My Shamanic Journey

My Shamanic Journey

Journey with me to Eastbourne UK where I share my personal experience of a Shamanic Journey… From the 7th of April 2017 until 9th of April I traveled to Eastbourne for a Shamanic Journey, a retreat close to the beautiful cliffs England has to offer. What you are about to discover is my own personal…

The Nr 1 Challenge For Empaths

The Nr 1 Challenge For Empaths

The Nr 1 Challenge For Empaths, Highly Sensitive People or so called Lightworkers… Empaths or Highly Sensitive People are not only sensitive to their surroundings but also in picking up energies from other people and even the entire universe. It’s sometimes like bounding from the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension or even higher and…

Highly Sensitive Person Careers – Are There Any Jobs For The Highly Sensitive Person?

Highly Sensitive Person Careers – Are There Any Jobs For The Highly Sensitive Person?

Highly Sensitive Person Careers – Are There Any Jobs For The Highly Sensitive Person? When you discovered that you are a Highly Sensitive Person you might be wondering what career will suit you well. As a HSP-er myself I struggled most with my own career path. The reason for that is “simple”, lack of Self…

Love or Above Review

Love or Above Review

My “Love or Above Review” – Is Love or Above by Christie Marie Sheldon any good, and will it work for you? In This Love Or Above Review by Christie Marie Sheldon we will have a in-depth look at where this program is all about and if this is something for you. Love or Above…

What Is My Purpose in life? Discover What is life all about….

What Is My Purpose in life? Discover What is life all about….


Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Kundalini Awakening Symptoms is a Kundalini Awakening Dangerous? Perhaps you practice kundalini yoga and you heard about Kundalini Awakening and what it can do for you, or you just want to work on your own spiritual development but wonder if there are any symptoms caused by a Kundalini Awakening. Nonetheless in this post I will share my own experience…

How To Overcome a Dis-empowered Life

How To Overcome a Dis-empowered Life

The 3 Roles We Play When We Give Away Our Personal Power, Where They Come From And How To Overcome Them… We all have experienced the feeling of dis-empowerment once in one of our life areas, when we are not in control over own our life and when we feel we don’t have any power…