Should We Raise Our Consciousness?
Should We Really Raise Our Consciousness Or Focus On Something Different? (3 Key Insights).
If we talk about consciousness or self-awareness and how to raise your vibrational frequency and consciousness. Then what exactly do we have, want or need to become conscious of?
I mean everything is awareness and consciousness. So raising it doesn’t really seem to make much sense, does it? How can you raise something that is already there and already exist?
In this video, I share some points of view of what exactly we should do when it comes to “raising our consciousness”. What exactly is really going on? And of course the 3 key insights on raising your consciousness.
The Truth About Raising Our Consciousness And On What Exactly You Should Focus On…
You simply don’t raise your consciousness by “wanting to raise your consciousness” but by paying attention to what you want to become AWARE OF. Which is a very powerful and profound insight by Donald Neale Walsch. Click the banner below to learn more about his work and Awaken The Species mentioned in the video.
Insight Nr 1; Raise Your Consciousness Or Vibrational Frequency By Hope.
Hope is definitely a better and higher state of being then fear as it contains much more positivity and optimism. But with hope also comes some doubts and uncertainty. Like what is “about to happen” has not yet happened and you agreed to that.
The doubts and uncertainties create a feeling of disempowerment. Like you give a part of your responsibility, power and control away to external events. Hoping it will be alright.
When there is hope there are also expectations that something should happen is the way we desire it. And when there is a desire we can also feel that something is missing.
Insight nr 2; Raise Your Consciousness By Tuning Into Faith.
Faith is the next step or realization. With faith, you have overcome a huge part of your desires and expectations that something should happen.
You believe that it will happen no matter what and perhaps in a different way then you have imagined. You trust more in synchronicities. Like the Universe is there to conspire for what you want and have to experience for your true soul-growth.
Insight nr 3; Raise Your Consciousness By Integrating a Higher State of ‘Knowing’.
When you just “know” something is happening you feel intuitive that it already happened. You have fully accepted it, can allow it to happen and embrace the change.
There are no more desires (like something is missing) or expectations. You are fully present in the here and now.
When you are in the “knowing” you are beyond believing. It’s already part of your experience, your truth, values and has already integrated the event or the circumstances.
In this stage of consciousness, you can also experience a greater realization of unconditional love.
You know that your partner loves you unconditionally and will always be there for you no matter (visa versa). This is already part of your experience.
When you are in this stage of knowing you can also experience a deeper realization of unconditional love for your work, life purpose, other relationships, etc. You just “know” that what your soul has to learn and experience in order to grow and evolve is already happening right now.
So How Do You Go From Fear, Doubts, Insecurities To Hope, Faith, And Knowing?
This idea about Hope, Faith, and Knowing was actually a reminder from Donald Neale Walsch (author of Conversations with God). I was going through his online program called “Awaken The Species” and on day 9 we had the practice with congruency. Say what you do and do what you say.
His entire program goes about the HEB (Highly Evolved Being). Which has everything to do with paying more attention to our soul for raising our consciousness. If you want to learn more about his program you can join his free online masterclass.
When you pay more attention to the depth of your soul by feeling your own feelings you can become more aware and conscious of everything. Therefore also more resilient to any external influences and events. You realize much more than your reaction or response to these external events is always a reflection of your inner being. An invitation to a feeling perhaps you have to pay attention to. Or a reminder to who you really want to become.
If any of these external events or circumstances don’t trigger any kind of reaction then you know you have already “raised your awareness above it.” It’s no longer an invitation or a reminder to learn. Does this make sense?
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