Spiritually Gifted People
12 Things That Affects Spiritually Gifted People Plus 2 Possible Solutions…

When you consider yourself as a spiritual gifted person or other people around you have pointed out your gifts you might think you are either blessed or cursed. Probably you don’t really recognize your own gifts and see them more as a burden. So far you have only see them as something that works against you.
So what can you do about this? How can you start to recognize your gifts as a spiritual gifted person? How can you become aware of the things that you see as a burden, accept them, embrace them and live your true purpose?
Because remember;
“Light enters where it hurts the most.”
Characteristics of a Spiritual Person, How Do You Recognize Them And What Affects a Spiritual Gifted Person?
First of all before we dive any further in the topic of “being spiritual gifted” I just want to remind you that we are all gifted in some way. Some people are really good at mathematics, languages, teaching, writing, singing while others are gifted emotionally or even spiritually.
Being a Spiritual Gifted Person means you are much more sensitive then others. This comes with a whole lot of “side affects” that influence your day to day life. Side affects that you currently see as a burden or as a curse.
What these things are that can affect you as a spiritual gifted person is what I will further describe in my video:
Spiritual Gifted People or Highly Sensitive People process information in a much more intense way then others. They are much more aware of their surroundings and absorb things much quicker. Their brain activity is in top gear most of the time.
Learning therefore goes much “easier” for them then their peers. They often get identified as the quick learner or as the intelligent person. But only if it interest them, if it feels right for them and involves independent thinking and creativity. If not then learning becomes a painful and tedious task.
Because of that they create resistant. Performance and results start to suffer and now they are being labeled as the “slow learner” or anything like that.
Once they were so used to easily get things done but now they are labeled all sorts of things they start to suffer from the things that only can affect a spiritual gifted person. Or Highly Sensitive Person.
The 12 Things That Now Start To Affect a Spiritual Gifted Person.
Number 1 is the lack of confidence. We now really start to doubt ourselves because of our poor performance, interests, motivation and results.
We then start to fear the failure because we are so used of having success so easily and effortlessly. Specially when you are high sensitive your prefer to avoid any kind of “negative feelings” at all cost.
Success suddenly become another place you prefer to avoid. Because with success comes responsibility, determination, or even stress and disappointments which again you prefer to avoid at all cost.
Because we have been labeled as the “slow learner” or what not we start to lose all interest in learning and professional education. Therefore going after academic degrees seems to be pointless. Which relates again to the previous points of fear of success and failure.
Having persistent with anything could also play a major role in performing well in life. We often feel like it doesn’t really seems to matter no matter how hard you work or the things you can achieve.
Lack of focus on completing task is also a common characteristic of high sensitive / high sensation seeking spiritual gifted people. As a high sensitive spiritual person we are much more in touch with the deepest aspect of our soul. Our soul is all about learning, exploring and exploring new things for it’s own personal growth. Doing repetitive mundane day to day tasks can often feel very boring. And as soon we lost touch with our why or intentions we procrastinate and are all over the place.
Number 7 has to do with having a negative self image. It’s a set of thoughts and feelings we have about ourselves which has been formed over time by our actions and results. If we become passive and inactive we start to feel dis-satisfied with ourselves and life and we beat ourselves up. That can lead to more self destructive habits and behaviors. Which will start to work in a downwards spiral.
Because we now cannot see ourselves worthy and good enough we then start to seek for constant validation, approval, recognition, rewards and instant gratification. The things we do on social media, the people pleasing or the instant gratifications found in video games, tv-series, movies and other forms of entertainment.
Avoiding responsibilities is another thing that affects many high sensitives. Surrendering to a more reactive state of being is a easier thing to do when you prefer the victim role you are playing. Responding to your outcomes and circumstances is taking full ownership over your creating abilities.
Feelings of Unworthiness is something that now starts to creep in as a result of all the things we are doing to ourselves. But sometimes it has been projected upon us by others or environment. However you still made the decision to react to that instead of taking full responsibility in not letting it affect you.
