7 Signs From The Universe
7 Signs From The Universe That Your Desire Is Manifesting. Be Prepared For Sign #7…

If you have tried any manifestation techniques to bring your desires into reality you might have come across some challenges. Challenges, roadblocks or obstacles that made you wonder if you are on the right track. These doubts can kill your manifestation process. For that reason I have created 7 Signs from the Universe that your desire is manifestation. So are you ready for it?
Sign From The Universe #1. Watch Your Feelings.
When you start to feel drained, stresses, anxious or depleted then this might actually be a quick reminder that you are a bit “off track.” Make a small turn and re-align yourself with feelings of joy, bliss, excitement, love, passion, satisfaction and fulfillment. These feelings are a great indication that you are on-track of living and manifesting your desires.
In matter of fact you don’t attract what you want you attract who you are by your “feeling state.” So make sure you always pay attention to raising your vibration.
Sign From The Universe #2. New and Expanded Awareness.
When your goal is for example to manifest a red sport car you suddenly start to notice this red sport car everywhere. The exact model, trim, color, engine etc.
Or you have made a goal for example like ‘I Am Glad & Grateful I Make At Least $1000 Per Day By Providing This Solution To People.” Then what start to happen is that you could start to experience various dreams that make no sense at all. However these dreams could clear up old believes you were holding on to that are not longer serving you.
Sign From The Universe #3. Synchronicity Explained With This One Example.
When I am “trying to make money” online for example nothing is happening. In matter of fact I only start to feel needy, drained and exhausted from working on these hours in front of my computer. Working for money is not something that excite everybody and if it doesn’t excite you either then you might want to change your focus as well.
Change your focus from “trying to make money” to giving and being of service. When you do that you suddenly start to notice that things are coming to you more easily. It became a reflection of that what you are putting out in the world.
Synchronicity is when things, opportunities and people come together like a unified force. When you are connected to a cause, purpose or mission that is greater then your own needs. It’s like The Universe is start to work for you instead you are trying to work for something. It’s all about a process of letting go, surrender and allowing things to happen. What I mean with “allowing things to happen” is that of course you need to have a infrastructure like a business system for example so the Universe can deliver to resources you need to your grant vision.
Sign From The Universe #4. Ideas.
Before you get started with manifesting your desires and dream life you were maybe waiting for the best idea. Waiting for ideas to come up is like waiting to get motivated. You get motivated by just doing it the thing. You don’t attract motivation you create or generate motivation.
Same with ideas. To get the ball rolling with your flow of inspiration sometimes all it takes to just get started. Getting started with learning new things, practice these new insights or skills and make them your own. Ideas come along the way. So just get moving ;-).
Sign From The Universe #5. Inspired Action and Inspiration.
Some inspiration might just come to you while taking a shower in the morning or a walk in the park. If that is happening you know you are very connected to your purpose and you a very well on your path. To Be Inspired also means to Be In-Spirit.
Inspired Action also means to me taking action without any conditions or expectations. You do just because you love and enjoy doing your thing. Plus you love and enjoy sharing your passions. You don’t do it because you expect anything in return like recognition or money for example.
Sign From The Universe #6. Challenges, Obstacles and Difficulties.
This is actually how synchronicity worked out for me in this sign. As you could see the wind noise made it almost impossible to hear anything what I had to say. It was the only footage I had and I wasn’t aware it was such a mess. Of course I could have deleted the footage but then I had to delete everything of the video. I decided to publish the video anyway and kept on going.
Obviously this can apply to anything you want to manifest. You are going to face challenges, obstacles and difficulties. These are meant for you to grow as a person which can help you to grow your cause. Limited believes, fears or insecurities you were maybe not aware of yet are now being faced. You can then bring awareness to them and choose to let them go. All of this can actually help you to give you new ideas, inspirations and/or opportunities.
Sign From The Universe #7. Experience a Greater Sense of Calm, Inner Peace And Personal Empowerment.
As you go through all challenges during phase 6 you will eventually start to experience more confidence, personal empowerment and inner peace. You will develop a Mindset that becomes invincible. You will become so strong in your new believes that people can’t get around you anymore. Here is where you start to manifest almost effortlessly.
Which of these 7 signs are you currently going through and what kind of desire would you like to manifest? Please let me know by leaving a comment below! Also make sure to check out this free webclass on evolving into Unity Consciousness.
Love your stuff. I am distracted by your improper English usage. You use the verb form as the noun when you utilise the word “believes”
Belief is the singular form of the noun. The plural form is beliefs.
The verb is to believe. For example.Verb. He believes. She believes. I believe. We believe.
Ex. Belief.Noun. I have one belief about this and many different beliefs about that.
Hi Brenda thanks for the teachings. English is my 2nd language so my apologize for my “bad grammar” maybe I should just stick to videos then…
Thank you so much for the signs o desire winning a lottery so that I can top working 9 to 5 and do my purpose
Thank you for sharing your WISDOM and for taking the time to translate it into English. I love your beautifully worded messages. Grammar is only the packaging … the good stuff is inside.
The Universe is calling for me to through Inspiration, Clarity, new mentors, opportunities and now in writing. It would be ungrateful of me not to answer with Action.
I really loved your input. Thank you! I want to manifest changes on my body, which feels difficult for me because i currently find it hard to detach from my manifestations.
I would like to manifest financial well being, my dream home, and a love of my life…
Many Thanks for putting this together and sharing it. You have communicated it very well.