Coronavirus Cure Found?
Coronavirus Cure Found? Is Perhaps The Coronavirus The Cure For an Upgraded Society?
Okay, so when we talk about a “cure for the coronavirus” we think straight ahead of a vaccine, right? And you might be wondering if there is already a cure found for the coronavirus. Or perhaps what else you can do about the coronavirus.
In this post, I actually want to shift your perception to a different angle without trying to lose respect for those who currently suffer.
Because when we keep “our mind” to the level of our current crisis we might actually stay in this crisis or even worse. We can keep focusing on all the pain, losses, isolation, the economy and everything that comes with it.
Or we can lift our awareness to new heights that could actually bring some light on this very “dark period” of our human existence. This new awareness could also help us to navigate into a better future that lies ahead for us. Also, it can help us to stay grounded and connected to our true nature.
Please let me allow to explain this new awareness. This new awareness could actually also be a cure for this coronavirus. A cure that can only found at a place we haven’t looked before.
Where to find the cure for the coronavirus.
Okay so before you dive into the video or read on I just wanna clear out that I am not a doctor or scientist. Just another “truth seeker” you could say. And to approach this with an open mind. My truth, ideas, and vision might actually still be very far away from your truth or the Ultimate Truth.
My ideas and visions have actually nothing to do with the actual cure or vaccine that might be required to protect our bodies from getting infected. Although I also have a personal opinion about that.
“My cure for the coronavirus” has much more to do with an upgraded mindset, heart-set, and a higher vibrating spirit. Watch the video and keep on reading:
Question Reality Like You Have Been “Gaslighted” By a Narcissist Because Maybe You Are Right Now…
Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths have something in common. They have experienced so much of internal/emotional pain that they made it their purpose to make other people suffer as well. You could say they have absolutely zero amount of empathy and compassion. But actually they do but they abuse this to manipulate their victims.
They are so good at manipulating their victims that the victim actually starts to believe that they are in the wrong. They shove blame, guilt, and fear in your mind so they can control you.
Eventually, you start to believe them. You become dependent on these energy vampires like your life depends on it.
The reason I bring this up because I notice some patterns of this in the world as well.
News updates use clickbait headlines to constantly suck you in the chaos of the world (which is their form of marketing). This, of course, makes your survival mind very active. The reptilian part of your brain that constantly reacts to fight, flight or freeze. Mainly because of the fear of the unknown, fear of death or other fears. I mean seriously… You don’t call below headlines clickbait?

This is not gaslighting yet but this is keeping you in fear, doubts, isolation, and separation.
However, this fear can actually lead to panic and chaos which we have already seen in supermarkets.
Because the virus has been so hyped up in the news we are now all forced to stay in isolation. Now you might want to believe this is actually a good thing in order to avoid any further infections. To some degree, I can agree with this.
However, what we see in some parts of the world is that masses of people are dying because of a lack of resources. This is very concerning. Not just the fact this is actually happening but because of the “lack of resources.”
If governments and those who run the world really had their best intentions to save and protect people. Then why can’t they “just get” the equipment, doctors, nurses, and other resources required to save the elderly? Just get rid of the limitation or the “excuse’ that there is not enough money to buy these machines. I mean look at the 2nd world war for example. Nations have invented new technologies by the speed of light in order to win the war. And this was over 70 years ago. Why can’t this be done right now in 2020?
Instead they “pull the plug” from the elderly in order to save the young. Families can’t say a proper goodbye and plan a funeral because they believe they just must burn the bodies.
Now this makes you question things, right? I mean I hope it does…
I am not a conspiracy theorist but I can do sense when something is off. In case you want some deeper information on what is actually going on behind the curtain I suggest you have a look at my previous post. In that post, I shared an interview with someone who has done over 30 years of research about the elite.
It can almost give you the feeling that this whole coronavirus is perhaps a means to an end. Whether this virus has been created and spread in purpose or it was nature itself. They now seem to use it for a much bigger agenda.
Coming back to gaslighting…
So I lost a bit off track with my writing. Can you imagine how my mind works sometimes…?
The fear, panic, and chaos they are currently spreading. It sounds like “governments” can’t do anything about it hasn’t peaked yet. Even the British prime minister and some royals are infected. You can’t hide baby! It’s coming for you!! These people are actually not really running the show btw. They are “front people” to tell the public what they have been told. So they also don’t really matter that much to those who run the show.
Many healthy and young people who get the virus don’t really have so much to worry about. Sure you might be very uncomfortable for a while but you will get through this.
What becomes a bigger concern is the global economy which is currently also on a downfall. I hope I don’t have to explain this to you.
Personally what I think where we might be heading is that many people are going to struggle financially. Especially when savings start to dry up.
In the UK the government has announced that there will be support for the self-employed AFTER June 2020. This support means 80% of your last income from the last 3 years.
GREAT! So how are many people suppose to pay their bills before that time?
What if we all have to stay in quarantine until June and live from our savings? What if many don’t have a buffer for several months? What if from June we can get back to work and we can start earning again? Will the government still give this support? I doubt it…
Meaning what will happen in the meantime if people run out?
Are we going to protest? Will there be chaos? Are we going to fight for our survival?

