Why Do I Feel So Burned Out
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Why Do I Feel So Burned Out

Why Do I Feel So Burned Out All The Time as an Intuitive, Empathic, Introverted, Highly Sensitive Person Even When I Can Be Social? Feeling Burned Out is a very important sign that you are a bit off balance. There is something you have been neglecting for a very long term. You can even feel…

How To Get Clear On What You Want

How To Get Clear On What You Want

Discover How To Get Clear On What You Want By Activating Your Third Eye Chakra. Okay in this post I am going to “shock” your expectation a bit. Those who are looking for information on how to get clear on what you want might expect some dull answers like; create a vision board, set goals,…

Positive and Negative Motivation

Positive and Negative Motivation

How Positive and Negative Motivation Can Cause a Lot of Self Doubts And What Kind of Motivation You Should Actually Focus On… When we think about positive motivation we can confuse ourselves with indeed the epic motivational videos or the yelling personal development coaches. And yeah that kind of motivation can work but only for…

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Say Anymore…

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Say Anymore…

In my next video, I would like to do something different. I would like to “give you some time to reflect.” Let’s reflect on “what to do when you don’t know what to say anymore”. We can do this together while enjoying a relaxing walk in nature. First I will share something of why we…

How To Be a Mature Man

How To Be a Mature Man


Letting Go Of Trying To Get Something or Somewhere
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Letting Go Of Trying To Get Something or Somewhere

This new video explores the ‘Secret’ on letting go of trying to get something or somewhere… Learn The Secrets of Letting Go Of Trying To Get Something or Somewhere (Letting Go Of Neediness and Insecurity). This method can work as a very powerful manifestation technique for finally letting the Law of Attraction work for you….

Overcoming Poverty Consciousness

Overcoming Poverty Consciousness

Discover The Three Different Mindsets For Overcoming Poverty, Survival And Scarcity Consciousness. Especially After Emotional Narcissistic Abuse… Those who have been through any kind of emotional abuse such as narcissistic abuse can suffer tremendously from poverty, survival or scarcity consciousnesses. Why that is is what you are going to learn in this post and video…

The Different Emotional Moods

The Different Emotional Moods

The Three Main Different Emotional Moods And How To Bring Balance And Harmony Between Them. We all know what’s like to have these different kind of emotional mood swings. One day we can feel excited, passion-ed, driven and inspired. While other days feel like very depressive. Fearful, anxious or apathetic. So what exactly is going…

Stop Being Needy and Insecure

Stop Being Needy and Insecure

Discover How To Stop Being Needy and Insecure So The Law of Attraction Can Really Start To Work For You… So maybe you have been studying The Law of Attraction for a while and now you just want to know how it can really start to work for you, right? But you have come to…

High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive Person

High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive Person

How in the earth can we finally understand not just the Highly Sensitive Person but also the High Sensation Seeking peeps. Or what if you are both? As being a highly sensitive person is not complicated enough there are also people that are both high sensitive and high sensation seekers. So what exactly does that…