How To Trust Yourself
How To Develop Trust In Yourself, Patience, Master The Art Of Detachment And Allow Abundance To Flow.
A very important part of your life purpose could involve the challenge of developing trust in yourself. The reason why some of us struggle with self-trust is something that I will reveal in this post. Also, you will learn how to trust yourself again when you follow specific signals that you probably try to ignore right now.
Who might struggle the most with Developing Self Trust?
Although I don’t really like to categorize or label people and situations when I dive deeper into the topic of how to trust yourself more. However, it is pretty obvious that this is relevant for people who have missed out on some fundamental (emotional) support in their early life.
In my last post, I touched on the subject of emotional neglect and how this still can affect our day-to-day life. Perhaps we can still experience feelings of emotional numbness and emptiness. Lack of purpose, joy, excitement, and satisfaction.
When you know you are an intuitive and empathic person but you have experienced perhaps emotional neglect and/or abuse then the last thing you have is trust. Trust in yourself, other people, and trust your ability to manifest your desired goals. Perhaps you even gave up on achieving your goals but you can’t really trust yourself to begin with.
Anyway, you can either watch my video or continue reading this post.
Why it’s so difficult to stay true to yourself.
All my creative work evolves around the topic of reconnecting with the True Authentic Self. When we have experienced some sort of emotional neglect or abuse we keep on dabbling in life without any steady fundamental ground below our feet.
We are living our lives behind a false self of who do we think we must be in order to prove ourselves or be socially accepted. We, therefore, do things that aren’t really in alignment with how we truly feel.
Perhaps you want to follow a creative career but your upbringing has been around sales, entrepreneurship, and business. Your heart tells you to enjoy your creative explorations and expressions, but your ego (false self) tells you to “chase money.” Which of course feels very empty to you. But at the same time, you don’t believe that your creativity can give you the kind of lifestyle you are looking for. (Or you believe you should have).
You now live with an inner conflict between your old conditioning and your intuition trying to guide you in a new direction. Therefore you live with the handbrake on which can cause burn-out, stress, and anxiety.
When you can achieve the status of financial success you will be accepted by your family and social peers. But deep down you continue to feel empty.
Eventually, you can just hit a moment when you feel completely burned out or bore out. (The boredom has drained your life-force energy).
Not being in touch with your True Authentic Self can therefore lead to the constant disappointment of putting the ladder against the wrong wall. You go into jobs, careers, or business opportunities that simply you are not really interested in but you see how other people are having success so that’s why you hope you can be successful as well.
Developing trust in yourself is therefore a process of not looking at other people but learning to listen to your own intuition.
Where Is The Lack Of Self Trust Coming From?
When you grow up in an environment where your emotions were not recognized through emotional neglect you create the belief that they don’t matter. Or that you don’t matter.
The pain of neglect and rejection can become so awful that you develop armor in order to not to feel that pain. It’s all part of our coping or survival mechanism.
When eventually you move away from let’s say your parents, caretakers, or even relationships that were abusive you continue to carry this armor. You have learned not to trust your own emotions because they were always disapproved. And they were always painful anyway.
You create the personal identity of stoicism and so-called toughness. You do things that make “sense” to your survival mind but you can’t feel any joy or excitement for it. Or it makes sense to receive approval or recognization of your outside world.
But deep down you continue to feel you are not really here and present. Down, empty, numb, or even depressed.
You are constantly doubting or second-guessing yourself. If you constantly put your ladder against the wrong wall and continue to spin your wheels going nowhere. You can develop more and more self-trust, self-esteem, and confidence issues.
How The Lack of Self Trust Is Currently Causing Issues In Your Life.
When you don’t know what you want because you simply can’t feel any emotions around joy, excitement, and fulfillment you constantly go through disappointments.
Think about career choices that are simply not meant for you. Or you find it hard to develop trust in others for building relationships. Let’s say because of the fear of abandonment, rejection, or even intimacy.
Or you could feel stuck in a relationship that you felt like ending a long time ago but you fear moving on on your own. Whatever the reason might be. But mainly because of self-trust that you can find new levels of joy and excitement while being on your own. With having financial stability and freedom in place as well.
When it’s really difficult to follow through with anything in life because when we don’t receive instant validation from others we tend to dabble. Constantly looking for something that could promise something of an “instant result.” Something that could show us or prove to us that we are on the right track.
Once again we get disappointed, even when someone would give us a compliment we will still find a way to convince ourselves otherwise. Or this “kind of proof” or validation does come but you simply ignore it. It didn’t change anything for you. Can you relate so far?
The only way for us to receive some kind of instant gratification is through addictive behaviors. Subtle things like social media, movies, Netflix, or video games. Which eventually could lead to overindulging because we tend to believe that nothing else is working for us.
Of course, addictive behaviors can also go much further, but I am sure you get my point.
Discipline, commitment, focus, concentration, consistency, and persistence become one of our major challenges in life. It’s almost like we have become ADD. Constantly on the hunt for dopamine triggers.
How To Develop Trust In Yourself.
If right now you would receive all the money, recognization, and validation. Let’s say like Freddy Mercury from Queen. It would probably still not matter, does it?
So many great artists who had it all still found ways to sabotage themselves through very addictive behaviors.
It’s the process of developing trust, self-esteem, and self-compassion you are after.
Following through each and every day with simple things. Get up on time, make your bed, shower, have breakfast, perhaps some stretching, and some exercise in the morning. Go for a walk, journal, meditate, watch your bank statements, do some work, run or do bodyweight exercise.
Greatness has never been achieved by doing great things once but by doing little things every single day.
Of course, it’s not all about “doing just the hustle and daily grind”, it’s also all about Self-Care. The practice of Self Compassion. This should be actually your primary focus and make your work an “in-between” thing.
You have already experienced chasing down your so-called surface-level desires. You know this couldn’t really satisfy you in the first place. Focus on the personal satisfaction of accomplishments of your daily tasks and goals.
Free yourself from the expectation or the condition that others should give you something for you doing your thing. Just do your thing and create for the joy of it.
Sure you can allow abundance to come your way, but don’t look for it. If you start looking for it you are sending signals of neediness and desperation. Like you are missing something.
Following your joy, heart or bliss does not make any sense I know. It’s like diving into the unknown wondering how in the earth this is going to “get your needs met.” Needs like financial security for example.
But once you can accomplish the kind of tasks that will give you joy and satisfaction, eventually you will learn how the Universe will bring you through unexpected ways that what you need.
Once you see that happening, you will suddenly experience a whole new level of trust. Trust that the Universe has your back ;-).
Dedicate to and trust this process…
Hopefully, you should now have a better understanding of the process. In case you would like to gain a deeper understanding then I highly suggest you check out my video about the three stages of Spiritual Awakening. Because it’s all about the cleansing and purification of your “cup”, refill your cup so it can flow over to the world around you.
So what are your thoughts so far? Did you get anything out of it? please let me know by leaving a comment below. Also, feel free to share and subscribe to my mailing as well.