Avoiding competition is also a habit when you fear success and failure. To compete with yourself in order to learn and to grow.
Negative thinking that fuels your negative self image and that also comes from having a negative self image. Negative thinking promotes a negative self talk and a lot of overthinking. Constantly doubting yourself and your actions.
So What Exactly Can You Do About Mastering Your Gifts As a Spiritual Gifted Person?
Perhaps you were expecting a list of various gifts you could have. But changes are you already “know” this. Not a intellectual level but your heart just knows it. What is stopping you from living in your Truth are all the conditioning you have developed over the years. It’s like a layer of mud covering up a pearl.
Your job as a Spiritual Gifted Person is the actually unlearn all your conditioning so you can re-align yourself with who you REALLY ARE. This is actually your REAL GIFT. How and what to do is something that may vary from person to person year to year. Because your personal interest may also vary from year to year, day to day.
So the two things you can do right now today is first of all to become aware of all your bad habits that is not longer serving you.
The second solution to start feeling more empowered is to first do the things you don’t feel like doing so you can start to appreciate more the joys and pleasures of life. Doing so will make you feel more grounded, connected, satisfied and fulfilled. Isn’t that something we all want?
Hi there I’m a Cancerian woman born on 13/7/ I got my spiritual awakening in 2020 during corona. I was so scared that hid myself in the closet bcos I saw people dying in big numbers on tv n I cried out to God asking him to protect me, then I heard a voice say ” fear not I’m in Control..then I was having a sudden peace in my heart. That’s when I knew it is God.. now since then I’m experiencing spiritual movements till present..it feels like a balloon… I was scared when I found out about the slomo movements but then I got used to the spiritual Embodiment but the thing is I feel like isolating myself from society bcos I think they know the word but just hate following God , & that makes me angry. Reason I’m isolating myself from God Hater.. they follow traditions n old laws that binds them to women oppressive cursed traditions & laws now I want nothing to do with DEMONS who HATES GOD! I’m staying in a commune of 6 people & the tenants hardly see me around cos I HATE associating with God haters.. rather, like most of the times I put a wall & a mask on so that no one gets closer to me. Even in the streets or in taxis I don’t greet a soul..and that gives me pleasures. I used to love people very very much now today I hate them & avoiding them like corona virus. Sexism & women abuse started at church so I also hate the CHURCHES WITH ALL MY HEART! NO TURNING BACK TO CHURCH FOR ME I HATE IT! WHEN I FOUND OUT ABOUT ALL THIS CHURCH & WOMEN OPPRESSION AT CHURCH I ALSO STARTED HATING men for CREATING SATANIC MALE RULE PARTRIACHS. LOT OF WOMEN REACTED EVEN OTHERS ARBORED THE BOY CHILD THIS IS VERY PERSON AND MY HEART IS STILL BLEEDING! NOW NO NICENESS CAN COME OUT OF A BLEEDING HEART. REASON I’M PUSHING THESE EVIL HUMANS AWAY FROM ME! GOD SAYS THEY TWIST HIS WORDS EVERYDAY FOR THEIR EVIL THOUGHTS. these people serve me only with their lips but their hearts are far from me.therefore I will shock these people! The WISDOM of their Their wise men will PERISH! &The intelligence of the INTELLIGENT shall be HID! Reason so much POVERTY! PANDEMICS & GLOBAL WARMING BCUZ THE WOMEN ARE POOR! TRUTH BE TOLD! &GOD SAYS AN IMBALANCED WAGER IS AN
Now I HATE been nice to people bcos of past pains.. people I trusted broke my heart , They’ve hurt me alot now “I’VE LOCKED MY HEART IN A SAFE PLACE & THREW AWAY THE KEYS… hurt me a lot now I want nothing to do with a thing called HUMANS. NOT MY CREATION NOW IT’S NONE OF MY BUSINESS LET THEM GO BURN IN HELL FOR HATING GOD! bcos I won’t offer mys