Mindvalley Quest All Access Review
Is The Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass Worth The Investment? (Full Review + My Personal Experience)
If you have ever consumed some online content regarding personal development you have been targeted with ads from Vishen Lakhiani, right? Videos like these:
Or maybe you have already signed up for some free online masterclasses from Mindvalley and now you just wonder if there is any true value in these Quests. (The All Access Pass Masterclass):
In this Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass Review we dive deep in the annual subscription on the Mindvalley Academy called “The All Access Pass”.
Mindvalley Quest All Access Video Review:
Click Here To Sign Up For The All Access Masterclass.
What exactly is the Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass?
Mindvalley is a personal development/publishing company based in Malaysia. They invite all sorts of experts on their platform to speak about personal transformation.
You can find a lot of online personal development courses on their academy regarding different topics and life areas. Think about:
- Mindfulness Meditation
- Productivity,
- Mindset,
- Wealth,
- Health & Wellness,
- Parenting,
- Tantra,
- Spirituality,
- Entrepreneurship and much more!

Mindvalley offers both online personal development courses and so-called “Quests.”
The difference between online courses and their Quests is the Quest is something you (can) do with other people in an online community. A bit like an online workshop.
You can sign up for a Quest on a specific date and you can also access the online social community of that Quest. There are exercises you can take together with other people you find in that community. This can increase the accountability and engagement of people.

Their online personal development courses are something you follow on your own.
The reason they introduced these Quests is because of the completion rate. Most people don’t really seem to complete the courses they bought. And also ask for a refund way too soon.
If you continue to read on you will learn that each quest cost anywhere between the $300 to $400.
To make personal development really work for you have you to treat it as a daily routine or exercise. Like going to the gym, maintaining your relationships, working in your job or on your business.
The problem as you can imagine is that taking an online personal development course or quest can become quite expensive. And that is where the All Access Pass comes in. This means HUGE savings on their best selling courses and quest for the entire year!
What you can learn in the All Access Pass Masterclass.
Personally I found Vishen Lakhiana a very inspiring entrepreneur and that’s why I decided to enroll in the All Access Quest.
In his Free Online Masterclass, he talks about the 3 key elements of personal transformation. I actually already made another video about this online masterclass which I called “The 12-month personal development plan.”
There is also a very strong reason why personal development might not work for you. Which is also something Vishen will talk about in his Masterclass.
In his Free Online Masterclass, he actually shares a lot of golden nuggets which can give you some profound insights on your personal development journey. Here are just a few screenshots but I think you can understand I can’t actually share the content itself.

Click here to follow this Masterclass.
So what exactly is included in this Quest All Access Pass?
After you have followed the online masterclass you will end up at the main website with their offer to enroll. If you prefer to skip the free online masterclass and go directly to the signup page you can do so by clicking right here.
Find here some screenshots that you can find on their sign up page:

The Full List Of Mindvalley Courses and Quests:
Unlocking Transcendence – $349
The M Word – $299
Hero. Genius. Legend. –$499
The Quest for Personal Mastery –$399
The Psychology of Winning – $349
Speak and Inspire – $349
Awaken the Species – $299
Superbrain – $399
The Longevity Blueprint – $399
Be Extraordinary – $299
The Yoga Quest – $149
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance (Review) – $349
The Habit of Ferocity – $349
Chakra Healing – $349
The Mastery of Sleep – $399
Total Transformation – $299
Super Reading – $299
Duality – $299
Uncompromised Life (Review)– $399
Energy Medicine – $399
Feng Shui For Life – $349
Conscious Parenting Mastery – $299
Conscious Uncoupling – $299
Life Visioning Mastery – $349
Money EQ – $399
Live By Your Own Rules – $299
And More!
Programs Coming in the Next Few Months (You will Get Access to these too as part of your subscription)
Eliminate Stress (Paul McKenna)$299
Integral Theory (Ken Wilber)$249
Networking (Keith Ferrazzi)$349
Silva Method (Vishen Lakhiani)$299
Leadership (Keith Ferrazzi)$349
10X: The World’s Most Advanced Gym Workout – $299
Mindfulness (Gelong Thubten) – $349
Energies of Love (Donna Eden) – $399
Thinking Big (Naveen Jain) – $399
Total Value: $11,915
What’s NOT Included In The All Access Pass?
Unlimited Abundance (Review), Wildfit and Lifebook Online are their premium courses and are structured differently. And have therefore a different price as well. Also I noticed that Love or Above (which is more of a basic course) is not included as well.
All Access Pass Reviews and Testimonials.

What You Get:
- Unlimited access to Mindvalley’s entire vault of 28+ Quests and 9+ Upcoming Quests being released in the next year.
- Member-exclusive access to upcoming NEW Quests before anyone else.
- Thousands off your enrollment fees compared to their normal retail price, as you design your fully personalized education plan.
- Ongoing access to all your Quest communities, so you can stay connected to amazing people on the same journey as you.
- FREE Live Coaching Calls With Authors for upcoming Quests.
- FREE Official Certifications for your Quests (when available) that you can print or display on your social networking profiles.
- Premium student support: meaning priority access and faster responses from our world-class customer support team.
- An unconditional 10-day money back guarantee, so you can try the Mindvalley All Access Subscription before committing.
- Cancel anytime
Let’s talk about this 10-day money-back guarantee for a moment.
Each quest takes around 30 days to complete and personally I think that 10 days is a bit short to judge if this entire annual membership is a good fit for you or not.
I do understand however that a company who offers online personal development courses can experience a higher refund rate then lets an organization who offers live workshops, retreats or personal coaching.
The reason for that is because you don’t really feel “a personal connection”, responsibility or accountability with an online course creator or a customer service helpdesk from a company.
Therefore people can feel “less guilty” to pull their money back quicker. Especially when they have been through a few online exercises and got confronted to look deeper inside themselves. The mind can create resistance from looking at your areas of improvement.
It’s much safer to stay in your comfort zone, right?
What will happen after you have enrolled in Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass?

