7 Self Care Tips For Empaths
Learn how to really take care of yourself as an empath with these 7 self-care tips for empaths.
Being an empath is an extraordinary trait to have. You have an ability that many people can only dream about. An ability to really see and feel where other people are at. You can tune in at someone’s state of being, emotionally and spiritually.
However, the flipside of that is that you can feel what other people feel. So if you are surrounded by people who feel really crap about themselves and life overall you will feel that as well. Meaning this can completely drain your life-force energy. To a point where you can feel emotionally exhausted, depleted, burned-out, and/or depressed.
And the worse part is is that you stay in that relationship (or work environment) because you feel you have an obligation or responsibility to the other person. You give everything you have until you have nothing left.
It’s, therefore, the empathic/highly sensitive people that are more prone to burn-out and depression than people who are less empathic.
As you can imagine it’s building and developing a rock-solid self-care practice in order to become more empathic with yourself. Because in the end, it’s really your life that matters. Look after yourself first, before you try to save the world.
The 7 Self Care Tips For Empaths.
In my next video, I start with a bit of my personal story and life experience. This life experience gave me the purpose to seek better ways and solutions for myself. Ways to care better care for myself which is until the day of the day my primary focus. Because in the end, the only corner of this universe that you can change is your own universe. You are actually the center of the universe as an infinite spiritual being. Anyway let’s dive in:
About my filming location.
In today’s video, I have traveled back to my place of birth. A small coastal town called Zierikzee. With its 11,460 citizens, it’s the largest town on the island “Schouwen Duiveland.” During the 13th century, it was basically a very popular trading town surrounded by canals, gates, and bridges. Exactly like a typical medieval town.
Now it’s a very small fishing harbor that attracts millions of tourists each and every year.
As I grew up here I saw everything from a different perspective. Raised in a divorced family that constantly had to battle with their own power struggles. As an empath myself I felt the anger, frustration, and the many disappointments deeply. Therefore it took me many years to become aware of my own weaknesses and strengths.
Not doing so is therefore passing over the patterns and believes that were passed on to you. The question is, are you really happy with these patterns and believes? Are they really serving you or do you prefer to develop another perspective of life?
Why do empaths need to pay more attention to their self-care practice?
As highly sensitive people we can have an overactive nervous system that simply is picking up more things from our environment. If you are new to the concept of HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) then it might be worth reading the books from Dr Elaine Aron.
We process information like 10x more intense therefore we can feel more exhausted by the end of the day. We must accept that we must allow ourselves to rest and restore.
Now because of how our society is structured, you might want to say well that’s almost impossible. My job demands that I work 10-12 hours a day 5-6 days a week. And I get that. Society is structured to keep the masses in a veil of fear, scarcity, and survival. That’s why you need to study and practice all 7 self-care tips in order to set yourself free.
Although it all sounds very simple, it won’t be easy.
Self Care Tip Number One; To Grow The Tree Of Consciousness You Must Start Off With The Roots.
As empaths, we all want to feel closer to nature, to our own nature or true authentic self. To vibrate at the level our nature wants to vibrate at we must attune. When you stuff your body with low vibrational foods and substances then it becomes very difficult to really grow in consciousness and to feel connected.
Many empaths are therefore already on a special diet and made it their life mission to inspire others to do so as well. I am not an expert in this field neither I am a saint when it comes to nutrition. All I know is what I feel is right for me.
Getting in touch with your body in an intuitive way can already be your best compass to navigate through the overwhelm of information that is available.
However, if you do wish to learn more about this area then you can check out this free online masterclass.
Self Care Tip Number Two; The Exorcism of Negativity.
Now you have fueled your body to perform now go and perform. Burn it, and transform it. Our bodies are meant to move. If you don’t use it you lose it.
Exercise is therefore the exorcism of negativity. It’s good for the Mind, Body, and Spirit. And you already knew this, right? Question is, how much are you doing it?
Not only because of our current global health crisis but also because of cost, timings, or gym culture. Many empaths prefer to exercise on their own, peacefully without having to go to their local gym.
It’s actually very convenient to exercise at your own pace using your own body weight to strengthen your body.
At your Mindvalley Membership, you can also find programs that focus on these home workouts. Or workouts that can shorten your time.
