How To Experience More Fulfillment In Life
How To Experience More Fulfillment In Life By Asking Yourself These 3 Questions…
In today’s video and blog post, we explore the topic of how to experience more fulfillment in life by asking yourself some very important questions. These 3 questions can cause a major personal transformation in your life. So be warned ;-).
Recently I was watching another great and inspiring movie on Gaia. “The Art of Fulfilment” which you can find in the series “Transcendence.”
In that episode, Vishen Lakhiani shared some ideas that were actually like a reminder for me. It was a reminder because he also mentioned that in his All Access Pass Masterclass. (Watch here my review about the All-Access Pass).
Anyway, he spoke about 3 questions that we must ask ourselves in order to redefine or re-align with our life-purpose. By doing some you become more present with what you love and enjoy doing the most.
In my next video, I used these 3 questions to reflect on where I am currently at in life as an example of how to do the same for you. Enjoy and please let me know your thoughts.
The 3 questions you must ask in order to experience more fulfillment in life.
Why is it so difficult for me to experience more fulfillment in life?
So I started off the video with a bit of a personal life story. I mean you can read all about in my about section. But to give you a short background. I never knew what fulfillment meant. All I knew was to perform, have success, work hard, make money, and build my personal identity towards the outside world.

However, from the inside, I felt very empty. Because of that, I started to struggle with depression, anxiety, and feeling burned-out. That was the beginning of my spiritual awakening and seeking more meaning and fulfillment in life.
The reason why I think it’s so difficult for us to experience more fulfillment in life is that we always act with a condition or an expectation. Nothing that we really do is truly unconditional. We do it because we truly want to do it. Not because we expect something in return. It may… but it’s not our first intention. This type of behavior actually creates separation within our own being.
Our True Authentic Self nothing wants to give and share. But we are afraid of doing so…
From early life, we are programmed to perform well in a world of competition. We must compete with each other and therefore also mistrust each other. Remember this little chair dance? When the music stops we had to fight to get a chair otherwise it was game over? And every time there would be 1 chair less? This is not really who we are at a deeper spiritual level.

The human spirit truly wants to feel connected, belong, and part of something that is much bigger than himself.
Question number 1; What would you like to experience at this very moment?
When we think about satisfaction and fulfillment in life we are often mistaken that this can only be experienced with a massive amount of success, fame, and achievements. Although this can be a byproduct of the third question you must ask yourself. The first question is all about you!

What do you want to experience in life? Is the enjoyment of some creative expression? Working out, running, traveling, parting, meeting more with friends? Or perhaps have some more “alone time” in nature. Perhaps you love and enjoy going on long hikes. It’s all about how you want to feel!
Question number 2: How Do You Want To Grow?
Finding that “thing” that makes you happy in the beginning. The second thing is how do you want to develop yourself with “thing?” Do you want to grow a YouTube channel for the likes, comments, and subscribers or do you want to develop and grow your filmmaking skills?

The satisfaction of constant improvement both personally and professionally should actually really just your focus point. Let all the external factors for what it is and just focus on this sensation of personal satisfaction and fulfillment.
Question number 3: What Kind of Contributions Do You Want To Make?
The next step is of course to share your gifts with the world. Now you know what gives you personal satisfaction in your day to day activities now it’s the time to “package” these gifts so others can also benefit.

But again it’s really about the intention to really WANT TO BE OF SERVICE. Because of what you know, your passions, expertise, and experiences that really make you who you have become. You now feel the urge to help others.
So What Is It That You Want To Experience, How Do You Want To Grow And Give To The World?
Hopefully, this post gave you some new ideas and insights. Perhaps a small reminder on what to do focus on next. Or maybe you want to do some more personal development on this topic. If that is the case then I can highly recommend you check out this free online masterclass on personal transformation and growth.
In case you would like to share any insights, questions, or thoughts then please feel free to do so by leaving a comment below.