Reiki Healing
What Is Reiki Healing And How Does It Work…?

Your body is a amazing piece of “machinery” that knows exactly what to do to keep you healthy. Without you even having to do anything or having to think about. When of course it is in balance and harmony with a healthy diet, enough exercise, sleep/rest, and emotional/spiritual nourishment.
Unfortunately that’s not always the case for us. As of course we live in a world of living constantly “on the edge” with the many expectations from others, society and we put on ourselves. To much stress in our lives can get our mind, body and spirit out of balance. We then can start to suffer from mental and emotional instability/irritation. Such as Anxiety or depression. Lack of focus/clarity/direction in life or finding you place in this world.

At a physical level this can also lead to a weaker immune system which can result to the many “dis-eases” or illness. In most cases a weaker digestive system can already cause many irritations.
What Is Reiki Healing Exactly?
Reiki as been around for thousands of years but has been further developed in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist called Mikao Usui. He has passed on his teachings to over 2000 students who are now known as Reiki Healers/masters or practitioners.
Reiki Healing works with the Universal (called rei) life force energy (called ki). A reiki practitioner has been “initiated” by a Reiki master in bringing this universal life force energy through the hands to the body of the patient.

There is no official scientifically evidence that Reiki works and can therefore not be replaced by conventional treatments. However many people who has gone through a reiki treatment felt a difference. Even when it’s “just” a total sense of pure relaxation and rejuvenation.
So it’s not so much what people can believe but what they ALLOW to feel and experience. Reiki now also has been accepted by many hospitals as a supplementary treatment.
Because it has not really been accepted yet by mainstream conventional science there are scientist like Gregg Braden who are bridging the gap between spiritual traditions, alternative healing and modern science.
Below you see a quick recap of some Gregg’s studies. The second (poor quality) video shows how prayer, intention and chanting cured a tumor within seconds.
How Does Reiki Healing Works Exactly and How Does a Session Look Like?

Please watch my next video where I explain some of the 7 energy centers within your energy field/body which are also called Chakras. Each chakra influence a different area in your life. So if you experience a energy block that currently influence some of your life areas the reiki practitioner will focus his/her intention on one of these energy centers.
The Earth Chakra is not really mentioned in the 7 Chakra System but also plays a big role in feeling grounded in this reality. The Earth Chakra contains many very strong meridians. Earthing is a nice practice of walking bare feet on some grass in order to feel more grounded with the Earth below your feet.

This doesn’t really gets a lot of stimulation anymore as we are walking on thick layers of rubber. And mainly on concrete floors.
The Base or Root Chakra is a red colored energy center located at the base of your spine. The Root Chakra represents the area of feeling grounded, connected and a sense of belonging. When the Root Chakra is blocked or out of balance you can experience a lot of insecurity, fear and anxiety around work and money for example.

The Sacral Chakra is the second energy center and represents everything around emotional stability. Creative and sexual energy. Getting in touch with your emotions and express them can sometimes feel like a daunting thing. As this can be seen as weak or vulnerable. People can also experience a lot of fear around expressing their sexuality or intimacy.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third energy center which has everything to do with self worth, personal empowerment, confidence and self esteem. Have this energy center blocked and you can find a hard time with standing up for yourself. Struggle with power and control issues. Seeking for ways to control or manipulate others instead of looking for ways to empower others. Or you can feel a intense lack or neediness. Constantly looking for approval, validation or instant gratification.
Or you are so much of a intuitive sensitive/empath that you strongly believe that to stand in your own personal power you have to control, manipulate or dominate others. Which you highly dislike so now you prefer to hide your gifts and being seen.
The first three chakra’s has a lot to do with our need for survival. If one of these energy centers are blocked or are out of balance we might struggle with survival, scarcity or poverty consciousness. This can be the case for those who have been through a emotional abusive relationship such as the Empath vs The Narcissist.

This is a classic story where the high sensitive empath who desire to help, please or “heal” those in need attracts very broken people with personality disorders. Without going in further detail for now this can cause some huge issues for high sensitive/empathetic people. T
Once a empath has finally realized it’s about time to step out of the “war zone” he or she then will have to commit to a period of self healing and discovery.
Why I brought this up? Because this is more my personal expertise and experience.
Now let’s move on to the 4th Chakra which is the Heart Chakra.