Will this be a great opportunity for “those who run the show” to create more laws and restrictions that will limit our freedom? What if there will be more police and military personal on the street to control the population? Because WE ARE NOW GUILTY AND TO BLAME FOR THE SOCIAL UNREST???!!!
You see now what I mean that there might be a game going on of fear, control, manipulation and perhaps even gaslighting? And of course, how we give power to that because of our ignorance and reactive survival mind?
Now let’s move on!
Shifting through the 3 stages of consciousness for finding “the cure for the coronavirus.”
Let’s talk about the 3 stages of consciousness, realities or dimensions.
Everything I have shared so far is probably “the easiest” to understand. It’s something that could make the most sense. It’s based on what is “actually” going on. Or perhaps you think or want to believe that is going on.
The Third Dimension.
We have been living our lives for thousands of years in this state of consciousness. Therefore it’s the most familiar to us.
This is the state where we use our 5 basic senses of perception such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It’s our perception of the material world around us.
If you dive into quantum physics you can see that matter is based on atoms and molecules vibrating around each-others. It’s the building blocks of our 3D world.

The reason we can perceive matter is because it contains a very low vibrational frequency. We, therefore, live in a very low vibrating reality or matrix.
This lower vibrating reality also contains thoughts, feelings, and emotions from a lower state. Such as fear, guilt, shame, anger, desire, etc. There are 2 different kinds of desires. You can have the desire of “wanting or needing” something because you feel something is missing. Or you can have the desire of wanting to serve.

Everything that is currently going on in this world stimulates this lower state of consciousness. So if you want to become “immune” to the fear virus you MUST raise your awareness of how things work in the world. And you must RAISE your consciousness to a higher state of being. You can learn more about this by signing up for this free online masterclass on raising your vibrational frequency.
Moving to the 4th state of reality or dimension.
So again when I talk about these dimensions I actually come from a metaphysical point of view. When we talk about the 4th dimension we can refer to a “field” that moves beyond the perception of matter. Or seeing our life on a linear time-line.
However, there are different levels of this dimension.
There is also a level where we can find many different entities that might not know they are there. Or they wish to enter or come back to the material 3D world.
For now, let’s focus on the “flow” we can access.
The 4th dimension is more of a collective field. A grid field around the planet. An energetic embodiment of the Earth.

We can also find our karmic loops of all our life experiences stored there and that from the planet.
It’s something we also must move beyond for our true ascension by becoming aware, heal and let go of our own karmic loops. Our feelings of guilt and shame.
When you dive let’s say into global conspiracies you suddenly also start to think on a global scale. Tuning into the collective consciousness.
The 4th density can also help you to boost your “flow state.” Where you tune into a higher state of being for increased focus, creativity and inspiration. A flow state can make you feel very present. And therefore you move beyond our 3D “space-time” reality. Click here to learn more about the “flow state.”
Entering the 4th dimension with your mind can, therefore, be your own personal cure against the coronavirus. You create an urgency to finally create that thing you actually want to do for a very long time. It’s your only chance to move ahead and you MUST make it happen now. All other options you had before don’t matter anymore. You become a channel of your own inspiration. You are a powerful creator!
The Coronavirus Cure Found In The 5th Dimension?
The 5th dimension is a state of spiritual enlightenment. A realization of total Oneness & Unity and that what IS. You experience a greater realization of Unconditional Love for yourself, others and the world you live in. You FEEL CONNECTED! Like a drop of water that feels part of his ocean.

You move beyond physicality and you feel connected to a Source of Energy that feels much greater than your limited human life. You are in a state of being able to bring much greater wisdom, spiritual insight, inspiration, and healing energy into this 3D world.

Your enlighted state of beings is feeling very connected to the Earth but also to your solar system, the galaxy and beyond. You realize that everything exists in an infinite hierarchy. The trillions of cells in your body is a universe in itself. Every cell is another universe in his own way. Our milky way galaxy can therefore also been seen as just another cell in the Universe and every Universe is also a cell in a Multiverse. We are therefore a God in its own creation, and the creator itself! Experiencing, Remembering and Expressing itself.

Although the 5th Dimension can’t really be defined by words. As words are a way to rationalize, conceptualize and to Under-Stand things we cannot Understand (just yet). Or Stand Under it ;-).
Yet we can experience glimpses of various realities when we commit to spiritual development. They can come through unexpected mystical experiences. Maybe at a spiritual retreat, workshop, meditation or “out of the blue.” You can follow some of my guided meditations and perhaps you can also experience a glimpse.
They are reminders of who we truly ARE. An infinite soul having a temporary human experience. A soul that wants to Remember his true origin and Re-member (Re-unite) with his highest potential of unconditional love.
And that my friend is where the cure for this coronavirus can be found!
Still, all sounds a bit airy-fairy? Then why you don’t have a look at the following interview with the scientist Gregg Braden who also has worked with the Heartmath Institute.