Personally I have experienced no issues at all with this process. All the courses and quests appeared almost instantly after my order. I also got a confirmation e-mail with my receipt. Then I received a “thank-you” e-mail with a link to login to the member’s area. However, I already got access to my member’s area because of some courses I bought from them previously.
2 or 3 days later I received an online test which revealed the area I should focus on the most. However, after this test I got introduced to another premium course called “Life-book.” The test itself was actually really good.

What You Need To Know About The Price.
Because I live in the EU I also had to pay extra for the VAT. Because I am Self Employed I could ask this back if I would work in the personal development space and declare this investment as a business expense. But if you are not you might be paying an extra $119 for VAT. Or whatever the VAT is for your country.

When you decide to ask for a refund within your first 10 days you will lose access to all the courses.
But when you cancel your subscription before the new auto-renew year starts you keep all the courses. But not after the auto-renew. Which is a pity.

Are All These Quests And Courses Actually Delivered?
As you have seen they have advertised 30 Quests on their Sign Up Page. Now let’s have a look if they have actually delivered.
Here are a few screenshots of all the courses and Quests I see in my member’s area.

And as you can see I currently count over 30 courses and quests. 32 in total. If you think one is missing then is advertised then feel free to contact their customer support.
How are the Mindvalley Courses and Quests Itself, are they any good?
In my full Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass Review Video I have actually shown you the layout of one of their courses. This All Access Pass Review is not really about a particular course or quest.
But anyway let me briefly show you how the dashboard and layout look like of one of their Quests.

Under the warm-up session you can find your introduction and instructions on how to follow each Quest.
If you click on “Community” a popup appears with a link to their social community on Facebook and your login code. In my review video, you can see this process in real-time. Also the layout of the Facebook Group. Which has features I didn’t know existed for Facebook Groups.
Personally I found the Mindvalley Quests and Courses quite good for an online program. They are very well structured and well organized. They come with videos, audio’s and workbooks.
One thing to mention is their workbooks are editable for completing the exercises. But when you save them they turn into a PDF that you can’t edit anymore again. Meaning you get a PDF safe file for each exercise. But this might be just my own ignorance regarding PDF’s.
Will Each Quest Actually Deliver Its Promise?
If you spent a few hundred dollars on one specific quest that promised an expectation on let’s say “making you more money” then you might be wondering if that also will happen for you, right?
My short answer is; No it doesn’t!
Buying an online course is the first step. The second step is keeping yourself responsible and accountable for actually going through the entire course. This is already a huge challenge for most people (including myself).
Also, there are different engagement levels of learning and following each course. I mean you can watch a video where you are just listening and consuming the content. And for most of us, we will forget the information before that video has already ended.
Or you really engage in the exercises provided, share your insights and connect with other students in the community.
This would require already some major discipline and participation.
The next step is to fully integrate this new knowledge into your mind, heart, and soul. To then implement it in your daily activities. Make it fully experimental into your existence.
Our survival mind or ego loves to re-act (repeating the same actions) to promises that can make us money overnight, a magic pill for losing weight or becoming that person we always want to be. With no effort whatsoever.
But that’s not why we are here and you know that, right?
Our Soul is here to Learn, Grow, To Re-member it’s True Nature, Experience & To Just Be. Once you can accept that Truth than the learning becomes more fun. You can overcome your (high) expectations or conditions. Like your investment should “get” you this or that “or else.” That kind of thinking can also cause you a lot of stress and anxiety.
Will this All Access Pass Work For Everybody?
I don’t think so.
When you want to follow only 1 or 2 Mindvalley Quest then you might be cheaper with following them on their own. See the list of Quests mentioned in this post.
The second reason why the Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass might not work for everybody is that it requires a lot of discipline, routine, consistency, persistent and personal accountability to complete these quests. There is no coach, mentor or personal trainer who will wake you up in the morning and keep you accountable to follow through.
Although you could find an accountability partner in their social communities. But that is totally up to you!
This is for people who get excited by exploring, learning and growing from each or several courses. Who loves the journey of learning itself. People who also realize that no course in the world will change your world unless you do!
So do I think the Mindvalley Quest All Access Pass is worth it?
I would say absolutely yes!
So far I have paid more money for several personal/spiritual development courses. The only difference was that these courses involved live workshops and retreats where you actually meet people and receive personal guidance.
With over 30 online courses that would normally cost anywhere between the $300 – $400 I would say this is a No-brainer!
In case you have any further questions please let me know by leaving a comment below. And if you decide to subscribe to my mailing I can also give you access to our online community where you can find more content for your personal development journey.