Discover My 2 Best Tips On How To Get Out Of Your Head And More Into Your Heart.

Wanna learn How To Get Out Of Your Head? Do you struggle with a lot of overthinking or over analyzing? You are not alone! Personally I used to struggle a lot with these issues. That’s why I had to search for ways to ground myself. Grounding or connecting with yourself, others and the Earth is where we will be talking about in this post about how to get our of your head.

So why so many of us struggle with staying stuck in our head? Why can’t we feel more grounded and connected? Connected with our own body, feelings and emotions. Or even connected with the Earth below our feet? Or perhaps it’s feeling a stronger connection with other people or a bigger engagement in our work.

In the next video I share a bit of my personal experience with how I used to struggle with overthinking. Also you will learn 2 very powerful insights on how to get out of your head and back into your life/heart. Whatever you want ;).

My 2 Best Insights On How To Get Our Of Your Head.

Why do we feel stuck sometimes in our own mind?

The mind or much more the “ego-mind” never seems to have enough. It always wants more of everything and disconnect you from the present moment. The reason for that is because it’s projecting your past experiences in the present moment with the expectation that will become your future as well.

So how do you get out of your own mind or out of your own way?

This my friend is the story of my life because these were one of the many struggles I had to deal with. Simple have a look at my YouTube channel. For years I wanna to make it happen on YouTube but was very inconsistent because my mind would come up with all sorts of excuses. Like take to much time, to much work, nobody cares or watch my videos. Can’t make money quick enough etc etc.

Here is the thing of why we struggle with a lot of overthinking, worry, stress or anxiety. Our ego mind or survival mind has his primary job to make sure that you stay safe and secure. It’s the reptilian part in our brain that constantly look out for dangers.

Now a days we don’t have to look out for wild predators anymore but right now we have other kind of dangers. These type of dangers are more related to social, psychological and emotional dangers. For example; will I get my basic needs met? Will I get socially accepted or approved? Can I or will I belong to a certain type of social group. These ideas are currently forming our society. Even major brands are reacting on these very primal needs therefore we get even more stimulation’s each and every day from advertisers. These advertisers wants us to believe that we can only belong or be accepted to a certain type of social group or class if we own certain type of brands and products. Brands we want to identity with. If we can’t have it then we get the impression we are missing out on something.

So how do you surrender yourself more to the present moment which can help you to get out of your head instantly?

What helps for me is to do something that feels creative and productive. Be productive in finding something that can help others. Do something that you love and enjoy doing. A activity that has no conditions or expectations because that can also trigger stress, worry and anxiety. Find a activity that will help you to forget the time and that you can lose yourself in.

The 2 Major Insights on How To Get out of Your Own Mind:

In our mind we are afraid to lose out about the things we think we want to identity ourselves with. For example our entire identity is based on a relationship we have, a job, career, business, income level, bank account statement etc. We think that’s who we are but we are so much more then just that. Do you agree? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

If we have that fear that is right now keeping us stuck in our mind then the best way to overcome that fear is to go through it. Imagine that the worst thing that could happen already happened and you have totally embraced and accepted it. When there is acceptance you have released the resistance because what you resist will persist.

Once you overcame that fear you can then start to connect more with what is real. The Real You or your own True Authentic Self. If you have decided to let go of that identity then perhaps you can finally let go of the fear, overthinking, worry, stress and anxieties you had. You become more connected, grounded and feel more in touch with your feelings.

In another very powerful insight I would like to share with you is the following; What do you need in order to do the things that makes you happy, joyful, peaceful and fully present? Probably not a whole lot, right?

You still might come up with thoughts like what is the whole point of doing that… but the point of doing that is to get out of your own mind and to get more in touch with your own feelings of joy, love and bliss. This is the way to experience more inner peace, fulfillment and satisfaction. Doing so will raise your vibrational frequency which will help you to attract the things you need in order to accomplish your cause, purpose or mission. The mission of you becoming you!

Did you got any new insights out of this video plus blog-post? Any questions or thought you would like to share? Then feel free to leave a comment below!

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