Why Do I Feel So Burned Out
Why Do I Feel So Burned Out All The Time as an Intuitive, Empathic, Introverted, Highly Sensitive Person Even When I Can Be Social?
Feeling Burned Out is a very important sign that you are a bit off balance. There is something you have been neglecting for a very long term. You can even feel burned out when indeed you love working hard or be social with others. Even as a Highly Sensitive, Empathic or introverted person.
So why did I feel so burned out and how did I become aware of that?
Between 2010 and 2012 I was obsessed with achieving online fame, success and financial independence. It was like I wanna prove my sense of Self Worth through accomplishments.
Because I was always “out there” networking with other entrepreneurs and professionals I attracted a therapist who measured my energy field. He made the conclusion I was indeed very close to a burnout. One year later, after ignoring his message I felt indeed in a burnout. After of course, I achieved some financial and material success. And after I heard “son I am proud at you.”
But actually the reason you might feel burn-out has actually not always the cause of working hard. There might actually be another reason why you might feel so depleted, drained and exhausted all the time. Besides diet, sleep, exercise, self-reflection, and meditation.
Feel free to watch my video or continue reading to find out (however I do mention some tips in my video I don’t mentioned in my blog visa-versa):
The Gift and Burden of The Intuitive Sensitive or Empath.
Everything has two sides of the coin which also applies to be an intuitive or empathic individual. When you are an empath you possess some very astonishing communication skills. You have the ability to truly relate to others. Not in the sense of sympathizing with others like “feeling sorry for them” but more like feeling their feelings. Their sadness can become your sadness. Their joy and excitement can therefore also lift you up.

So when you are an empath who loves to socialize with others no matter where you are you can indeed sometimes “pick things up.”
Negative emotions from others can, therefore, become a burden that in someway you feel responsible to carry on your shoulders. Especially from people that are close to you like a partner, friend, spouse, husband, family member, coworker, client or employer.
How Social Networking Became an Energy Drainer For Me.
When I came to London in 2013 I was indeed feeling emotionally exhausted, drained and completely burned-out. This was also the time I just completed a very intense spiritual training period, or group healing work.
For several months I was unemployed sitting at home and eating my savings. Until I had nothing left and REALLY HAD to apply. What I knew was the hustle and grind of marketing and sales. So as you can imagine that was I applied for in the first place. I even attended several entrepreneurial meetups & events. But after several conversations with people on networking events and full-time positions, I felt depleted, drained and burned out. So what exactly was going on with me?
When your flexibility and adaptability made you separated from your True Self.
As empaths, we are peacemakers and thrive for unity and harmony. We turn our back to conflict and confrontation as that can make us feel very uncomfortable.
Yet we seem to attract or have attracted people in our life that were like energy vampires for us. People with an emotionally immature personality. Or even worse a narcissistic personality disorder. Because of our highly intuitive and empathic nature, we want to heal, help, assist, guide and pleasure the other person. We feel it’s our responsibility.
Because of that, we started to adapt to their non-sensitive and toxic nature. In order for us to do that we had to shut down our own intuition which is actually one of our virtues. Something we must nurture very well in order to do well in life.

So there you are. Perhaps you have even turned your back to this toxic person years ago. Yet you still have it in you to be flexible and adaptable in order to “meet” the other person in your conversations. To do so you don’t really show your own boundaries and values. You just go with what the other person likes to hear. And this is what drains you.
From Burnout to isolation, solitude, and connection.
When you feel burned out it’s very important to develop more self-awareness. Know thyself! Become aware of what drains you and what gives you energy. Can you feel a glimpse of joy and excitement of long nature walks, journaling, meditation, reading self-help/spiritual books or perhaps something else?
Nurture these things that you can practice in peace and solitude.
However, as “addictive” introspection might be it’s also important to recognize when it’s time to come out of your cave. Because at the end we are still social creatures and we need each other to grow and develop ourselves even further.
Recognize for yourself when it’s the time to collaborate, socialize and work with others and when it’s the time to just “be with yourself.”
This is a continuous learning process and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Not paying attention to all of this can come with a very expensive price-tag. Your health, happiness and financial well-being depend on it!
So you decide if you want to “pay the price” of neglecting your inner self or “pay the price” for a daily personal/spiritual development practice. Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Or click here to learn more about the 3 key elements for personal transformation.