How To Know If You Have Anger Issues

How To Know If You Have Anger Issues

How To Know If You Have Anger Issues? 5 Tips For Dealing With Anger And Frustration… In this blog post and video about How To Know If You Have Anger Issues I reveal the root cause of Anger & Frustration and 5 Tips for Dealing with Anger & Frustration. We have all felt angry and frustrated…

The Blessing Ball of Light Exercise

The Blessing Ball of Light Exercise

Discover How To Realign Yourself With Your Highest Vibrations of Love, Joy, Peace & Gratitude With The Blessing Ball of Light Exercise… Christie has a very powerful method to connect quickly with your highest vibrations of Love, Joy, Peace, Gratitude all the way to Enlightenment. You can do this fast and easily before you start…

Heal Your Information Junkie

Heal Your Information Junkie

How To Heal Your Information Junkie That Exist In All Of Us… I have mentioned this a few times before now; but technology made us ‘more connected’, yet also more dis-connected with our own essence. In the next video Tom Cronin will share how meditation can be a powerful tool to connect back with your…

Meet Tom Cronin

Meet Tom Cronin

Meet Tom Cronin, Your “On The Go” Meditation Teacher… Over the years I had many teachers, coaches and guides. Specially since 2012 when I started to notice that something wasn’t right “inside of me” I started to reach out for help. For many of us that might feel a bit uncomfortable specially when it’s about…

Meditation Classes London

Meditation Classes London

What kind of Meditation Classes in London should you attend? When it comes to Meditation Classes in London there is a wide variety of Meditation Classes you can attend. Classes that varies from Mindfulness Meditation, Spiritual Healing to even a Walking Meditation in the Outdoors for those who can’t or don’t like to sit still…

Dealing With Anxiety

Dealing With Anxiety

Dealing With Anxiety, Depression And/Or Burn-Out; What If You Have Achieved Inner Peace, Then What? Dealing with Anxiety, Depression and or a Burn Out becomes more common in our society as more people are dealing with more pressure and expectations from others and society. Myself I have struggled for years and years with anxiety and…

Indoor VS Outdoor Meditation

Indoor VS Outdoor Meditation

Indoor Meditation vs a Walking Meditation In Nature  – What Is The Difference? Maybe you have seen my introduction video about the various Meditation Classes in London where I also spoke about the difference between a Indoor vs a Outdoor Meditation. Anyway there are so many ways to practice “Inner Peace”… today we have a…

How To Experience More Joy

How To Experience More Joy

How to Experience & Express Your Joy, What’s The Difference? While I was doing my daily meditation walk in the Wimbledon Common I always do some reflection work. Looking at my thoughts and why I have them. I came to a new awareness. A awareness that you also might relate to. Anyway in the next…

How To Practice Mindfulness

How To Practice Mindfulness

How To Practice Mindfulness? 2 Simple Ways To Get Your Thoughts Away From Your Busy Life & Stress And Experience More Inner Peace… In my previous video where I explained the difference between Mindfulness vs Meditation we now have a look to How to Practice Mindfulness. When it comes to practicing mindfulness we think we should…

Mindfulness vs Meditation

Mindfulness vs Meditation

Mindfulness vs Meditation, What is The Difference? Has Mindfulness and meditation both not something to do with finding more happiness and inner peace? The answer is yes both can lead to a more happier, peaceful, joyful and more fulfilling life however what you need to understand is that there is a small difference between Mindfulness…