Nature And The Importance Of Mental Health
Nature And The Importance Of Mental Health | The ‘Only Thing’ You Must Remember…
Discover the importance of nature and how it can affect your mental health. Forget all the science, fact, and figures for a moment and really ground yourself in the present moment. Observe, relax, reflect and grow in self-awareness. Discover or Remember the “only thing” that can help you to get back on track. Overcome stress, anxiety, burn-out, depression, and fatigue if you practice this outdoor self-reflection method on a regular basis.
Everything already exists. Just a quick Google or YouTube search and you can find countless very detailed information on the importance of nature and mental health. You can research the physical, mental, and emotional health benefits of nature therapy; Forest Bathing, or Shinrin Yuko.
In my next video, however, I would like to share one very simple yet very powerful insight that could potentially help you to get back on track. Get back on track with your mental health, and emotional well-being and regain clarity on what to do next.
Here it’s why it’s so important for your mental health to practice self-reflection in nature.
It’s not your fault…
Struggling with mental health challenges or any kind of health challenge makes you want to believe that something is wrong with you. Or it’s something that must stay hidden underneath the surface. Hide behind a smile, your humor, work, busyness, or any other kind of distraction or even addictions.
However, trying to suppress anything is like holding air balloons under the water. Eventually, they will pop to the surface. This process can also be called the “apocalypse” The unseen truth is revealed. Or the truth will set you free.
What I can say is first of all you are not alone. Second I have been there as well and third; we live in a world that is completely out of balance and sync with nature.
There is already plenty of information to find in regards to “the system” we live in. And how far this has fallen out of alignment with our true human nature. So it’s pretty safe to say that it’s normal to “not wanting” to fit in a system that was already broken. It’s like trying to fit a square lego block into a round circle. Our human nature simply doesn’t fit.
But anyway, let’s first have a look at a few examples of what could cause these mental health challenges.
The Corporate Rat-Race and how that can affect our mental health.
I know exactly what’s like to be in a position where you feel you shouldn’t be. How disconnected, lonely, and isolated can make you feel. All you can think about is a way to escape from that reality but you tell yourself you can’t, because…
Therefore you find other unhealthy ways to cope with dealing with a reality you don’t want to be part of you. That’s when distractions can turn into addictions which can only put you further unto a slippery slope or downward spiral.
Another unfortunate reality is the toxic behavior from coworkers, managers, or employers. The only way to get ahead is to shit on everybody that is “below you.” Gaslighting, manipulation, bullying, and the list can go on.
The downside of online entrepreneurship.
Don’t get me wrong; I have been an entrepreneur since I was 20 years old and always loved the hustle, grind, and making my own money. Until I got burned out. Always creating massive and unrealistic expectations, demands, and conditions for myself and others.
But when we look at the current online markets of supply and demand we can also see some very toxic and narcissistic behaviors of young entrepreneurs. Do whatever it takes to sell, make money, and build that fame, status, and success ladder.
The value that is currently being provided is highly questionable and you must therefore ask yourself the question of whether the path is the right one for you.
I mean I am a content creator as well and I also must keep up with the social media demands of getting my message out in the world. But always reflect on your intentions and what kind of value you want to share.
Remember; it’s all about creating a healthy balance between “Be – Do – Have”. Make sure your tank is filled before you hit the gas paddle. That’s why you must give yourself some time to reflect to align with that that energizes you.
Men and mental health in regards to relationships.
It’s not very common for men to open up about their inner challenges and demons they are fighting. It seems to be “more masculine” to keep it for yourself. But remember what I said about their balloons?
True masculinity is being the protector of the divine feminine. Guess what both masculine and feminine energy exist in each gender. That also means daring to get in touch with your own intuition.
You can either be in a relationship or single and be both unsatisfied. Wishing things were different.
When being single you can look at all the different dating advice on “how to be a man.” To get the beautiful woman you must be at least a 6 or 7-figure income earner and whatnot in order to be attractive in the market. Imagine what kind of pressure you put on yourself in order to meet that standard. Or think about the kind of women who expect these kinds of demands in a man. Think that’s healthy?
But then of course we have the caring and empathic men that are actually deeply unsatisfied with their current relationship. Wonder what “else” life has to offer but struggle to leave their current partner because of considering the feelings of the other person. Yet many years are passing by.
And how more of these years are passing by how more insecure you become. Wondering if you could still be an attractive person once you get back on the market.
The One Thing You Must Remember In Order To Heal Your Mind, Body, And Spirit.
Everybody has their own opinion or perception of how it should be. Sure you can take any kind of advice into consideration but eventually, you have to make up your own mind.
Same with all the professional help or alternative and holistic health solution you can find. All are great and all have their benefits. But to really build mental toughness and emotional intelligence you have to trust your inner compass or guidance. AKA Intuition.
We all think too much and feel too little.
So how can nature really help us to improve our mental health?
Like I said in the video. We live in a world that’s full of conditions and expectations which disconnect us from our True Authentic Selves. Going out in nature can help to ease these pressures we have developed for ourselves. Free ourselves from all these high expectations or conditions from other people and society.
Ground yourself in the present by practicing Mindfulness in nature. Be still, become aware by observing your surroundings.
Take a step back in order to step up in self-awareness. Step out of your current situation and practice the art of detachment. Look at your life from a helicopter view for developing a new and upgraded vision for yourself.
So when do you know when you are on the right path?
There are so many success formulas written and experienced by others. We like to believe that once we follow the path of someone else we can be successful as well. Only to be disappointed when it doesn’t work for us.
Your life path might be completely different by going through different lessons and experiences. Think it, feel it, experience it, and integrate it into your personal identity.
To really trust your own process is to recognize the path of uncertainty. Be okay with not having all the answers. Be okay by walking through your own tunnel of darkness knowing there will always be light at the end of it.
And that’s exactly the message I have for you today. Please let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Share, subscribe and join our community.