or from the heart.
Following this journey is not an easy path and not for the faint-hearted. I could say this is the path of the warrior, well let’s say “Warrior of the light.”
When you have “remembered” your true authentic self and you give unconditionally because that’s what you feel you must do. You now have to find a way to monetize this gift. There are endless possibilities on what it is you can offer, but a great way to deliver your solutions is with the marketing tools from Builderall.
I hope I gave you a bit of a better understanding of what it is you are looking for in your work-life as a creative, highly sensitive, and empathic person. In case you have any further questions please let me know by leaving a comment below.