Nature Relaxation Walk In Harewoods

Nature Relaxation Walk In Harewoods

Enjoy This Nature Relaxation Walk In The English Countryside of Harewoods National Trust With Real Life Nature Sounds For Self Reflection. Many nature relaxation videos actually use recorded royalty-free nature sounds which is great because it doesn’t contain any noise pollution. However, I wanna test if the real nature sounds can also help with your…

Why Do I Feel So Burned Out
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Why Do I Feel So Burned Out

Why Do I Feel So Burned Out All The Time as an Intuitive, Empathic, Introverted, Highly Sensitive Person Even When I Can Be Social? Feeling Burned Out is a very important sign that you are a bit off balance. There is something you have been neglecting for a very long term. You can even feel…

How To Get Clear On What You Want

How To Get Clear On What You Want

Discover How To Get Clear On What You Want By Activating Your Third Eye Chakra. Okay in this post I am going to “shock” your expectation a bit. Those who are looking for information on how to get clear on what you want might expect some dull answers like; create a vision board, set goals,…

Third Eye Chakra Healing Meditation

Third Eye Chakra Healing Meditation

Light-body Activation & Third Eye Chakra Healing Meditation. New guided meditations & Light-Body Activations for Lightworkers, Starseeds and Spiritual Seekers. In this guided meditation or Light-Body Activation, we focus on healing and balancing your third eye chakra. Also, we travel and explore the Arcturian Chrystal Lake for self-healing, cleansing and activating your Light-Body.    …

Recovering From Narcissistic Relationship

Recovering From Narcissistic Relationship

How To Find Your Own Unique Voice While Recovering From Narcissistic Relationship With a Nature Walk. When I talk about “how to find your own unique voice while recovering from a narcissistic relationship” I don’t mean finding your “singing voice.” What I mean by finding your own voice is developing a stronger sense of Self,…

Positive and Negative Motivation

Positive and Negative Motivation

How Positive and Negative Motivation Can Cause a Lot of Self Doubts And What Kind of Motivation You Should Actually Focus On… When we think about positive motivation we can confuse ourselves with indeed the epic motivational videos or the yelling personal development coaches. And yeah that kind of motivation can work but only for…

Throat Chakra Healing

Throat Chakra Healing

Throat Chakra Healing – Guided Meditation and Light Body Activation.                    

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Say Anymore…

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Say Anymore…

In my next video, I would like to do something different. I would like to “give you some time to reflect.” Let’s reflect on “what to do when you don’t know what to say anymore”. We can do this together while enjoying a relaxing walk in nature. First I will share something of why we…

How To Be a Mature Man

How To Be a Mature Man


Re-connect With The Inner Child

Re-connect With The Inner Child