How To Create a Personal Development Plan
Discover How To Create a Personal Development Plan For The Next 12 Months…

Personal development is one of these things that often feels like a MUST or a luxury. Something we will do when we really have to. Like when something is not really working anymore for us or we start to feel stuck. Or we suddenly go through a intense loss, “failure“, pain or intense suffering.
But is this really the way to practice personal development? Isn’t this a way of failing to plan therefore we plan to fail? Shouldn’t we commit ourselves to create at least a personal development plan? If so then how do you create or follow a personal development plan?
In this video/post I share a personal development presentation that includes a template for following a personal development plan for at least 12 months. Why 12 months? Well my friend that is what you are going to learn in my next video:
Here Is How You Can Create a Personal Development Plan For The Next 12 Months:

Click Here To Learn More About The 3 Keys To Transformative Learning!
What You Will Learn In This Personal Development Presentation
For creating and following your own personal development plan you first must begin with setting your own intentions. Like why you want to follow your personal development? What and how are you going to create/follow, what is it going to give you, and how is it going to make you feel?
For me personally is to learn to trust myself more, other people, my creative process and that all the necessary resources will come my way in a abundant way when I keep creating.
Another thing is what many of us desire at a deeper soul level is to serve a purpose. I mean you can have a job to pay the bills, a career ladder to climb, a business to create wealth or you can combine it with the awareness you are serving a higher purpose.

When to do personal development?
We often think about personal development as a “activity” we need to schedule into our busy days. And yes you can actively practice self reflection work that will make you more aware of who you really are and who you want to be. But sometimes it’s just tuning into a state of being at how you can look at yourself, circumstances and other people.
You can for example go through a loss and often we surrender into our victim mentality. We feel powerless about our circumstances and blame ourselves, others or the things “that happened to us” but it’s actually a invitation. It’s a invitation for personal growth, new insights and deeper awareness about ourselves.
“Because your thing is actually not about your thing, it’s just a vehicle to personal growth”.
So there are actually 2 ways to grow. The first one is through hardship, loss, failure, pain and suffering. Because that made us realize how not to do “our thing.” It will give us a invitation to remind ourselves who we choose to be.
The other way is through the practice of self reflection. Developing a deeper understanding of our nature, connecting with our True Self and practicing Mindfulness for deeper insights and awareness.
There are 2 names for these types of personal growth hacks which you will learn in this free presentation.
What the 3 main key elements are all about in this personal development plan.
Going through this 12 months personal development may sound very intimidating but you actually follow just 3 main key elements.
These 3 main key elements refers to your own personal growth, developing unity and envisioning your day & future.
We spoke already quite a bit about your own personal growth by developing deeper insights and awareness about yourself. Developing unity refers to creating unity within yourself and others. Collaborate and cooperate with others and the world around you.
Envisioning is creating practical action plans about executing your goals. Making your desires a reality by serving your purpose.
How This Personal Development Plan Is Going To Give You Results.
You see what we think we want are of course outcomes & results. We want more money, a thriving business, a super-sexy and athletic body and the great relationships. I call these our “surface desires.”
Then we think about the “how-to” or the “what to do.” Which is still something we can learn at a intellectual level.
But what is much more important is how you are going to “fuel” your daily actions. This can even go further then just creating your “WHY.” I mean so often we know exactly what to do or how to do it but we can’t feel the inspiration. Perhaps we have a doubt, a fear or a limited believe.
Working on your daily personal development plan is going to help you to overcome your doubts, fears and limited believes. It will give you the fuel (the inspiration and motivation) to execute your daily actions.
See Here How To Start With Your Personal Development Plan.
What Else You Are Going To Learn In This Personal Development Presentation…
- What kind of questions you constantly should ask yourself.
- Stepping above your lower self by asking yourself this one thing.
- How to bring unity and harmony between various parts of your thinking, feeling and being.
- What you must know about personal development and growth. (The dark side of it).
- Discover what “self fueled goals” are all about.
- See what the 50/50 rule is all about made by Google.

Sign Up Now & Get Started With Your Personal Development Plan.
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