High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive Person
How in the earth can we finally understand not just the Highly Sensitive Person but also the High Sensation Seeking peeps. Or what if you are both?

As being a highly sensitive person is not complicated enough there are also people that are both high sensitive and high sensation seekers. So what exactly does that mean and how in the earth can you start to deal with these type of complicated personality traits?
Well first of all we make things more complicated then they should be. The reason for that is because of a level of awareness. Or a lack of it I must say.
Self awareness is the key to a thriving life. Once you are aware of your traits and personality characteristics you can start to take better decisions that suits you better. I call this “aligning with your True Self.” Or Remembering who you truly are before the world told you who you had to be.
In my next video we dive deeper into understanding the under vs over stimulation’s of the high sensation seeking highly sensitive person.

Personally I used to struggle a lot with my work/career life therefore also financially. All of that leaded more into emotional instability such as stress, anxiety and depression. And as you might know all your thoughts, feelings and emotions sends out a powerful vibrational frequency into the Universe. That will activate the Law of Vibration which works together with the Law of Attraction.
In other words I was constantly attraction (or unconsciously) creating unpleasant events that felt very contracted. You can read my full story so far right here.
Over vs Under Stimulation of the Highly Sensitive High Sensation Seeking Person.
As a highly sensitive person you know what’s like to feel overwhelmed. Like maybe you love to connect with interesting people but after some time you need your own space again to recharge. Spending time alone to recharge and to reflect is a MUST for the highly sensitive person.
Things like nature walks, mindfulness, meditation, reading, listening to music, exercise can all help you to ground yourself. And avoid over stimulation. Stay in touch with your body, mind and spirit.
Because this all feels very nice the HSP tends to stay in these very comfortable and relaxation zones. This can eventually also cause some issues.
Over stimulation can cause things like stress, anxiety or feelings of burn-out (mental and emotional exhaustion).
Under stimulation can cause something called a “bore-out.” You are dying from boredom because of the lack of excitement, joy, adventure and new experiences in your life. You are way to comfortable which is a deathtrap for your soul as well.
The high sensation seeker is not just a thrill-seeker but someone who needs constantly new kind of stimulation in order to feel alive and to re-align.
How I became aware of my High Sensation Seeking / Highly Sensitive Traits.
That I was a highly sensitive person was something I was aware of for a pretty long time. This became clear after I started to struggle with a burn-out and spiritual depletion around the year 2012. Which you can read more about under my story.
But also high sensation seeker?
The year 2016/2017/2018/2019 was for me the time to dive deeper into my soul. Clearing many negative believes and to become more self aware. I was spending a lot of time alone. A part-time driving job that got me around the country, spending lots of time alone in nature and doing some writing/video editing from home.
Working from home sounds like a dream for many high sensitive people. And yes it surely has it’s benefits. Specially when you work 5 days a week in a office somewhere in a city center that requires 2+ hours of commute each and every day.
But I left that kind of environment years ago so that wasn’t any issue for me anymore.
My personal challenge was the feeling of isolation from many like-minded souls. I felt I didn’t had enough stimulation’s. Of course I could attend Meetup groups and workshops and such but all these social gatherings also require a time and financial investment.
Because of that I became un-productive. Working from my tiny little desk in my bedroom couldn’t inspire me so I had to find alternatives.
I had to find a balance between creating my video blogs in nature while travelling and hiking, writing, editing, social media marketing and networking at a Open Work Space somewhere around London. That would give me actually the feeling that I “go to work.” When done at my Open Work Space I can go home with the feeling that I have actually done something.
If this is something you would like to explore as well then I can suggest Workspace.co.uk. They have memberships that can give you access to over 10-20 open work spaces around London with also possibilities to your own desk or meeting rooms. Just use your coupon voucher “Jean-Paul” when signing up. Fill this in under “where did you found us” and use this as your referral name.
To sum it all up.
Know and become aware when you need new kind of stimulation’s in order to feel alive, connected, inspired, motivated, creative and productive. Whether it’s constantly changing your (work) environments or work activities. This is the time to express yourself and getting out in the world.
Know and become aware when and where you need your time to re-charge, re-align yourself and reflect on your thoughts, feelings and emotions. This is the time to have some alone-time exploring your inner world. Connect with your soul that just wants to be, experience itself and express itself.
Eventually it all starts to work together simultaneously. Your state of being is in alignment with your actions and achievements.
Instead of hustling your butt off in order to get your needs met you become a Master of Self. You become a master of aligning yourself with your True Self by remembering and sharing your gifts as intuitive empath.
To learn more about this process I suggest you check out this video about remembering your gifts as a highly sensitive person, empath or Lightworker.