Connecting With Your Roots
Can Connecting With Your Roots Really Help To Overcome Homesickness & Remember Your Life-Purpose?
When I talk about reconnecting with our roots we can, first of all, think about the memories we have from our place of birth. The location we grew up in. Perhaps we are dealing with the feeling of homesickness while living abroad.
Thinking about how it was like in the past and literally going back there doesn’t always solve your emotional state. Your way of thinking, attitude, and behaviors. So when I refer to feeling grounded and let’s stay connected to your purpose I refer to feeling “home” or at ease within yourself.
In this post and video, I like to share some personal insights and experiences on how connecting with my roots made me realize something.
Many of us have moved abroad for maybe a relationship, career, or personal reasons. Developing resilience, flexibility, and adaptability to make it in another society can give our personal development a major boost.
We have become a whole new person in the process. We grow in our thinking, mindset, and personal development.
When things get tough for some reason we often like to think about the past. How it was like when we felt comfortable or in our zone.
Of course, we want to believe that “going back” to our roots will solve the challenges we are currently facing.
So when we are dealing with homesickness we do want to believe that going back to our roots (the place we grew up) is going to solve the problem of homesickness.
In many cases that is not always the solution.
Soon we will realize that coming back to the place we grew up is no longer the place we thought it was. Or perhaps it is still the place and hasn’t moved on at all. However, we have.
We are simply not the same person who we thought we were. The location we grew up is also not the same anymore. Beautiful and peaceful coastal areas have become luxury escapes for tourism. Villages are now surrounded by industrial areas for commercial properties. Or the little town we grew up in has only become smaller.
The people you used to hang out with have moved on as well or turned into completely different directions. Or are still stuck in the same old way of thinking you are no longer part of either.
All of this can also apply to jobs and careers you used to do but is also no longer part of you anymore. It simply does not longer resonate with you. You seek new ways of inspiration, excitement, and “flow.”
The Black Hole Of Our Personal Identity When The Past Is Not Longer Present.
Trying to go back to our past is unfortunately an illusion. It does not longer exist. It’s something that has faded away. It’s like a part of ourselves that has faded away.
It can feel like a daunting, depressing, and lonely thought. The friendships we used to have do not longer exist than just a memory in our mind.
The present and future can therefore feel like a black hole of uncertainty. We can therefore feel disconnected from the present reality, our joy, purpose, passions, and excitements.
Life can sometimes feel like a tape recorder that is repeating itself. Same shit different day so to speak. We want to experience and feel something we haven’t experienced before yet it seems to be an intangible “thing.”
Not doing what lift up our soul can make us feel disconnected from life. Therefore feeling ungrounded from the present moment. We live in our heads, thinking to go back to how it was. Projecting our past failures into the present makes us feel fearful and anxious about the future.
How I would define the meaning of connecting with your roots.
Traveling and changing scenery can definitely help to gain new insights. While we travel we go into a passive and self-reflective mode. It can help us with daydreaming while we fall into the awe and wonder childish excitement of venturing into the unknown. However, this is all temporary.
As soon as we have reached our destination and gained some clarity of our surroundings we can fall back into our thinking.
Connecting With Our Roots can also be a metaphor for creating a flow of energy. I mean when you learn something about energy healing and the human energy field you know we have a root chakra, sacral and solar plexus.
When we are in a creative flow or “in the zone” we can activate these energy centers almost in an instant. Then it doesn’t matter where we are, what matters is what we do that brings us more joy. Create for the joy of creating. That’s it!
Do the thing that makes you feel more present and in the here and now. For some it can be gardening, painting, playing a musical instrument, spending time in nature, hiking, high intensive workouts, or playing around with a camera.
The feeling of homesickness can therefore also be referred to as the feeling of what makes you feel “at home” or “at ease.” Home can therefore also be a “feeling state” of inner peace, self-love, contentment, joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment.
Realizing this potential is a journey that doesn’t depend on the location but on your inner state. A daily practice of Mindfulness, Self Reflection, and Self Improvement is therefore the way to get more in touch with feeling at “ease with yourself.”
It’s like working out on a regular basis. Personal Development is therefore an ongoing practice. We are never “fully there” or arrived but only when we move on and leave the Earth plane. In the meantime, we just have to “remember” what’s it’s like to be in that “home state” if you know what I mean ;-).
So what are your thoughts about these insights? Anything you like to share? What is it that gets you in that flow state? Please let me know by leaving a comment below.

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