How To Overcome a Dis-empowered Life

How To Overcome a Dis-empowered Life

The 3 Roles We Play When We Give Away Our Personal Power, Where They Come From And How To Overcome Them… We all have experienced the feeling of dis-empowerment once in one of our life areas, when we are not in control over own our life and when we feel we don’t have any power…

Thoughts on Hard Work, is Working Hard For The Money Healthy?

Thoughts on Hard Work, is Working Hard For The Money Healthy?


Why Are So Many People Broke(n)?

Why Are So Many People Broke(n)?

Why Are So Many People Broke(n) Have Financial Problems And Or Are In Debt? #Mindhacking In the next video we dive deep again into the subconsciousness mind to figure out why people struggle financially which has also always been my personal struggle. Trying to find my place in the world…          …