How To Overcome a Dis-empowered Life
The 3 Roles We Play When We Give Away Our Personal Power, Where They Come From And How To Overcome Them…
We all have experienced the feeling of dis-empowerment once in one of our life areas, when we are not in control over own our life and when we feel we don’t have any power of it. We experience some level of lack & limitation and feel we are in the need of something. That “need” might need to fill up some emptiness that never can be filled up with any external stuff. Things like money, success, recognition, food, sex or relationships. We hunger for control which seems we can’t get our finger on.
In the next video we dive deep in the subject of personal power. First we explore the “Manifestation Symptoms” such as health issues, codependent-relationships, career and money. Then we go deeper into the behaviors, the roles we are playing when we feel dis-empowered. After that we analyse the root cause and finally how to solve and heal it.
“The Manifestation Symptoms”
The outcomes are never the cause, neither our actions & behaviors. That can be changed as well. One of the Manifestation Symptoms could appear in health issues, eating disorder, overweight and obesity which nowadays is a huge epidemic. Specially when the entire sugar and fast food industry can make so much money out of it, let alone the drug industry. If we would raise our consciousness all of that could eventually fall apart (if we all decide to).
Codependent Relationships is were people are looking for outside love, attention and approval from the other which they can never find in the other. A result is a further power and control drama that also can go further in eating disorders.
When we look to our career and finances we see a very large group of people who perform way under their potentials. We see that they have settled down in a dead end boring J.O.B. (Just Over Broke). They also seems to seek for other addictions and distractions that could suppress the pain of boredom and disappointment. Another group of career & money struggling people are some of the over-achievers. At a surface level they seems to do very well but they do very well because deep in their heart they
still tend to seek for approval through accomplishments. They want to prove others wrong by showing them what they can do. The joy & bliss they tend to seek are just after the performance has been made like closing business deals. Right after that moment they confront that deep inner emptiness they seems to suppress and hide away. As a result they keep on wasting and burning money to cover up that emptiness.
Personally I struggled with both career & money examples.
Role Number 1 is the Perpetrator.
The perpetrator is seeking for control through manipulating and hurting others for getting his/her needs met. He or she feels there is never enough therefore he or she needs to fight for his needs no matter what. Also resistance against what he or she don’t want is costing the person a lot of energy.
Role Number 2 is the People Pleaser.
People Pleasers say Yes to everybody except themselves and the people who are close to them. They can’t say no because they are to afraid to be rejected or disapproved. For them pleasing others is like seeking for their approval. Perpetrators love to take advantage of them.
Role Number 3 is the Victim.
All three roles are a form of victimization but the Victim plays his role very obviously. While the Victim, Pleaser and Perpetrator seems to attract each-other the perpetrator loves to crush the victim. The victim constantly seek for help from the pleaser. A victim always needs help and no matter how much help you throw at them it’s like throwing energy through the drain.
The Source of the Problem and how to solve it.
You now know what the manifestation symptoms might be and what kind of behaviors are responsible for these results. The good news is is that we are not our results, actions, behaviors, believes, thoughts and emotions. We have them, but it’s not who we are. At a Core Level we all came from the same Source which is Unconditional Love. That Source still exist in all of us and we can “Remember” or Re-Unite with that part.
As you might know we are more then our physical body. We are also our Mind & our Soul. At a Energetic / Spiritual Level we have several energy centers also known as Chakras. Balance these energy centers and you will improve your life. The Solar Plexus Chakra represents everything
related to Personal Power (Confidence, Self Esteem, Self Trust, and knowing your place in the world). Unfortunately as children we adapt to a environment where many people (including our parents) are not being tought how to develop this in a healthy way and we copy their believes which becomes our blueprint.
So for example when we grow up in a family where our parents where not empowered as well we see their weakness as our examples. When they don’t feel safe we don’t feel it either and we close down with our emotions and at a energetic level; we close down our chakras. We also glide down the vibrational scale of consciousness. We are also creating so called “emotional imprints” which are like emotional or energetic splinters that get stuck in our emotional painbody. The Law of Vibration responds to what you’re sending out to the universe on a unconscious level.
As a spoke in the video it’s important that you learn how to conquer or master your lower self which has everything to do with thought & emotions. Also you should learn how to connect with your higher self through (guided) meditations. You can learn how to connect to the Light which is a higher vibrational form of energy that can help you to heal your emotional painbody bit by bit.
In case you are not on my mailing yet I suggest you sign up for this free training on how to master your lower self and connect with your higher self. Just click here to learn more!
When you are already a subscribe then I can suggest you a FREE spiritual tool kit from a intuitive life coach / energy healer. She can show you how to connect with your Higher Self and start to heal your emotional painbody. Just click on below image:
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