This is a very exciting energy center as this is a HUGE step up for humanity. A step up in consciousness you might say. This is where people can experience a greater sense of empathy, (unconditional) love for self and others and compassion. Creating a greater balance between giving and receiving.
Giving, creating, helping and serving from a place of love and joy sounds like a state many of us cannot seems to reach. It’s a “place” that seems like a million miles away because we are conditioned to do everything with a condition. That’s why I call my work “Creating a Place To Re-Member.” Remember that state of being we all seems to have forgotten or suppressed. And Re-member or Re-unite with it.
We have these conditions because of our monetary system and ideas. Also we are taught to constantly scream for attention, approval and validation. We are even able to suppress our own sense of Self or Authenticity to do so. Think about little children who eventually are able to shut down their own playfulness, imagination and creativity in order to get the validation from their teachers by memorizing data during exams. So they can get the rewards from their parents in the form of the latest iPhone so they can then get the “social acceptance” of their peers.
Trying to do something unconditionally seems to interfere with our way of (Ego Based) thinking yet it can feel very satisfying. It can make you feel very connected to something much greater then your primary needs for survival. Like working on a cause, purpose or mission. It’s where the tiny little drop of water feels connected to his ocean. Yet we all feel disconnected and isolated as little drops from our Ocean.
The 5th Chakra is the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra represents Communication, Self Expression and speaking out your Truth. Know exactly who you are and what you stand for.

When the throat chakra is blocked people can struggle with shyness and social anxiety. You fear being judged or shamed by sharing your thoughts. Therefore if you want to give your opinion about something you come over as blunt, aggressive or defensive.
The 6th Chakra or the Third Eye Chakra located between the eyebrowns. Also identified as our 6th Sense. As you might guess the Third Eye Chakra has everything to do with perception, vision, intuition, clairvoyance or even psychic/intuitive abilities. We all have access to these abilities however some are a bit more attuned to these abilities then others. Like a Reiki healer for example.

The 7th Chakra located just above the crown of our head is called the Crown Chakra. This energy center can receive deep spiritual insights or inspiration. Because to be Inspired is also to “Be In-Spirit”.

There are a few more energy centers above our heads which can make us feel connected to the energetic Earth Grids, Solar System, Galaxy (Central Sun) and the entire Universe. When you have these energy centers open you can feel, visualize and imagine what’s like to see our entire Universe just like “another cell” in a much greater Multiverse. Just like you have trillion of cells in your body. It’s all just one gigantic infinite hierarchy.

