Stepping Into Your True Self
Discover The 2 Major Behaviors That Are Preventing You From Stepping Into Your True Self.

The True Self get’s spoken about a lot in spirituality. In case the True Self is still a bit new to you then I suggest you watch my video on What Is The True Self. When you are in align with your True Self life just seems to work out for you. You are connected to a purpose or calling that feels bigger then your own needs or wants. You love and enjoy doing your work. You enjoy giving and helping others without expecting anything in return. You know yourself very well. What drains you or gives you energy. You have accepted yourself, embraced your gifts, love yourself and life and have set firm boundaries for yourself.
While we are on this journey to re-align ourselves with our True Self we come across various challenges and obstacles. We create various new believes or Truths and let go of those that are not longer serving us anymore. We a “Remembering” the place we like to call home.
However 2 of your major behaviors or habits can sometimes get in the way of feeling connected with your True Self. These 2 habits were programmed in your mind from a very young age. We all have these we just need to become aware of them, recognize them, accept and embrace them. Then we can choose to let go of them and act more from a place of light, love and joy.
What these 2 behaviors are is what you will learn in my next video.