Why Travel Is Good For The Soul
Discover Why Travel Is Good For The Soul and See How More Travelling Can Boost Your Spiritual Development.
When I was in the Highlands of Scotland during my last week of December I felt totally emerged in the mystics of this beautiful country. Hence my inspiration to share something about the shamanic journey.
Since I am back in London I struggled for a whole month to get back in “my creative flow.” The city drains my soul and blocks my creativity. The only longing I have left is to reconnect with nature. Driving out to the nearby countryside of the South East takes me at least 1 – 1.5 hours.
Trying to work from home only makes me feel more isolated from the world and makes me wanna escape into video games.
I am not sure about you. But I feel many highly sensitive souls and empaths currently struggle with this topic of “not wanting to be part of today’s” world. Personally, I have never felt I was part of the London work culture. I came to London back in 2013 in the midst of a burn-out and that’s where the split of fading out of today’s world only became bigger.
Nothing that we call “normal” in today’s world felt like I wanna be part of it.
The only thing that actually made me feel a bit more alive is the exploration of travel.
Travel and Spirituality. Re-ignite your Spirit and Fill Your Soul.
For me traveling to beautiful nature escapes is like food for my soul and spirit. This is where I can gain perspective on everything and look at life from a different angle. This is like Self-Reflection in TopGear.
Driving long-distance on a motorway or country lanes can be very meditative as well. You either pay attention to your surroundings or you zone out to a different state of consciousness.
When you have arrived one of the first things I do is to explore the local area. It’s in the exploration where I become alert and pay attention. I can see, feel and experience new things I have not seen before. Staying put in the same old familiar environment doesn’t trigger that much. In a matter of fact, it can make us very passive and bored.
Perhaps this has something to do with the ADD condition. The mind of a hunter becomes alert in the mode of exploration and the unknown. When parked in known it becomes inactive. Like the job is done. A bore-out (the opposite of burnout) becomes inevitable when it doesn’t get stimulated enough.
So if you know what’s good for you, then why don’t do it enough?
I am sure we all can answer that question with not enough time, money, or perhaps commitments towards family or a relationship. And I get that. We all have these things in life that we create that can hold us back.
But when it comes to the aspect of time and money I can ensure you that there are many solutions to that matter. But before I get to that please first watch the video:
Make Freedom & Independence For Travel & Spirituality Your Top Priority.
How more we explore the path of Mindfulness and Spiritual Development how more (some of us) become detached from the obsession of going after material goals. Sure a new car can be excited but only for some time.
You recognize that you are after experiences that satisfy and fulfill your spirit. Such as travel for example.
You also have come to the conclusion that a dead-end office job in the city is not really going to support this journey long time. Because let’s be honest. Living in the city is VERY expensive. In order to live well, you must have a very good career to support a decent lifestyle. However, any kind of career comes with a price. A price of long hours slaving in some corporate office from very early to late in the evening. Sure it pays the bills and of course, some time to escape. But is this really how you want to live for the rest of your life?
Don’t you want the freedom and independence to decide at any time of the day to enjoy a nature escape to recharge and reflect? It doesn’t have to be a epic travel journey all the time but how valuable would it be to just go for a walk in your local park and do some forest bathing?
With almost every job I had this was always my desire. To take a break and reconnect with nature. Breath, reflect, and recharge. With even some employers I tried to explain the value and benefit of this reflection time but no one sees the capitalistic value in such practice.
For me, this is the new age of authentic entrepreneurship and empathic leadership. As leaders and entrepreneurs, we lead by getting our vision out in the world. Therefore we must stay in touch with that vision. Our job as leaders is to look at our life and business from a helicopter overview. We become inspired and creative when we are in a reflective state. This is where ideas can come to us.
Technology, Entrepreneurship, Travel, and Spirituality.
Technology can enslave us and take over our life which it has already done so. Entrepreneurship can be an escape into workaholism or even can become a power struggle of money, power, control, and status. And too much travel can be suffocating for the planet. But spirituality can also become an escape when you don’t really feel connected to your own life. You can even develop a narcissistic spiritual ego where it all becomes about your image.
My point is; how can you use technology against your favor and that from others. How can you let technology work for you instead of it working against you? How can you carve your own path as a social entrepreneur that leads with value, solutions, inspiration, and creativity? Solutions that can work as a bridge or a transition of where we are right now towards a more evolved world?
A world where work doesn’t feel like work but as a way to share our passions, gifts, and message to uplift others.
Having a financial vehicle that offers value to the lives of others can give us the time and financial freedom to stay inspired. Stay inspired through travel for example. And this is actually what I will continue to share.
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