Overcoming Poverty Consciousness
Discover The Three Different Mindsets For Overcoming Poverty, Survival And Scarcity Consciousness. Especially After Emotional Narcissistic Abuse…

Those who have been through any kind of emotional abuse such as narcissistic abuse can suffer tremendously from poverty, survival or scarcity consciousnesses. Why that is is what you are going to learn in this post and video about overcoming poverty consciousness. Poverty consciousness goes hand in hand with survival or scarcity consciousness as well.
We will explore the three stages of poverty consciousness. The last stage will be all about Unity Consciousness or developing an Abundance Mindset.
So what happened, why do so many of us suffer from poverty consciousness?
Watch the video below to find out!
The Reason Why Those Who Have Suffered From Narcissistic Emotional Abuse Are Now Still Struggling With Poverty Consciousness.
Those who have been in an emotionally abusive (narcissistic) relationship have experienced very intense feelings of isolation and separation. Which is not only the case in these type of abusive relationships but also in many other ways.
Think about the older brother who suddenly had to step up as a father figure after his father passed away. Who got isolated by his mother because she was to busy looking after herself and a much younger more sensitive child. That child got totally wrapped up in a cocoon of over protection. Yet the older brother felt neglected, unseen, and isolated.
Because his needs were never met he started to build up anger and rage about everything. He felt so much of injustice of all the pain he experienced that he had to find a way to express his anger. He got into trouble with school and eventually many other authorities. Later on, alcohol and other addictions became his daily reality.
His way of survival and trying to cope with his pains started to develop a victim mentality. Feeling isolated and separated from any kind of luck developed also the mindset of survival, scarcity and poverty consciousness.
This is obviously just one example as we all go through different kinds of experiences.
How I started to develop a victim mentality full of scarcity and poverty consciousness.
Personally I also experienced a lot of scarcity, financial and emotional survival during my upbringing (feel free the discover my full story). Money was always hard to get and especially to keep. Because there is always some sort of outside force that wants to get it from me.
But really if we are going to dive much further into our emotions. It’s the emotional needs that were never met. And now because we feel there is a “hole in our soul” we always need something to fill up that void.
Can money finally fill up that void or longing for something?
You probably already know the answer to those questions. Perhaps you have already tried to fulfill that quest. Or perhaps it’s not even money or material things. Maybe you seek other “external” things to fill up that void.
Please let me know what it is for you by leaving a comment below.
Stage Number One Of Poverty and Scarcity Consciousness.
Something I already brought up but this stage is the very deep and intense feeling of isolation. We experience a HUGE LACK in almost everything. Which is of course also fueled by many fears.
We feel we lack connection, drive, motivation, relationships, love, joy, purpose, stability, safety, confidence, money, etc. As a matter of fact, it’s not really just money that is lacking. It’s everything that is preventing you from taking meaningful and inspired actions. Action that is driven by a purpose to do something greater for yourself and others. But we will get there.
Stage Number Two Of Poverty and Scarcity Consciousness.
This is the kind of stage where you get fed up with everything. You get mad about where you are and by “playing a victim.” You get angry by the fact you are undervalued by others and you wanna fight for your existence.
You want to do better for yourself so you start to take massive action to go and get the “things” you want.
Most of everything you do is based on willpower and not so much on true inspiration. So basically you are still in a stage of survival consciousness.
In the stage of survival consciousness, you just wanna go and “get things.” You don’t care too much how you have to get it or what must be done as long as you will. Control, abusive power, manipulation, and domination can still play a very big part in this. Perhaps even aggression and violence.
Here people turned their victim mentality into a perpetrator mentality. Which is actually still a victim mentality fueled by scarcity consciousness.
Eventually, we could reach a point where our consciousness starts to play a part. Think about a total mental and emotional burn-out. You simply are done with being a workaholic. Done with being a perpetrator by manipulating, controlling and dominating others.
You could then start to fall into two directions. Number one is back into stage number one. But now you feel so miserable because of all your deeds. Full with self-pity, shame, and guilt.
Or you start to move up to stage number three.
Stage number three is and will be an enormous step up into consciousness. Neither this will be a step that will be completely painless, easy and effortlessly. This will be a complete identity change where you will want to develop more self-compassion, Self-acceptance, and self-love.
It’s going to be a process of “Remembering Your True Self.” This is actually not so much about learning new things but about unlearning the old habits that are preventing you from Being Your True Authentic Self.
This is the stage where you will feel very connected and inspired to what I like to call “Unity Consciousness.” It’s a stage of being where you have aligned the various multidimensional aspect of “Yourself.” Your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Light-body are now beautiful synchronized and working together.
Unity Consciousness is the polarity of Scarcity Consciousness and that is the amazing part of our Third Dimensional World. The 3D world is our Time-Space dimension. Here is where we can experience Duality which is needed to Remember Our True Self. Suffering and conflict are sometimes needed to Remember Who We Truly Are as a Spiritual Being having a temporary human experience.
So to experience Unity Consciousness one must also experience Scarcity, Survival and/or Poverty Consciousness. Because if you don’t know the darkness how in the earth can you experience the light? Without Darkness, there can’t be light. Right?
So What Exactly Can You Do To Let Go Of Poverty Consciousness?
Your personal identity or EGO is very attached to this image that you must suffer. Once you have experienced lack, limitations, scarcity, suffering or whatever in your early life you start to identify yourself with it. Like this is WHO I AM. Which is nonsense of course and you know that, right?
But I know this may all sound very simple yet your ego will constantly create conflict within yourself.
So the real solution is here to start to develop a very solid and (almost) daily Personal Development Practice. Constantly learn to reflect on what is going on within yourself. Reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Always ask yourself questions like; “why was I thinking that created my current circumstances in the first place.
This is how you become RESPONSIBLE instead of Re-Active (doing the same ACTIONS over and over again). Respond to your thoughts, feelings, emotions and (un)conscious habits and behaviors.
To stay very consistent with this I suggest you learn to develop a personal development for the next 12 months. How to do that is what you can learn more about in this post.
Now please let me know your thoughts about this. What it is you currently experience. Do you agree or don’t agree? Let me know by leaving a comment below and feel free to share!
Thank u so so much for the detailed message today. Wow. A lot of great info. It’s a constant struggle. But thank u for the amazing insight!!!!
Thank you Shana! Much appreciated:)