How Social Isolation Affects Mental Health
How Social Isolation Affects Mental Health (My Weird Solution To Feel Happier About Yourself).
As we are moving slowly out of the lockdown many claims or warn us for a second wave. The restrictions of social distancing are leading us to more social isolation. How can social isolation affect our mental health? Are we heading to a new mental health crisis because of this?
In the next video post, I share some of my personal experiences with social isolation. How the feeling of loneliness can lead indeed to apathy, stress, or even depression.
We are slowly coming out of the lockdown and many find themselves already back at work. However, the world we were so familiar with is completely changed. The restrictions we have to face, the laws that are now created regarding social distancing and the economic difficulties.
Loneliness was already a huge issue even before the pandemic and lockdown but for many of us, this will even be triggered more and more. Especially those who live in big cities.
Personally, I experienced a lot of loneliness during my time of forced isolation. I am more of an introvert and the joy I experience from social interactions only lasts for a short amount of time. I like my solitude and live in my own world of fantasies and imaginations.
I told myself to really focus more on my creativity but for almost 2 months I just didn’t “feel like it”.
In this video about How Social Isolation Affects Mental Health, we reflect on how social isolation can lead to the next mental health crisis. Which for many is already a reality.
We talk about the harsh reality many of us face and for many highly sensitives that reality is rather not to be faced. How escapism can lead to an overstimulation of artificial stimulation. Think about bing watching entertainment, video games, alcohol, drugs, and other addictive behaviors.
How a “Dopamine Detox” can help to relax the mind, improve mental wellbeing, and get you on a path of clarity, purpose, and productivity. We also explore the number 1 thing we must do (even in social isolation) in order to feel more connected with ourselves.
What Our Current Crisis Wants To Teach Us.
Of course, we all have to go through our own unique lessons and experiences in life. But overall any crisis humanity had to face led to this one single question; Is this really who we are and choose to be?
Do we choose for fear, restrictions, war, poverty, and everything else that is related to our shadow side?
Or do we choose for love? Which eventually is our True Nature. A force that is unstoppable.
How our “independence” has led us into social isolation.
Technology has come a long way and it can almost “automate our lives.” Over the years we also have become more financially independent from each other. We therefore should be okay to just “be on our own.”
I don’t think I have to explain to you where this has actually led us, right?
What the feeling of isolation is leading us into.
Our external world is always a reflection of our internal world. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are the force behind our actions and behaviors.
Because of that many of us do feel they are separated from the world around them. From themselves, others, and Source.
While others can simply feel disempowered, sad, apathetic, or depressed.
This feeling can cause a lot of damage. Think about mistrust, blame, anger to even violence. This is unfortunately what we see a lot at the moment.
You feel you have to “try” too much in order to get anything done. You take one step but fall 3 steps back. Giving up is sometimes the only thing you can think about.
Facing our own shadow.
Diving into these feelings of isolation can sometimes give us answers we didn’t want to face before. Perhaps it’s time for a new chapter in our life. Maybe we have to break up with certain relationships, careers, or other life habits.
Maybe we really need to ask ourselves why we feel so lonely and isolated. Is perhaps our environment enhancing this feeling? Do we maybe need to move to a different location? Going “home” where you feel most at peace, grounded and empowered.
Or the reason we feel this lack of satisfaction and fulfillment in our life because we are not doing the thing that we are meant to do. Or we are not doing it enough.
When you are scared of your own light.
Sometimes your mind tells you to stay safe and hidden in the darkness than to embark on a journey into the unknown.
Following your heart can sometimes lead you into directions you thought you will never go into. Yet there you are.
Letting go of old masks or identities is not an easy task.
Most people prefer to stay hidden behind these masks because it kind of gives them safety or security. Which is of course an illusion.
How to create a deeper connection with yourself.
Even when our external circumstances are against our favor we must find a way to create “flow” in our life. Perhaps a creative activity or expression that makes us feel very present.
Doing so can give us more joy, self-respect, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Which is like filling your “vibrational bank account.” Once you do that then who knows what you might be attracting.