Sometimes I use these visualizations in my guided meditations for expanding your consciousness.
How does a Reiki healing therapy session look like?
A reiki healing therapy session can take between the 1 or 2 hours for best results. However a distant healing session for ongoing support and guidance can be done in as little 20 minutes. You could just relax in the comfort of your own home while the practitioner works with and through this Universal Energy. This Universal Life Force energy goes beyond our 5 basic senses of perception and is non-material. Like a drop of water which is part of a ocean. We can therefore tune-in the energy fields of someone across the globe.
But during a hands-on session you could visit the healer in their own dedicated space from home. Or some healers visit their clients in the comfort of their own home. The healer will then bring their own Reiki table (or portable massage bed) with a clean blanket and pillows for your comfort.
The first 5-15 minute of the session can be a consultation with the client where the healer will check in where attention is much needed.
During the session the client will just lie down on the reiki table while the healer will channel in this life-force energy. Most of the time the session will be “hands-off” around most body parts but with some body parts as head, arms, legs and feet can be “hands-on.” With approval of the client of course.
Some people can experience some energetic tensions or (old) emotional sensations. Or sudden physical tensions or sensations. But most people can feel and experience a total relaxation that can go deeper as a normal meditation. Therefore it’s totally normal to “feel sleepy or fall asleep.” Snoring can also a normal result of that.
After the session the client can share some of the sensations he or she experienced but there is no need for any rational explanation whatsoever. Sometimes it’s much better to “just be with it for a while”.
It’s advised to “take it easy” after a session because sometimes there can be some old emotional trauma coming to the surface that can cause some uncomfortable feelings. This is the process of emotional, spiritual healing that should be embraced and not neglected or suppressed. It’s very important to drink a lot of water during this period of releasing. But most people can actually feel re-energized after a session.
Some of my personal experience with Reiki Healing.
I wasn’t born with the realization that I should become a healer. Neither did I experienced any kind of super natural or physic abilities as a kid. Intuitive, sensitive, dreaming, creative and imaginative? YES Absolutely! Hence my boredom and resistance against the mundane routine of the school system.
It was more that I experienced some emotional trauma that led me into a journey of seeking, self discovery and self healing. My first questions regarding to my spiritual self was when I was around 20-21 years old. My spiritual journey took off during a burn-out and financial/business crash in 2012.
Since then I went into a 1,5 year of deep intense spiritual healing during a Spirit Coaching Program in The Netherlands. To then going even further into Shamanism. During these journeys I experienced various profound and extraordinary visions that went way beyond my logical perception of reality. Non of that made any sense to me so I resisted all of it for a long time. Yet my perception of reality was changed and I felt I couldn’t really go back to the “old version” of myself.
It was when I start practicing reiki on a few people near me when I started to open up even more. Every session was different and I felt, saw different things.
On a young lady who required some attention on her sacral chakra I experienced a lot of colored light coming down on her energy body.
Another mid age lady who struggled with symphysis pubis dysfunction I received a energetic support/stability for her. Like a metal/energetic hip stabilizer. Also she struggled with lower back pains and many other emotional limited believes and suppressed feelings.
A few months later she got a surgery where they removed early stage cancer cells in her reproduction organs. She believed that this “had to come to the surface and coming out.” Everything went well and now she is becoming much more herself.
And during a session with a mid age gentleman who suffered from financial & personal insecurity suddenly became very emotional because of his recently passed away father. Who was indeed very judgmental and abusive against him during his upbringing. This was totally against his own personal expectations! Also he felt a lot of physical/energetic tensions during the session. His arms became very shaky!
Now his professional career as a driving instructor took off and he is finally able to save more money which he couldn’t do before. Money always drained out of his existence.
A note from a healer.
It’s very common for us to have certain type of expectations. That something is going to be solved or cured. And if not then the healer didn’t do his job.
This is something I personally struggled with for a long time. That I should meet a expectation or solve something. It kept me from accepting, embracing and developing this gift any further.
A reiki healer doesn’t solve anything. He or she is merely a facilitator by channeling in this Universal Life Force Energy. And sometimes that was just meant to sooth the pain, or bring a new lesson that the client can learn from. The soul sometimes has to go through certain type of lessons that has to or can be experienced from various dis-ease. That’s why it cannot replace any conventional medical treatment but can work as a supplement.
And for some people Reiki can just help them to relax or re-energize like a personalized massage or meditations.
Life always unfold in the most unexpected and magical ways we still cannot really fully understand.
How much does a Reiki Session Cost?
A reiki session provided by a qualified facilitator can cost anywhere between the 50 to 110 USD/GBP for 1 or 2 hours.
Personally I charge for my “Reiki On The Go” service £75 for 60 minutes. I visit people in the comfort of their own home in the area of South West London and Surrey.
Also I can offer Distant Reiki Healing for when you are not locally and for on-going support. This service cost £45 and will take around 20-30 minutes.
My gift to you…
I know what you might be thinking. Can a young guy in his early 30 really help you with your spiritual/emotional healing journey? Perhaps this is even the first time you came across me and you are not sure if you can trust me just yet. So that’s why I have decided to offer 2x Distant Reiki Healing Sessions for free. How you can benefit from that is what I will explain in the short video below:
This is the page I was talking about in the video.
- When you subscribe to my mailing below I can give you access to the free spiritual healing course (layer 1) by the London College of Spirituality. This free course has a value of £300 and takes about 2 weeks to complete.
- When you decide to move further and upgrade to layer 2 (healing your limiting beliefs around scarcity consciousness & self-expression) you can then benefit from these 2x Distant Reiki Healing Sessions worth £90.
In case you have any further questions or you would like to discuss what Reiki can do for you then feel free to reach out using my contact form.