The Highly Sensitive Person
Highly Sensitive Person | Are you a Thinker, Doer or Feeler?
In case you joined my list through one of my other video posts about spiritual awakening, personal development and other deep and philosophical topics then you might be a Highly Sensitive Person just like me. In case you are completely new to HSP I like to share some basic insights with you so you can start to better understand and eventually accept your intuitive abilities and your place in the world. It’s a bit of a older video where I shared the name “Tubeinspirations.” That was the domain name I used before The Unity Mind, but the main topic are still the same.
So who are the Highly Sensitive People, what do they have in common, what are their challenges and advantages?
Thinker, Doer or a Feeler — what a abstract thing based on separation… and I totally agree with you! Specially when I watch myself back from quite some time ago. Because when I watch this right now I noticed that I grew as a person and see things differently. Like; WE CAN BE, DO & HAVE IT ALL!!!!
The purpose of this video is eventually to become more self aware so we can embrace and accept ourselves more and more. Knowing our values and place in the world will not only make you feel better but it will also be of a greater value for the world around you.
Highly Sensitive People struggle with absorbing so much “stuff” that is coming at them. Not only noises, sounds, smells and so on but also ideas, emotions and energies from other people. That means that a High Sensitive Person can lose touch with his/her own Truth or Authenticity. That can lead eventually to a “Identity Crisis”, like “What the Heck I am Suppose To Do Here, What Is My Truth, What Are My Values And What Is My Place In This World”?
Well I think this is a major challenge for many people but a HSP-er can experience this irritation 10 times more intense then non sensitive person. It’s therefore essential to become more mind-full and that is exactly the purpose of The Unity Mind!
In Between worlds…

I didn’t want to accept the spiritual part of me and make it practical. I was dividing the spiritual part of me with practical things. This caused that I was wondering and seeking for a “normal” job and/or business that I never really enjoyed doing but sounded like the most practical and logical thing to do. And the things I really enjoyed doing like tuning into Universal Wisdom and share this with the world through online video… well that part was definitely something I enjoyed doing but didn’t sounded practical and logical for me. So I created like many creative blocks for myself that took years for me to overcome. Like can you use your intuitive abilities to serve humanity without creating any blocks of receiving back for yourself?
Hi, some day I read in the web that the Brain Evolution System program (brainwave entrainment) was very useful for a girl who in her own words had always been sensitive and emotional. I haven’t tasted the program yet, so I’d like to know what do you think about it.
Thanks in advance..