The Different Emotional Moods
The Three Main Different Emotional Moods And How To Bring Balance And Harmony Between Them.

We all know what’s like to have these different kind of emotional mood swings. One day we can feel excited, passion-ed, driven and inspired. While other days feel like very depressive. Fearful, anxious or apathetic.
So what exactly is going on? Why do we have these different kind of emotional moods? And how can we learn to balance and bring more harmony between them?
In my next video I will share the three different kind of emotional moods. How these moods can influence your current habits and behaviors. Of course each mood produce different kind of feelings that falls under each mood category.
So with no further ado please enjoy the video and let me know what you got out of it.
The Three Different Emotional Moods Explained:
As I am recording the video I was doing a 11 mile hike in West Sussex (South of England) called the Balcome Circular. A very beautiful walk through hills, fields, woodlands and small villages.
For me it really helps to clear my head, ground myself and gain mental clarity. Doing so gives me the ideas for creating these videos for you.
Anyway let’s talk about these different kind of emotional moods. Because sometimes we seems to get lost in only one mood for longer periods of time then needed.
Emotional Mood Number 1; Fear.
Fear is such a underrated emotion and labeled as negative. Something we should avoid at all cost. Yet it can be a life-saver in many ways.
It creates the Freeze, Flight or Fight survival mode. Which was of course very helpful when we were attacked by wild predators. This kept us alive!
The amygdala is the part in our brain that controls these different kind of emotional moods.
As a energy healer I like to say that all our past experiences get’s stored in our mind and energy body. When a circumstance occur we interpreted the situation based on all our past experiences with the thoughts and emotions we have stored in our mind.
How our current “survival mechanism” influence lots of our emotional moods.
Now we still have that response but to whole different kind of situations.
Right now we live in a society that is very much concerned about status and image. If we want to survive and thrive we must belong to something or someone that makes us feel bigger then ourselves.
Without that feeling or belonging we can kind of feel lost or isolated. Yet “feeling lost” or isolated for a short period of time can also help us to understand who we really are. Stripping away the labels and identities we try to hold on to that society has projected on us.
What we fear most is of course the unfamiliar. Your brain (or ego-mind) has the job to keep you safe and secure. Venturing into something new or letting go of the old can create various levels of fear and anxiety. Yet growth (which can only be experienced by getting out of your comfort-zone) is a must for the soul to feel alive.
However if you stay to attached to your fears and survival mechanism then this mood can take a toll on you. You even start to identify yourself with it. You start to say to yourself things like; “Oh well that is just who I am and there is nothing I can do about.” But I hope you know you are victimizing yourself with that kind of attitude, right?
The concept of fear can be explored in many different ways which we will do (and have done) in many upcoming videos and blogs.
But for now let’s move on to the next emotional mood.
Emotional Mood Number Two: This will get you excitement!
So we just spoke briefly about your comfort-zone. Moving beyond the things that are most familiar can really make you come alive.

Fear can be harnessed as a signal that you are either facing some dangers or venturing into the unknown.
Human Beings are explorers and innovators. We love to create simply for the joy of it. Doing something new can get us into a higher state of being. A state of being where we can feel connected, present, in the flow (or in the zone), passioned, and excited.
If we learn to align with this excitement we can create amazing things. This is the type of energy that will manifest effortlessly.
Now within our reality of duality we always have two sides of the coin. I mean in this very outgoing and action orientated mood we can sometimes also create unconscious behaviors that can be harmful for others, the world around us and ourselves.
When we have unclear intentions for example. Or intentions to “prove your own worth through accomplishments”. The boy psychology that wants to become a warrior or a mature man. But must harm others to prove himself.
if you want to learn more about the different kind of archetypes then I suggest you check out my post about the masculine energy.
Emotional Mood Number Three: Contentment.
So when we learn to harness fear as a signal to follow a specific path we can feel very satisfied and content with ourselves once we have followed the joy and excitement.
The feeling of contentment can bring a great sense of inner peace, feeling grounded and connected to our work, others and the world around us. It’s like a higher state of being of bliss and enlightenment. You just see everything as it is without any judgement. You have greatly mastered your own mind, self image, feelings and emotions.
However there is also a bit of shadow side to the idea or concept of contentment. Specially in the Spiritual Development Community.
We hear ideas that we should “stop desiring” to want or need things because that can cause a sense of suffering. We suffer because we feel we lack something. So we should be content with who we are and what we have. Live of life of mediocrity. Hiding ourselves and our gifts because we have to be “humble” or stay small. But lets be honest, is that really going to make you feel happy and fulfilled?
Now there is nothing wrong with being grateful with where you currently are but sugar-cote your unhappiness with false positivity is a whole other story.
If you are unhappy with where you are but you tell yourself to stay where you are because it’s not spiritual to have desires you are creating conflict within yourself.
You can be grateful for where you currently are because you don’t see it as right or wrong. But as a stepping stone for your next phase of life. You can always envision yourself to do better by sharing your gifts to the world while enjoying the fruits of life.
You can experience a great sense of contentment when you see your fears as a signal. A signal to a new path that can give you greater joy and excitement. Following that path can make you feel more content and satisfied. You become a master over yourself, you are constantly experiencing new things and are growing as a person. This is what you came here to do as a soul of unlimited potentials!
But hey I am just a content creator…
If you thing in a different way then I am very curious about your ideas. So if you want to share them then feel free to leave a comment below!