Self Care Tip Number 3; Give Yourself Some Time To Reflect.
Give Yourself Some Time To Reflect is my ReflectionTime slogan that refers to a lot of nature time. Spend time in nature through long Mindfulness Walks, Hiking, Meditation in nature, nature photography, wild-camping, etc. This is so much what we need to really re-energize and recharge.
During the ’80s there has been a scientific study in Japan regarding Forest Bathing (Shinrin-Yoku). What does the atmosphere do to our body, mind, and spirit when we spend at least 30 minutes per day in a nearby park or in a forest.
As a kid, I always was outside as I grew up near the coast with lots of open space around me. When I moved to London in 2013 because of my relationship I struggled very much to feel grounded. This eventually only became worse and worse.
Escaping to the countryside became a must for me. It became a weekly habit, yet I made it my daily habit of going for walks in my local parks. Hence, my YouTube videos about Mindfulness in nature.
Self Care Tip Number 4; Re-energize Your Light-Body.
When you practice meditation by either following a guided meditation or challenging your own meditation you can notice something. What you can start to see, feel and experience is that your energy field is much bigger than what the physical eye can see.
To make this even a bit further you can also receive energy healer from let’s say a certified Reiki healer/master. If you want to learn more about Reiki healing you can go through this page.

Self Care Tip Number 5; Always Seek For New Insights And Lessons From Others.
Always keep on learning and seeking new insights through personal development.
Self Reflection through Mindfulness Walks in nature is to clear your mind, become present, and tune in your own intuition. Actively learning through personal development courses can give you new skills for life.
If you love and enjoy learning new skills then I can highly recommend the Mindvalley Membership. You can follow a free online masterclass to learn more or you can also check my full in-depth review.

Self Care Tip Number 6; Learn how to communicate and deliver your ideas and solutions to the world while earning a living.
So far we have only talked about cleansing and filling your own glass first. There comes a point, however, that your bucket is full and starts to flow over with your love, joy, kindness, empathy, ideas, and solutions.
Then of course you reach a point that you take your personal development approach more in the direction of professional development. Learn and study different forms of marketing, business, and entrepreneurship. Also take it to a point where you can actually build your own website, landing pages, sales funnels, CRM, membership sites, automated webinar systems, etc.
The software solution that I am using for my business is from Builderall. If you are currently also at a point where you want to provide a product or a service then this is a very good and affordable solution. Click here to learn more.
Self Care Tip Number 7; If you care about yourself and others you care about money.
Sounds so simple eh, yet very confronting as well. The majority of the population is obsessed with making and accumulating money. Yet many empaths seem to neglect this very important aspect. Sometimes it’s almost painful to talk about it.
Well, it’s also a reflection of the way we see ourselves, our self-worth, and what we actually do for others. If that aspect is kind of weak then this might reflect as well on our bank accounts.
Of course, this is kind of black and white because it can be a very complex situation. There are many hard-working and heart-centered empaths delivering many solutions to the world. Yet, they want to give, give and give. But struggle to receive.
Or they work with income models that just don’t work (like trading time for money). Simply because they don’t really have taken the time to learn about business models, systems, leverage, automation, and wealth generation overall. Not completely they’re fault because we also live in a system that is meant to keep the masses in a veil of ignorance, lack, scarcity, and survival. We are conditioned to stay small, not to think BIG!
The future of wealth generation.
That’s why I am “Creating a Place To Re-Member” to give reminders about our infinite possibilities.
Right now (because we live in the age of Aquarius) we will start to see a revolution where power and control lose their grip. Where we want to become decentralized from a system that only favors the few because of the advantage they take over the many.
Since 2010 I have been on a journey to learn about generating wealth, freedom, and independence. This journey took me to many lows and some heights. Such as making $80k in an 8 month period with an affiliate marketing program. But I have also experienced simply lose it all and get rock bottom again.
All these personal struggles have led me to a personal transformation process. But in the end, I am still an entrepreneur at heart which I just can’t get out of my system. However, I do want to bring something to the table that goes beyond “just making money” just for the sake of it.
It’s not just what we do and achieve, it’s about the journey of who we have to become in the process. Your business model is therefore a vehicle to become that person you are meant to be. So what kind of person do you want to be and become?
Is this something that can be a vehicle for your own personal journey?