Liberate Yourself by Liberating Your Intuition
Can you actually liberate yourself by liberating your intuition and how does that work? (4 Simple Tools).

Liberation or freedom is a very interesting concept don’t you think? And I think there are various levels of freedom. Free from danger, occupation, violence, financial and material freedom to all the way to personal or spiritual freedom. This is where it can become very interesting. This type of freedom or liberation can be different for everybody else because we all experience our internal and external world in a different way. So if you want to liberate yourself you need to ask yourself this very important question. Free from what?
In the next video spiritual teacher & author Sonia Choquette shares 4 simple tools on how to liberate your intuition if you want to liberate yourself.
The 4 simple tools to liberate your intuition for liberating yourself.
Tool nr 1; Be Open To Your Intuition
Tune into the feeling of what is right and feels like the Truth for now. Raise above the dualistic concept of what’s right or wrong and for who. Feel what’s right for you! Also don’t try to listen to your left-brain logical mind that will judge or over analyze your situation. Listen to your heart because that’s where your intuition will speak to you.
Sounds nice right? Well I can assure you that this will be much more challenging then it sounds because you will be in a constant battle of your logical mind. It will judge your feelings, it want to hide behind your status or mask and it want you to be safe, secure, stable and comfortable. Even if this goes way against your own well-being.
Tool nr 2; Have The Courage.
Be open to who you really are, your Truth or Essence. Your True Self or Authenticity. Have the courage (which comes from core or heart) to recognize Yourself.
We expect to be recognized by others or get rewarded for our actions but we are so externally focused that we start to neglect our inner self. Recognize that part first, get in touch with your feelings without judging them and reflect upon them. This will take a lot of courage because most people are afraid to look within. They keep playing the victim of their own inner judge and keep externalizing their perception. Like it’s all because of their external circumstances. Not knowing they created or attracted it by their own thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviors.
Tool nr 3; Your Spirit or Intuition Knows Much More Then You Do.
Our inner self knows what is right for us. It can create unity and true unconditional love for the entire planet yet our logical minds deceives. It creates separation and isolation for ourselves and others. Doing the great work of Remembering your True Self can create a place of true abundance.
Create the discipline for yourself to practice solitude and just be happy with yourself. Go for long walks in nature, experience the freedom, the peace and the feeling of oneness. Just feel your own feelings. Feel what’s right for you and what isn’t. This will be your inner GPS for navigating your life.
Tool nr 4; Act On Your Intuition.
MOVE! Get our of your mind and into your body. Ground yourself in the present moment. Act on your new ideas, insights, inspirations and feelings. Take one step into the right direction. You might fall 3 steps back because of your logical mind and conditioning but act again, and again and again. Until you are getting ahead in liberating yourself. Liberating yourself from all your fears, worries and limited believes. Live in the present moment in awe and wonder. With your childish excitement and joy for life. A inspiring and intuitive life. Because that’s what you want, right?
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To learn more about Sonia you can follow her free masterclass on Tuning In and Positive Intuition.
What you will learn is the following:
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