How To Remember Our Souls Purpose?
My First Wheel of Time Reaction | Does The Wheel Of Time Teach Us How To Remember Our Souls Purpose?
As we are all trying to “shake off” the collective believes indoctrinated by the society which unfortunately only took us further away from our True Authentic Self. Now many Spiritual Seekers made it their purpose to remember their unique soul purposes. So what does it mean, to “remember our soul purpose?
First of all my idea around remembering our purpose in life is to look back at what we loved doing most in our childhood. Could this be around playing outside from dawn to dusk? Or maybe we enjoyed creating things?
Then I watched the first 5 episodes from the Amazon fantasy series The Wheel of Time. I know as a right-brainer myself I already have quite some imagination. But fantasy series is for me not always a fantasy. Sometimes I like to view them as a documentary. Therefore I would like to share my point of view and my first reaction to episode 1 of The Wheel of Time. And of course how that relates to remembering our soul’s purpose here on Planet Earth.
So How Does The Wheel of Time Relates To Remembering Your Soul’s Purpose?
It’s never really about “finding your purpose” because what you are looking for already exists. That what really excites you gives you true meaning, joy, purpose, and fulfillment also already exist. It’s about “remembering” which also refers to re-connecting to our True Authentic Self.
We have been so conditioned to separate and isolate from our true nature that we constantly feel that something is missing.
Creating a Place to Remember is about owning your place in a world that does everything in its power to separate you from your True Authentic Self. And therefore your spiritual powers. It’s about peeling the layers of disempowering beliefs and societal conditions on how we have to be, what we must do and have. (Or don’t have).
The process of connecting with our Truth of Experiencing Ourselves in the silence and solitude of your very existence is probably the most rebellious act you can perform.
In the Amazon Fantasy Series; The Wheel of Time it became clear that perhaps our soul’s mission or purpose might have already been given to us even before we incarnated in our physical bodies in this time and space.
Yes, there is a general soul purpose of Remembering (Remember & Reconnect) with our True Authentic Self or Essence. Experience infinite possibilities of realities in order to ascend to self-actualization. There might also be a soul purpose or mission that has been given to us at an individual level.
It’s like a “contract” we must complete and fulfill. Yes, we continue to have free will to decide if we accept it or not. But if we don’t then we continue to struggle and make sacrifices in order to learn the lessons. These lessons are again presented to us in order to remember our soul’s purpose of the contract. The process of Alignment.
Within this contract could maybe entail the lessons of karma. That perhaps we have an ancestral lineage that was connected to the slave trade in the 17th century. Now in this lifetime, we could reverse the karma by helping people to free themselves from modern slavery. For example.
Or we have to learn the lesson or remember the truth that once we decide to serve the Universe by living our purpose that the Universe will serve us in providing all the resources needed to fulfill that purpose. To learn about trust, allowance, and surrender to the flow of life. Like the river that flows with the path of the least resistance.
Learn to overcome our fears. That life comes and goes in seasons. Like the way of the leaf. The leaf falls from the tree and becomes part of the soil, which feeds again the roots of the trees. The tree produces now new leafs in the season of spring. Going with the waves of life could help us further in connecting with our nature. Like we are part of something bigger.
Prepare for “upgraded” realities.
When you are on a spiritual path of collecting reminders or aligning yourself you become more of an observer. You see our current 3D matrix as a simulation or as a game. The power and control systems and how they trigger us.
In my next post, I go a bit further and deeper into this topic of multiple realities.
For now, I can only say that it becomes time to learn how we can free ourselves from this devolving and declining 3D matrix that keeps us in lower states in consciousness.
First of all, we all must connect more with nature. The spirit of nature is real and gives us inspiration, insights, and creative ideas on how to move forward in life.
Second, through meditation and other spiritual healing practices, we can also connect with different states of consciousness and healing energies.
Thirdly, coming together through social meetups, workshops and retreats also can help us to lift up our spirits. However, as time will tell the restrictions around travel will probably make this more challenging.

The good news is, is that there is an ever-new evolving technology coming that can really help us to meet, learn and share in a virtual reality setting. Like a video game, but now it’s finally designed for business and educational purposes. Also, the new introduction of Augmented Realities. This can also be used to explain the “invisible.” AR is basically a visual effect of the real world projected through a VR glass.
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Nice to read all this!