Lack of Motivation To Do Anything
Do You Have Lack of Motivation To Do Anything? Here Is How To Cure Laziness And Lack of Motivation…

Have you ever felt any lack of motivation to do anything at all lately? You just wonder around trying to figure out your purpose in life or where you belong in this world? Well you are not alone!
But before we dive any further I wanna ask you a quick question. Have you tried to follow any motivational videos on YouTube but still can’t get in touch with your own motivation? If so then I am going to reveal something that is going to break through to any kind of these forced seeking motives or what I like to call extrinsic motivations. Instead I will present to you a concept that could potentially help you to fire up your passion and excitement. You can either choose to watch the video or continue reading. Or do both because I will mention things in the video that I might forget to mention in my blog visa versa.
What you must know about motivation…
Motivation has to do with motives. A motive can be a goal to achieve something. A outcome or a expectation. Which is good in some way because it feels nice to get rewarded for your hard work. It can be a symbol or a reflection of you being of service to the world.
The problem with that is that we have lost touch with the idea of “being of service to the world.” We have totally lost ourselves in the illusion of getting material gains for the sake of fitting in or belonging to a certain type of social class. And we try to follow that path, manifest a few nice items until we realize that this can’t satisfy us anymore. We then lose touch with our motivations and we start to see ourselves as being lazy. But is that really the case?
Are you really struggling with laziness or is it perhaps just another label society has put on to you?
Personally I am a very strong believer in various energies. Energies produced by thoughts, feelings and emotions. Or perhaps even your Soul Blueprint.
Currently you might have a idea or a thought that tells you what you should be doing. All your “should’s” can create restlessness which I also spoke about in this video about practicing solitude.
Your should’s (like I should be doing this, be like that, have that or be there) creates separation from the present moment. True Inner Peace exist of course only in the present moment. But that is probably not what you are looking for, right? Or maybe you do but you don’t know it just yet. What you think you want is the fire, focus, commitment, dedication, discipline and motivation to get things done. But what is that going to get you? The nice car, house or all the other stuff society (and other people adapting to the same believes you do) want you to believe that is going to make you happy.
Once you can finally buy that thing that you thought that would make you happy you will finally feel a moment of joy, peace and satisfaction. Why? Because you just freed yourself from desiring that thing. And when you are free from desires you have peace.
So now you have realized that can’t be just the goal or the thing you should be chasing you now also have realized you can’t motivate yourself anymore. That’s your problem! (You think).
The truth is you are actually on your path of true awakening. You are realizing that this illusion of society can’t satisfy us anymore. So what is it that we truly want at a deeper soul level?
Of course we want to feel motivated to take action and accomplish something, right? But this time it’s going to be different!
What you want is to work on something that is MUCH bigger then your own ego-centric needs, wants and desires. You wanna be free of that survival thinking. What you want as a tiny little drop of water is to feel connected with your ocean of infinite energy. You want to serve this ocean as a way to serve the collective so you know that this ocean will serve you in supporting your cause.
This my friend is True Inspiration! Because to Be Inspired is to Be In-Spirit. How does that sound? Good or good?
Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Also feel free to share this post if you think that anyone can benefit from this.
So what’s next? What else can you do to overcome your lack of motivation? My suggestion is to follow the online masterclass from Marisa Peer. She is a professional hypnotherapist who can help you to re-program your subconscious mind for more motivation, inspiration and overall success in your life. You can sign up right here!
Thanks and see you next time!