My 6 Best Online Spiritual Courses
Discover My 6 Best Online Spiritual Courses In The UK And Beyond (Free & Paid).

In this day and age when more and more people are looking for a sense of inner peace, spiritual awakening or spiritual development. More and more Online Spiritual Courses, events, workshops, and retreats are popping out. Which is all great, but are they actually really that good? Do we really need them and are some not a bit overpriced?
Of course, the debate of charging for an online spiritual course, retreat, healing session or workshop can be endless. But I hope you can agree that a spiritual healer, artist, coach, and therapist is just as worthy of living in abundance then like any other professional, right?
Anyway in this post we explore my 6 best spiritual online courses that I have personally followed over the last few years. So I can recommend them from my personal experience.
Each of these online personal and spiritual development courses has his own review which you can also explore in a separate post. So let’s dive straight into, okay?
My 6 Highly Recommended Online Spiritual Courses:
Spiritual Course #1; Love or Above.
Love or Above by Christie Marie Sheldon is my first highly recommended online spiritual course. I followed this course in 2013 when I just came to London. During that time I was dealing with a lot of stress, anxiety and a burn-out. I was working as a Private Hire Driver just after my first online business collapsed.
This course goes deep into the basics of “Connecting to The Light.” It’s, therefore, a very esoteric/metaphysical course. Yet these spiritual practices can help you to raise your vibrational frequency to Love or Above. Raising your vibrational frequency to “Love or Above” comes from the idea that each and every emotion radiates at a specific kind of frequency.
I have made a very in-depth Love or Above Review which you can read right here.
You can get a ‘taste’ for what Love or Above is all about by exploring the free course which comes with an energetic breakthrough kit as well. Click here to learn more.
Spiritual Course #2; Unlimited Abundance.
Unlimited Abundance also created by Christie Marie Sheldon in the follow up from Love or Above. In Love or Above you have developed the fundamental groundwork like “connecting to the light” and such. In Unlimited Abundance, you take that practice to the next level.
In that online course which is also quite spiritual, esoteric and metaphysical you use that spiritual practice to heal and clear your 24 Abundance Blocks. What these 24 Abundance Blocks are is what you can learn in their free online training session or ‘Masterclass.‘ You can also read/watch my full Unlimited Abundance Review right here.
Spiritual Course #3; “Be a Modern Master” by Deborah King.
When you want to take your spiritual practice to the next level for let’s say healing various emotional wounds or trauma then “Be a Modern Master” could be your next step. In this course, you learn about Sutras which are spoken mantras that can dig deep into your subconsciousness. You can absorb these mantras during very deep states of meditation.
You can learn more about “Be a Modern Master” by watching my full review right here. Or just go ahead and get a taste with the free version of their online spiritual course.
Spiritual Course #4; Awaken The Species by Donald Neale Walsch.
Who doesn’t know Donald Neale Walsch? The author of the book series “Conversations with God.” A series I absolutely loved and have been through twice. Every time I learn something new! Because I loved this book and audiobook so much I have no doubt this online spiritual course will be a great follow up from the books. Personally I haven’t been through the course yet but it’s on my wish-list.
If you want to be the first to receive a full review then please let me know by leaving a comment below. And make sure to subscribe to my mailing by popping in your details in the form below.
Awaken The Species is more about Spiritual Awakening or “awaken” 16 Divine Areas in your life.
You can get access to the free version of this online course by signing up for their online masterclass right here.
Spiritual Course #5; The All-Access Pass by Mindvalley.
All the above courses are on the Mindvalley Academy. A publishing company that invites various experts, coaches, healers, and speakers. Mindvalley is the personal development company that does all the product creation, delivery, payment processing, and customer support.
As you might have noticed taking on a personal or spiritual development course each and every month can become quite expensive. However, if you really want to stay committed to your spiritual and personal development and go through a massive transformation then that’s the way to go. That’s why the founder and owner of Mindvalley Vishen Lakhiani have created the opportunity to take an annual subscription on their most popular courses. Obviously with a massive discount!
You can learn more about this concept by watching my video on why you should create a personal development plan for the next 12 months. Or just go and sign up for their free masterclass on the 3 key elements for personal transformation.
Spiritual Course #6; The Lightworkers Program by London College of Spirituality.
This is probably the course that gave me the highest level of personal transformation. This is also the course that goes much deeper and further than all the above-mentioned courses. Not saying they aren’t any good. However, my personal experience with the Lightworker Program was not always so “easy, comfortable and convenient.” Because the ego can resist change. Or shift in personal identity.
Most online spiritual courses contain a lot of information and education that you must consume. Which is okay you can always find a “golden nugget.” But real transformation happen when you find the answers inside yourself. This is how The Lightworkers Program stands out from everything I have done so far.
The Lightworkers Program is for the Intuitive Sensitive / Empath who knows at a deeper level he or she has something special to give. But can’t quite figure it out yet. Missing out on clarity or belief in themselves. Is hiding, playing it small or self-sabotage.
The Light Worker Programs come in three stages or so-called ‘Layers.’
Layer number 1 is the free online spiritual course and dives deep into discovering your own unique gifts and purpose in life. This part of the course has been sold for £300 but is free of charge for a limited time only. Layer 1 will take around 2 weeks to complete.
Layer number 2 goes much deeper and further into healing and clearing your limiting beliefs. This could be around living your purpose and self-expression. Or even related to scarcity/poverty consciousness. You can get access to layer 2 during or after you have completed layer 1. Or at the moment you sign up for layer 1.
My free bonus that comes with Layer 2 of The Lightworkers Course.
For those who want to get started with layer 2 can benefit from 2 distant reiki healing sessions valued at £45 for each session. Click here to learn more about the Lightworkers Program and my bonuses.
Pretty soon they will also release layer 3 which has much more to do when getting your spiritual work into the world. This could be your coaching, healing or creative work. And of course, make a living from it! How to attract clients using magnetism and much more!
You can either click here to learn more about The Lightworkers Program or just leave your contact details in the form below to watch their layer 1 video/sign up page.
Which of all these online spiritual courses appealed most to you? Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Also, feel free to reach out in case you have any further questions. And don’t forget to subscribe for more!
Hi Jean,
I found your website and cannot decide whether to go with the mindvalley All -Access program or the lightworkers three layer program. Would like to know if you can share some more information, since I have already been working in self-development for a while. I don’t live in the UK or EU, and am in need of direction as to which course to take. Please let me know your thoughts a bit more in depth. I am basically looking to know myself and get rid of stuff that does not allow me to know who I am and what to do with my life. I want to be able to deal with my own energy and heal myself spiritually and physically. I am also, as I mentioned in the quest of knowing what to do with my life, regarding work and money. Have been dreaming about starting a business but don’t know what, and everytime I think about something I end up not being sure, because of so many factors that are true. I think i need to know what i really want and to find my true mission in this life.. Anyways, I really look forward to your response, THanks for your time and reading my message!
Hi Lillie,
Many thanks for your message.
Based on where you are at with your personal/spiritual development I think you would be better off with the Lightworker Program from The London College of Spirituality. During my time in this program, I also met people who were based in the US & Canada. You can follow this program online.
I have also made a full review of the All Access Program which you can learn more about right here:
The Lightworker Program has a free section of the course which is called “Layer 1.” You can enroll through this page: I know they were also working on a layer 2 and 3 for a more advanced experience but I am not sure if they still offer that. The best way to find out is to check out Layer 1 and get in touch with Vaz & Adya. You can mention my name in case they ask.
Please let me know how you get on.
Thank and take care.
Best regards,