What Is a Spiritual Awakening All About
Discover What is a Spiritual Awakening All About And What You Must Know First…
When we think about a Spiritual Awakening we think about a sudden form of Spiritual Enlightenment. Although many awakenings come with deep inner insights and realizations the long term spiritual awakening can manifest in a different way.
In the next video, we’ll discuss the concept of spiritual awakening and what a spiritual awakening is all about. Also, we will discuss how depression can relate to having a spiritual awakening.
How I have personally experienced a few forms of Spiritual Awakening.
Spiritual awakening is not always so glamours as we might think. It’s also not really about doing a few things in order to make it happen. A sudden insight happens in the most unexpected ways. And sometimes even in our darkest moments.
One of my first moments without even realizing it was when I was in Machu Picchu, Peru in 2007. That very magical place seems to have a very powerful energetic vibration of Divine Feminine Energy. When I was there however I felt absolutely nothing!
Coming back to The Netherlands and my perception of reality started to change. I started to question lots of things.
A few years later while I was reading a book on my sofa something really strange happened. I started to feel very tired and within a few seconds, I slipped out of my consciousness. It was more like an Out of Body kind of experience. Then I felt that a very and highly energetic being of white light was bending over me and touched my hand with two of her fingers.

This was a very beautiful experience yet it made absolutely no sense at all! It then took me almost 20 minutes to come back to my body. It was that intense! Probably my physical body could not cope with the energetic vibrational frequency of that being. Was it an Angel, a Pleiadean or Arcturian Star Being? Or another ascended being from the White Brotherhood? To be honest with you I actually don’t know. Does it even matter?
Another very profound experience was when I joined my first spiritual retreat. This was the first moment I was facing one of my deepest fears I had back then. When I did it was like the walls and the ceiling above me de-materialized. It was I suddenly was able to look over an “edge” into an infinite horizon. A horizon of the All and Nothing.

There were a few more moments of very profound visions, insights, and realizations that made absolutely no sense at all to my limiting rational mind.
What these signs of Spiritual Awakening can do to you.
As beautiful and exciting as all these signs and realizations of spiritual awakening might sound it can stir things up for you.
Because we live in this highly dense third dimension of Space-Time and Matter we don’t experience this super profound and euphoric state all the time. Having a tiny glimpse of the higher dimensions and states of consciousness will change things though. At the surface, these subtle forms of spiritual awakening can create a lot of chaos.

A Spiritual Awakening is like having a Re-minder of your True Self. A reminder of why you came here, who you truly are as a Lightworker/Empath or Starseed. And what you came here to do. These reminders can change your entire perception of your current reality and identity. A matter of fact a Spiritual Awakening can actually cause an Identity Crisis that can take years or even decades.
Because once you have raised yourself above your own limited beliefs you then might have to work on some collective ideas. Ideas on how we should be, do and have in our current society.
What a Spiritual Awakening is also about is the realization that we are multi-dimensional beings having a temporary human experience. We want to remember these various aspects of ourselves. Align and re-unite with these various states of consciousness in order to experience more balance, harmony, and unity. This is what our current world needs and you are one of the pioneers of bringing this forth! Otherwise, you weren’t looking for information on Spiritual Awakening and Development.
What Is Depression and How Does That Relate to Spiritual Awakening?
Many intuitive sensitives are going through this stage where they feel very depressed. Like they have an intense feeling that they don’t belong here, have no purpose or desire to participate.
I get that because I have been there as well! Depression is also the opposite of expression because you currently have no idea how to express yourself. The reason for that is because you don’t really know yourself. That’s why I do what I do. “Creating a Place to Re-member.” Remember who you truly are and Re-member or Re-unite with your True Self.
Depression also means that you are in a state of between. You are between your “old self” and you are currently transforming into a newer version of yourself. This requires a lot of energy from your Mind, Body, and Spirit. That’s why your Spirit wants you to rest. So depression also can be a time of rest and allowing yourself to transform.
Now, this is not really something we like to acknowledge in our modern society because we HAVE to PRODUCE in order “to do well.” We are very conditioned in this way that’s why depression is labeled as something “negative.”
Just remember that nothing remains the same and nothing will last. We are all constantly transforming into a newer version of ourselves. It’s called Evolution!
What True Spiritual Awakening or Enlightenment Is Really About.
So those who have joined a couple of spiritual retreats and perhaps even have experienced a few awakenings now became a different person. And what’s funny is that many spiritual seekers and explorers are developing a “spiritual ego or identity.” I mean there is nothing wrong with that because as human beings we kind of need that but it’s funny as well.
You now start to see they behave in a different way. They now want to keep up with a certain type of lifestyle that represents their “social status.” So the world can know where they stand for. They have to wear some purple clothes and change their diet in order to change the world. Yet they need to supplement their diets with pills because they start to lack many important nutrients. Or they became skinny to the bone.
Do you see what I am actually doing right now?
I am judging and comparing my identity with others. Is that spiritual? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how you look at it.
Judging and comparing creates separation which is an act from the ego. When you are WOKE AF you have raised your perception above all of that. You simply see everything AS IT IS. No more judgment of Good or Bad. But fully acceptance and embracing WHAT IS. This will create an enormous amount of Inner Peace.

But hey I am just an explorer myself. Now I am curious about what you think. Just let me know by leaving a comment below. Also, feel free to share!