The Divine Masculine and Feminine Energy
Why Is It So Difficult To Awaken The Divine Masculine Energy And Unite The Divine Feminine Energy?

So often in the spiritual awakening community we hear both men and women complain about adapting to our overly dominated masculine culture. A culture that is out of balance with the divine feminine. We live in a society that is much more focused on logic, rationality, reason, power, control, wealth and materialism. This is what masculine energy is about, but is it actually also divine?
This is something we are going to explore in the next video. I will share my personal point of views on why I think the divine masculine energy is out of balance with the divine feminine energy. Also why it’s so difficult for women to adapt to our masculine culture and why it’s so difficult for men to open up to their spirituality.
So why is it so hard to balance the divine masculine energy with the divine feminine energy?
When we look at the masculine energy I think we can agree that this type of energy has been dominated the planet for the last centuries, perhaps even eons. Maybe the feminine energy was much stronger in the time of Egypt, Atlantis or even before. But because that spiritual energy was so strong maybe some of them started to abuse it and that’s how it got corrupted.
Power, control, domination, and manipulation (the shadow sides of the masculine) start to run over and ruin planet Earth which we can still see today.
The shadow side of the masculine want to suppress the divine feminine because maybe it got afraid of the divine powers of the feminine. We both know what we have been doing to the feminine (specially to women as a gender) but also to the feminine energy within each gender. We have been very abusive to ourselves. Suppressing our gifts of unconditional love, intuition, self care, nourishment and other spiritual gifts.
Perhaps the masculine within us can sense the feeling of shame and guilt to what we have been doing to ourselves but is still a bit afraid to face that kind of darkness.
Once we bring awareness to these “darker parts” within ourselves we can start to recognize them, accept and embrace them. Doing so can help us to clear and heal them through forgiveness.
How does divine masculine look like?
In my personal opinion divine masculinity is the state where we have accepted, embraced and look after our divine femininity that exist in all of us. Which has much more to do right the energy produced by the right side of the brain and our spiritual gifts. Creativity, love, intuition, holistic, connection, unity, empathy, compassion while being connected to the present moment.
Divine masculinity creates and manifest in abundant ways coming from a place of unconditional love for himself, others, what he choose to do and the world around him. It’s getting things done and has brought balance and harmony between doing things that feels right while it also makes sense to him.
But hey this is just my personal point of views. Now I am of course curious to your ideas about the divine masculine and divine feminine energy. If you would like to share some of your ideas then please feel free to leave a comment below or share this post with others.
I understand the concept of “separation” but why is it necessary for the DM to be hurtful towards his DF in the process. Does he not understand if he hurts the DF there is a possibility she will not want him back in her life especially if she suspects he will “run” again in the future. It is too wearing on the DF’s mind, heart and soul to have to deal with it.???