How To Find Inner Peace And Happiness Within Yourself
Learn How To Find Inner Peace And Happiness Within Yourself By Realizing This One Thing…

What does it take and how can you find more inner peace and happiness within yourself? Is there anything special you need to do? A spiritual secret you need to unlock or develop the latest “mind hacks?”
Or can you develop and experience inner peace and happiness within yourself in a much quicker and simpler way?
Let’s find out, shall we?
Why can’t we experience inner peace and happiness within?
One of these reason is because we feel some sort of dis-satisfaction, a lack or a sense of “not good enough.” We think we have to meet some sort of expectation or we do things because of a condition. Meaning whatever we choose to do isn’t coming from unconditional love but with a expectation for getting something in return. Maybe something tomorrow, next week, month or next year.
This can disconnected us from the present moment. Disconnect from experiencing the joy and satisfaction of doing your thing.
Other reasons can also be that we are trying very hard our best to be someone we are actually not. Do or Have something else we currently don’t have. Or that it simple doesn’t resonate with us. Meaning there is a lack of authenticity.
Another much more complicated reason can also be that we are suppressing a part of our True Self. Doing so can create deeper inner feelings of loneliness, isolation and separation.
However at the end there is a non-acceptance with where we are currently at. We do not accept our current circumstances, events, the people in our lives, the things we do and ourselves.
Because of this non-acceptance we are trying to be someone else, do something else in order to have something else. Once we have achieved that goal or accomplishment then we can finally find inner peace and be more happy with ourselves. But what is actually happening is when we achieve that goal the goal disappeared. Then finally we can experience a glimpse of that ever longing inner peace and happiness.
The truth is is that for a moment we stopped desiring something for a moment. This is something I also spoke about in my video about practicing solitude and how to be happy alone.
But is living a life free from desires not another form of apathy? Interesting concept to think about, right? And how is that even possible in a world full of distractions and attention grabbing ads that always promise more happiness. A world that works based on expectations and conditions.
So How Do You Actually Find More Inner Peace And Happiness Within Yourself?
As you might have noticed the human mind is still one of the most uncharted territories until today. Hundreds of years ago we sailed our oceans to explore new lands which was one of the most dangerous things to do. Now it’s the exploration of our Inner Self. The reason that this also scary is because we are trained to externalize our perception of the world around us. Exploring our inner world can sometimes goes against our survival mechanism that is perfectly fine with comfort and doing things that are familiar.
We have only used our 5 basic senses of perception so far but we have abilities to perceive at a much deeper level. This level can give us greater awareness about who we are and the lessons we have to learn.
The challenge however is to overcome our own inner judge that we constantly become a victim to.
It judge our circumstances, the people we attract, the things we have or don’t have. Based on what people or your environment has defined as the standards you have to meet.
See the world and the people around you as mirrors. Mirrors that wants to remind you who you truly are at a core level. Finding acceptance in whatever it is that is currently going on in your life can give you peace of mind. With this peace of mind you can start to experience more happiness and self love within yourself.
Does this make sense and does it feel right? Please let me know by leaving a comment below. If you have any suggestions or questions you want to get answered then also feel free to let me know so I might answer them in one of my next videos.
Thanks for the tip of seeing everyone around you as a mirror, and thus helping you to see who you really are. My brother has been recently depressed and doesn’t find joy in his life. I invited him to learn self-empowerment skills so that he can see his full potential.